Government Created Pathogens: Will MAHA Finally Expose Origins of Lyme Disease?
Lyme Disease is Slow Motion Covid: Plum Island Bio-Lab and 50 Years of Cover-Up
The US federal government’s role in the Lyme Disease epidemic is a slow-motion replay of the Covid-19 pandemic…fund and create illness, cover up origin, limit treatment options, let patients suffer, persecute ethical doctors, fund bogus research, control reporting data, dismiss long-term symptoms, repeat.
In this article by V1SUT:
Emergence of Lyme Disease & Half Century Cover-Up
WWII, Operation Paperclip, Actual Nazis and Plum Island Bio-Lab off Long Island
Texas Tick is Smoking Gun Yet Government Now Blames Climate Change
Lone Star Tick, Alpha-Gal Syndrome & Bill Gates’ Twisted Climate Agenda: Is Exploding Meat Allergy Lyme 2.0?
Congress Funds to Control Lyme Disease Narrative But Will Not Investigate Origins
Government, Academia & Subterfuge: Funding the Usual Suspects
CDC Resists Chronic Lyme Disease, Now Blames Long Covid: Fabricated Pathogens Behave Similarly
Schumer & Gillibrand Block Sale of Plum Island as High-Risk Lab Relocated to Heart of Cattle Country
America is ready for truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth concerning its out-of-control government, particularly in the area of public health. As yesterday’s conspiracy theory about the lab origins of Covid-19 has become today’s accepted fact, the genesis of another ongoing epidemic deserves closer examination.
For more than fifty (50) years, many have claimed Lyme disease was created and released from a government lab on Plum Island off the coast of Long Island, New York. The theory, while regularly dismissed by bureaucrats, politicians and their publicly funded scientists, is logical, persistent, supported by several well-researched books and documentaries, and frankly, loaded with common sense.
It will take incoming President Donald J. Trump’s new federal heads of defense, health, agriculture and homeland security to release the full truth about Plum Island, Lyme disease, and perhaps, other vector-borne illnesses with government ties.
Emergence of Lyme Disease & Half Century Cover-Up
During the early 1970s, children in a cluster of communities in and around the coastal town of Lyme, Connecticut, began mysteriously manifesting symptoms of an illness initially believed to be some form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The infliction commonly included rashes, migraines, reoccurring fevers and severe joint pain and swelling.
By the time researchers from the Yale School of Medicine stepped in, 39 children and 12 adults were identified as suffering from what was initially called Lyme arthritis and is now known as Lyme disease.
As researchers identified a common, target-shaped skin lesion called erythema migrans among much of the group, ticks were quickly suspected as the carriers of the illness.
Further investigation revealed common symptoms in communities on the Connecticut coast and Long Island actually began during the 1960s.
Over the past fifty (50) years, Lyme disease cases have spread in radiating, geographic circles emanating from the area. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) maintains an interactive map that documents annual cases of Lyme disease in the US over time and visually suggests Long Island Sound as the area of origin.
Despite likely cases dating back to the 1960s, it wasn’t until 1991 that the CDC began recognizing Lyme disease as “a nationally notifiable condition in the United States”. The CDC dragged its feet in admitting to a trickle of what was and is an ongoing flood of serious illness. Since the 1970s, millions have been infected.
In 2022 (latest available data), the agency claims “over 63,000 cases of Lyme disease were reported to CDC”. Within the same paragraph on its website, the CDC acknowledges, then attempts to discredit, the existence of nearly eight (8) times as many cases annually:
“Recent estimates using other methods suggest that approximately 476,000 people may be diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year in the United States. This number likely includes patients who are treated based on clinical suspicion but do not actually have Lyme disease.” - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website
This cat-and-mouse game of stringently weeding out the majority of likely cases has caused both providers and health insurers to deny needed treatment alternatives to Lyme disease sufferers for decades. And only in more recent years has the tick-borne spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, known since 1982 to cause Lyme disease, become an allowable part of the public and treatment conversations.
With most Americans still believing Lyme disease to be a naturally occurring pathogen, New Englanders living among those most damaged have long labeled Plum Island as its source, dubbing it New England’s Area 51 or Biological Three Mile Island.
WWII, Operation Paperclip, Actual Nazis and Plum Island Bio-Lab off Long Island
The emergence of Lyme disease coincides, both geographically and chronologically, with clandestine experiments conducted within a US Department of Agriculture facility that doubled as a military bioweapons research laboratory. The facility, The Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC), is located on a 3-mile strip off the eastern end of the North Fork coast of Long Island.
