The Steal Team seems to have determined they will need to successfully influence a certain number of races within the November 2022 elections to complete the theft of Oklahoma from its citizens. At minimum, they need a governor as the highest seat in the state, an attorney general to ensure laws are applied or ignored in their favor, and someone in Washington DC to carry their wishes in Congress. Any additional wins would just be icing on their corrupt cake. After plundering the primaries with a flood of dark money, and with a core of motivated funders backing several particularly duplicitous candidates, they are well positioned to execute their plan in November’s general election.
From Partisan to Power Politics
If you were still on the fence about the replacement of traditional party politics with an all-out battle between the people and the powerful, this episode should settle that debate once and for all. The Steal Team has handpicked candidates to put their resources behind, and they are not all running under one party banner. A willingness to take direction from the wealthy and powerful once elected is a requirement for these lackies parading as leaders, making party affiliation a mere costume worn to fool the populous. At this point, a costume change mid-steal is even allowed.
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If you’ve been following How to Steal a State from the beginning, you understand how the handful of political grifters coordinating the dark money surging through the state often use false Republican candidates to fool the state’s conservative majority. In keeping with this strategy, at least two of their ‘Dream Team’ of underhanded underlings espouse to be conservative Republicans, while another former RINO recently came out as her authentic, progressive, Democrat self after years of feigning conservative principles.
For many, this episode will cause considerable cognitive dissonance, as one of Oklahoma’s public pillars of conservative virtue is showing the puppet strings attaching to his extremities as we speak.
Oklahoma’s Tech Tyrant & Tribes Move From Dark Money Defense to Super PAC Offense
Throughout Season 5 of How to Steal at State, we’ve uncovered the non-transparent groups attacking both Governor Stitt and the state’s attorney general John O’Connor. As The Oklahoma Project, Sooner State Leadership Fund, and Conservative Voice of America feigned actual principles as a cover for hurling discredited accusations at Stitt and/or O’Connor through massive media buys, malicious mailers and duplicitous websites, it became clear both the cannabis industry and the Native tribes of Oklahoma would rather install state leaders more obedient to their interests. Other straight-up elitists, such as Paycom founder Chad Richison, have been far more public in their opposition to the state’s current administration and its inconvenient habit of protecting individual liberties.
Paycom founder and CEO, billionaire Chad Richison
We know who these groups and individuals detest to the tune of millions in attack ads, but who is it they’re currently seeking to install as puppet officeholders in the stead of those they so falsely discredit? Behind whose campaigns might The Steal Team be strategically pooling their resources?
Early on in this election cycle (February 2022), the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) detected an unusual pattern of common campaign donors crossing party lines and supporting like candidates with synchronicity. Some familiar faces were contributing, either directly or through family and/or employees, to the campaigns of both Joy Hofmeister (now D) for governor and Gentner Drummond (R) for attorney general, including two former contributors to the Joy Hofmeister Defense Fund (Chad Richison of Paycom, and H.E. Rainbolt of BancFirst).
Mugshot of now Democrat candidate for governor, Joy Hofmeister
An astonishing number of the crossover contributors to both the Hofmeister and Drummond campaigns have direct ties to Paycom, Oklahoma’s Native tribes or the casino and gaming industry, suggesting an alliance of special interests eager to replace both the current governor and attorney general.
AG candidate/cannabis financier Gentner Drummond (R) & wife Wendy (attorney)
Among the contributors to both the Hofmeister and Drummond campaigns:
Since that time, this core of funders has expanded their starting roster of candidates to include not only Hofmeister and Drummond, but at least one additional seat of critical importance to Oklahomans.
Their collective contributions have produced heartwarming and inspiring commercials to ensure voters of the complete commitment of each of their identified candidates to “Oklahoma values”. Faith and family are again election year themes. As is true with everything The Steal Team touches, nothing is as they portray it to be.
A Trifecta of Puppet Races
Donation records at both the state and federal level show multiple tribal nations, members of the Rainbolt family, Chad and Charis Richison, and a handful of other donors as all supporting at least three common candidates during the 2022 election cycle.
Just as How to Steal a State sought to gain a deeper and more personal understanding of the consultants coordinating dark money and arranging the hits on the true people’s representatives who dare to seek or retain public office, it’s time to compare the public faces of The Steal Team’s ‘Dream Team’ with reality. In this episode, we’ll cover the least expected of these three political draft picks and dig into the deep pockets that appear to have him under contract.