Most recently, the laboratory falls under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Directorate for Science and Technology (S&T) and operates in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
As the seabird flies, Plum Island is just nine (9) miles from the Connecticut shoreline, the epicenter of the original outbreak. Ironically, that’s roughly the same distance from the US funded Wuhan Institute of Virology to the Huanan market that initially and falsely took the heat for starting the Covid pandemic in China.
The nefarious happenings on Plum Island can be traced back to the end of WWII and the burgeoning US military industrial complex’s recruitment of scientists from the crumbled Third Reich including a man named Erich Traub (1906–1985).
Near the end of WWII, the US government began recruiting Nazi scientists with the promise of protection, employment and citizenship. These recruits were said to have been only nominal participants in Nazi activities but ended up totally over 2,000 individuals within what was termed Operation Paperclip.
Traub, a Germany citizen, studied on a fellowship at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in Princeton, New Jersey, during the 1930s and was known at that time for his involvement in pro-Nazi activities inside the US. Nevertheless, American academia filled him with knowledge about pathogens which he took back to Nazi Germany as WWII was brewing.
During the war, Traub served as lab chief of Insel Riems, then a secret, Nazi biological warfare lab on an island in the Baltic Sea that operated under the guise of a cancer research project. Traub worked directly for SS leader Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler's second-in-charge, on germ warfare projects including a weaponized form of foot-and-mouth disease reportedly deployed by airplane over Russia during the war.
Despite his history, post-WWII, the U.S. military recruited Traub to work within its biological warfare program (1949 to 1953). Traub was involved with the creation of the animal research facility on Plum Island, then known as Fort Terry, and also briefly worked for the USDA which now oversees the PIADC.
During the early 1950s, the lab was a U.S. Army Chemical Corps facility that conducted animal biological warfare research targeting enemy livestock. As part of the facility’s earliest research, Plum Island was the site of experiments with disease-infected ticks designed to be airdropped behind enemy lines.
In his 1982 book The Belarus Secret: The Nazi Connection in America, former U.S. prosecutor and Army intelligence officer John Loftus reveals Plum Island’s dangerous history. During the 1970s, Loftus was granted above top-secret access to a trove of government documentation when tasked with investigating Nazi war crimes through the DOJ’s Office of Special Investigations:
“Even more disturbing are the records of the Nazi germ warfare scientists who came to America. They experimented with poison ticks dropped from planes to spread rare diseases. I have received some information suggesting that the U.S. tested some of these poison ticks on the Plum Island artillery range off the coast of Connecticut during the early 1950’s. . . Most of the germ warfare records have been shredded, but there is a top secret U.S. document confirming that ‘clandestine attacks on crops and animals’ took place at this time.” - John Loftus (The Belarus Secret)
The book Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory (2004), written by attorney Michael C. Carroll, further details testing on Plum Island:
“Preposterous as it sounds, clandestine outdoor germ warfare trials were almost routine during this period. In 1952, the Joint Chiefs of Staff called for a vigorous, well-planned, large-scale [biological warfare] test to the secretary of defense later that year stating, ‘Steps should be taken to make certain of adequate facilities are available, including those at Fort Detrick (MD), Dugway Proving Ground (UT), Fort Terry (Plum Island, NY) and an island field testing area.‘ Was Plum Island the island field testing area? Indeed, when the Army first scouted Plum Island for its Cold War designs, they charted wind speeds and direction and found that, much to their liking, the prevailing winds blew out to sea.”
Along with virus outbreaks, infected workers and periodic flushing of contaminated sewage into area waters, Carroll’s research uncovered a 1978 USDA document that confirmed ”Plum Island was experimenting with the Lone Star tick and the Cayenne tick-feeding them on viruses and testing them on pigs during the ground zero year of Lyme disease.”
Texas Tick is Smoking Gun Yet Govt Now Blames Climate Change
Plum Island’s experimentation involving ticks infused with pathogens is connected to a particular species likely chosen because of its size, aggressiveness and potential for invasiveness. The Lone Star tick was exclusively a southern species native to warm, dry portions of Texas prior to the emergence of Lyme disease in New England.
This large, hard tick species was first discovered in New England in 1971, in Suffolk County, New York, home of Plum Island, as the first cases of Lyme disease were emerging. And New England’s version of the Lone Star tick is a beefed-up bully, having significantly overtaken other indigenous varieties. Along with the closely related deer tick, the Lone Star tick is a known culprit in spreading Lyme disease.
A 2019 New England Journal of Medicine perspective article entitled Bracing for the Worst — Range Expansion of the Lone Star Tick in the Northeastern United States, co-authored by Dr. Goudarz Molaei, Ph.D. (Yale), connects the Lone Star tick to a number of current human illnesses including Lyme disease but conveniently suggests climate change is likely responsible for the relocation of this species to New England and now Canada despite the timing and nature of Plum Island research.
In fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now absurdly uses Lyme disease as proof of climate change and not the potentially dangerous incompetence of government.
Lone Star Tick, Alpha-Gal Syndrome & Bill Gates’ Twisted Climate Agenda: Is Exploding Meat Allergy Lyme 2.0?
In 2007, University of Virginia researcher Dr. Thomas Platts-Mills discovered a specific and potentially life-threatening allergy to meat and other mammalian products specifically transmitted by the Lone Star tick. The hypersensitivity to a mammalian sugar called alpha-gal, since labeled alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), was not connected to early cases of Lyme disease but is now a co-occurring condition for many Lyme sufferers.
“Alpha-gal syndrome is a type of food allergy. It makes people allergic to red meat and other products made from mammals. In the United States, the condition usually begins with the bite of the Lone Star tick.” - Mayo Clinic website
According to the CDC, more than 110,000 alpha-gal syndrome cases were reported between 2010 and 2022, primarily in eastern, southeastern and south-central parts of the US. The CDC believes there may be as many as 450,000 additional, unreported cases.
Oddly, there was no epidemic of allergies to meat in Texas when the Lone Star tick was naturally confined to that habitat prior to Lyme disease. Something unnatural seems to have happened to that tick.
During an era when our government is creating pandemics while climate fanatics and opportunists like Bill Gates insist “all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef” because flatulence from cattle is warming the Earth, it may be time to question a simultaneously emerging, medical intolerance to real meat caused by a lab modified tick.
Congress Funds to Control Lyme Disease Narrative But Will Not Investigate Origins
In 2019, longtime US representative Chris Smith (D now R, NJ) proposed a legislative amendment forcing an investigation into the origins of Lyme disease. Smith cited the volumes of published information pointing to the US military’s testing on Plum Island between 1950 and 1975, including the book Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons (2019) by Stanford science writer and Lyme disease sufferer Kris Newby.
Newby had previously teamed with documentary filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson to produce Under Our Skin, a disturbing, 2-part documentary (2008/2014) about the plight of debilitated Lyme disease patients and, as during the Covid pandemic, the government’s relentless attacks upon the few doctors willing to effectively treat their chronic conditions.
In Bitten, Newby interviewed then retired National Institute of Health (NIH) researcher Dr. Willy Burgdorfer (1925-2014), the discoverer of the microbe that causes Lyme disease. Within the book, Burgdorfer reveals his own clandestine role in creating pathogens as biological weapons and admits the government was well aware of Lyme disease’s chronic and reoccurring nature, as well as its particularly devastating effects on the neurological systems of children.
Burdorfer‘s comments strongly suggest the NIH has hidden Lyme’s origins through research funding. “The controversy in Lyme disease research is a shameful affair,” states Burdorfer. He further declared Lyme disease research funding should instead be granted to clinicians “who don’t know beforehand the results of their research.”
Rep. Smith believed the mounting evidence warranted an investigation:
“This book and all the others, is it conspiracy theory stuff? I don’t think it is. There’s just too much on the record now with Burgdorfer to suggest otherwise. It might help us figure out why people are so sick...If you are going to figure out how to treat it, why not figure out how it came to be? If it came about because of bioweapons research, it might provide a clue how to unravel it. There might be some accountability for those who did this, like there should be.” - Rep. Chris Smith (2019)
Predictably, Congress did not adopt Smith’s proposed amendment to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that would’ve required an investigation into Lyme disease’s true origins.
Government, Academia & Taxpayer-Financed Subterfuge: Funding the Usual Suspects
In an attached audio interview within the New England Journal of Medicine perspective article, lead author Dr. Molaei stresses the importance of the Department of Defense (DOD) being involved in fighting Lyme disease. Why would the DOD be involved in what government reports as a naturally occurring illness that has only spread because of climate change? It wouldn’t…because it likely isn’t…and it likely didn’t.
Also in the audio interview, Molaei stumps for then pending legislation that would further fund university research and control state data involving Lyme disease.