The Steal Team’s 2022 #1 Draft Pick – James Lankford (R) for re-election to the U.S. Senate
James Lankford prays first, just like you, Oklahoma. That’s clearly what those behind the Lankford campaign and commercials wish for you to remember most as you head into the voting booth. Once again, the tactic of saying what voters want to hear has led to another ad professing the bulletproof Christian faith of a candidate. If even a small portion of these types of ads were sincere, Washington DC would not be the cesspool of immorality and greed that it clearly is.
How might an actual Oklahoman of sincere faith see through the holier-than-thou rhetoric to determine what really awaits should they successfully support such a candidate based on prayerful campaign ads? By following the money behind the ads, of course.
Federal campaigns, such as U.S. Senator Lankford’s current bid for re-election, draw big money from outside of Oklahoma, such as nearly $400,000 to Lankford’s campaign from a PAC called Cornyn Victory Committee made up primarily of wealthy Texans from the energy sector. This is not surprising, as many industries and interests across the nation have a vested interest in how the U.S. Senate votes and impacts national policies.
However, it is when looking at donations from within the Sooner state that we come to understand who’s seeking control of the policies that will affect business and life within the state’s boundaries.The Steal Team’s cabal of congregate contributors is so eager to influence Senator Lankford that they created a Super PAC just for the job.As is par for the political pariah, they gave the PAC a snappy name to be sure you believe they think just like you do.
Defend Oklahoma Values: Subversive Super PAC
Defend Oklahoma Values is a Super PAC, a political committee with no spending limits, that appears to exist for the sole purpose of supporting Lankford’s re-election. The group’s website features only two political commercials, one extolling Lankford’s pro-life beliefs and another aligning Lankford with Trump’s immigration and border security policies.
Given the ‘Defend Oklahoma Values’ name and the depiction of Lankford as the ultimate defender of the values the PAC publicly purports to protect, voters may be surprised to find out whose money is behind the entity.
A PAC by the same name was registered in Florida in 2020 with an Ohio address to registered agent George Husted, an employee in the HenryAlan compliance arm of the campaign consulting firm Axiom Strategies of Kansas City. Axiom is currently under fire for violating Oklahoma campaign law related to absentee ballot harvesting. The firm distributed partially completed absentee ballot applications by mail on behalf of now defeated candidate for Tulsa County Commissioner Bob Jack (R).Tulsa Today has covered the scandal from several angles, providing voters with a thorough view of what happens when unscrupulous candidates hire firms like Axiom to do their biddings.
Defeated Tulsa County Commissioner candidate and Axiom Strategies client, Bob Jack (R)
Currently, Defend Oklahoma Values’ registered agent is Robert Phillips III. Though Robert Phillips III appears to be a person, it is an out-of-state company specializing in PAC entity creations nationwide (such as the Right Direction PAC and its collection of attack ads on Youtube).
Defend Oklahoma Values has a very, very small office in Oklahoma. It’s actually the size of a post office box. The entity’s current registered address is post office box #1209 within the Nichols Hills Pack-n-Ship location at 6608 N Western Avenue in Oklahoma City.
Current registered address of Super PAC Defend Oklahoma Values
Defend Oklahoma Values even keeps its money out of state at the Huntington National Bank in Dublin, Ohio. There’s not much Oklahoman about this entity, so its unclear what values it actually supports.
It appears the all-Oklahoman funders of Defend Oklahoma Values wanted to distance themselves as much as possible as they contributed their support to sitting US Senator Lankford. Voters should know who’s picking up the mail at box #1209 in the affluent township of Nichols Hills.
Is Oklahoma’s Local Tech Tyrant Attempting to Buy a US Senator?
According to the Federal Election Commission, contributions to Super PAC Defend Oklahoma Values were kicked off for the 2021-2022 campaign cycle with a generous $50,000 donation from none other than Chad Richison, founder of Paycom. As of late 2021, the online payroll and HR assistance company had 33,875 client businesses involving the personal data of millions of American employees. Richison is a powerful Oklahoman and a potential tool in the hands of those increasingly seeking to centralize control over the nation’s citizenry or target political dissension.
Paycom founder and CEO Chad Richison discusses the company’s rapid growth.