The Kay Hagan Tick Act (2019), introduced by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Tina Smith (D-MN), continued the federal Tick-Borne Working Group (21st Century Cures Act-2016) and provided $150 million to research Lyme disease and other exploding and related illnesses.
In addition to funding for institutions like Molaei’s Yale University, the bill provides $20 million per year to state health departments for the collection of case data reported to the federal government. Much like Covid-19, those same state agencies have actively persecuted doctors who treat desperate Lyme patients outside of highly limited federal government protocols. And Yale University has been involved with Lyme disease research since the first cases over fifty (50) years ago.
Molaei is employed by Yale and also as an agricultural scientist for the State of Connecticut, both recipients of funding under the bill. Academia is being paid to control the narrative despite obvious conflicts of interest and double dipping with public funds.
After stripping the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act of a proposed investigation into the origin of Lyme disease, Congress passed the legislation with the Kay Hagan Tick Act funding for academia and state governments included.
Just months later, the Kay Hagan Tick Act’s co-author Senator Susan Collins (ME) was joined by Senators Edward Markey (MA), Robert Menendez (NJ), Chris Van Hollen (MD), Elizabeth Warren (MA), Angus King (ME) and Richard Blumenthal (CT) in sending a 4-page letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci has been with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1968, moving into a leadership position at the agency during 1974, as the first cases of Lyme disease were identified.
While the letter questioned a lack of research, funding, grants, vaccines and new government entities to manage the Lyme disease epidemic, it neglected to ask where the epidemic started. As usual, Congress wants to appear tough while spending more, growing government and avoiding any accountability for harming the populace.
CDC Resists Chronic Lyme Disease, Now Blames Long Covid: Fabricated Pathogens Behave Similarly
In 2022, the Tick-Borne Working Group (HHS) released its third report to Congress which avoids mention of the origins of Lyme disease but requests funding to study “clinical similarities, mechanisms of pathogenesis, and common etiologies for long COVID and other infection-associated chronic illnesses, with tick-associated chronic illness and/or persistent symptoms associated with tick-borne diseases”.
It appears DC is aware lab-created pathogens like Covid, and likely Lyme disease, have similarly devastating, unnatural, long-term effects on humans. Conveniently, they are using long Covid to cover for chronic Lyme symptoms.
Both Covid-19 and Lyme disease disrupt the blood-brain barrier causing widespread, debilitating, long-term, neurological and sensory damage. Common to both are chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches/migraines, chronic pain conditions, neurocognitive dysfunction (brain fog), Meniere’s disease (inner ear), autoimmune challenges, anxiety and tremors/seizures.
The CDC’s current stance is that once a patient is treated with short-term antibiotics, any remaining symptoms are unlikely to be related to Lyme disease, and doctors should look for other causes such as long Covid. This illogical “science” dismisses the observable, serious, long-term damage done by Lyme disease and reeks of a cover up. Of course, research funded by the federal government assures us all the CDC is again, as always, correct.
Schumer & Gillibrand Block Sale of Plum Island as High-Risk Lab Relocated to Heart of Cattle Country
The recent relocation of the PIADC to Manhattan, Kansas, as the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) brought surprisingly open admissions that the previous facility was less than safe for the pathogen research they conducted. Previous outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in 1978 and 2004 (twice) resulted in the facility being forced to destroy hundreds of their own livestock subjects.
Relocating the lab to the heart of livestock country brings increased risk of a less containable future outbreak.
With the relocation of the PIADC in the works, the U.S. government briefly head-faked about selling Plum Island for development until Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) moved to permanently block the sale of the island and it’s well-guarded secrets.
In December 2020, during the chaos following the highly contested presidential election, Schumer and Gillibrand used a must-pass federal spending bill to permanently block the sale of Plum Island and provide $19 million for its “clean up”. The narrative was wildlife conservation, but the island remains guarded under the control of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
It will take those at the top of the Departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Agriculture and Defense during President Donald J. Trump’s second administration to jointly release the entire truth about Plum Island’s hidden past and pathogens. The time is now. Contact your representatives in Congress and demand an investigation.
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Outstanding research. I hope and RFK Jr. read this and act soon with the incoming Trump Administration.
Thanks for a great article. I laughed at the notion those Texas ticks moved north because it was becoming too hot down there. I'm no expert, but I can tell you hot weather is no problem for a tick. Water is a problem for them, though. They sink like rocks in water, so we can be sure they didn't swim away from Plum Island!