You’ll remember Richison from Season 3 and Season 4 of How to Steal a State, given his clear desire to be a very public manipulanthropist and unelected policy maker:
In Season 3 – On September 10, 2019, Chad Richison donated $20,000 to the Joy Hofmeister Defense Fund, despite charges against Hofmeister for proven dark money collusion being inexplicably dropped by Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater (D) nearly two years prior to Richison’s donation. Hofmeister’s expired need for a defense appears to have been an offense of influence on Richison’s part.
In Season 4 – Chad and Charis Richison gave the maximum allowable donation to Hofmeister’s 2018 re-election campaign as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, plus a $1 million “unrestricted” gift to the Friends of OETA shortly after Hofmeister aligned with OETA’s new executive director Polly Anderson to replace the public television affiliate’s longtime fundraising arm and appoint Hofmeister as chair of the new entity.
Also, during Season 4 – For any Oklahomans who did not yet know billionaire Chad Richison, his actions and public communications during March of 2020, as the plandemic was initially unfolding, clearly cemented him as a public and not-so-popular personality.
As reported in Season 4:
“As soon as Hofmeister closed schools in March of 2020 (“two weeks to flatten the curve” that turned into two years to crush Oklahoma’s children), Richison felt it necessary to advise and criticize Governor Stitt for not overreaching his powers. Richison publicly released a communication addressed to Governor Stitt urging the state government to close in-person businesses, mandate practices for essential activities, and ban non-essential travel.
Imagine the self-important frustration of the billionaire owner of a mega-online corporation when Stitt continued to protect the rights of citizens to assess their own risks and operate their small, in-person businesses so they could feed their families. Richison had purchased Hofmeister, but Stitt did not appear to be for sale.
Undeterred, Oklahoma’s newest Tech Tyrant went to the local media in 2021 to push his mask mandate fetish on everyone’s children, despite the state legislature passing State Bill 658 which made mask mandates illegal. Of course, Oklahoma City Public Schools superintendent Sean McDaniel backed Richison’s position with gusto, claiming a sharp rise in Covid cases among students, as he carefully stuffed the $1 million Richison’s wife Charis provided his district’s foundation arm for Covid relief into his suit pocket. McDaniel, with a total annual compensation package of $264,000 (2019), is the state’s highest paid superintendent, and the pandemic had him running with the big dogs and doing their bidding.”
A more accurate assessment of the situation might state that the public was critical of Richison’s attempts to influence statewide policies that would negatively impact their lives and livelihoods, and instead of practicing some self-reflection, Richison attempted to deflect his frustration on OCPA. In case you didn’t know the elitist rules, billionaires are never wrong and even when they get justifiable blowback for their megalomaniacal actions, someone else must pay.
The frivolous tantrum of a lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice, yet Richison continued to hide behind his company structure to avoid being personally disposed, paying the defendants legal fees and facing potential legal sanctions under Oklahoma’s anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) law.
And now, in the 2022 election cycle, the Richison’s appear to have moved from demanding that public policy adjust to satisfy their non-qualified medical opinions and personal preferences to upping political donations to influence a member of Congress. While both Richison and his wife are officially registered as Independent voters, his very public stances on policy over recent years have been consistently left-leaning, making his role as this election cycle’s founding contributor to Defend Oklahoma Values and connected support of purported conservative Lankford both puzzling and concerning.
Defend Whose Values?
The year 2020 marked Richison’s coming out as an elitist with controlling aspirations. Upon joining Bill Gates’ and Warren Buffets’ Giving Pledge, which includes a bevy of billionaire policy manipulators such as election fraudster Mark Zuckerberg, Richison began an active letter writing campaign beyond his Covid mandate memo to Governor Stitt. Also in March of 2020, Richison penned a direct attempt to dictate and strengthen The University of Oklahoma’s already oppressive diversity, equity and inclusion mandates claiming “previous diversity training efforts failed because they (OU) assured free speech protection.” Go ahead and burn that pesky constitution and just listen to the billionaire on the block.
While Richison was ratcheting up his efforts to control statewide policy, from education to medical decision-making to practices for private business, Oklahomans were pushing back on his DIE (diversity, inclusion, equity) push. By May of 2021, clear headed constituents and their legislators formulated a law (HB 1775) to stop the madness and protect Oklahoma’s students at all levels. It takes all of the villages to stop a tech tyrant.
“no teacher shall require or make part of a course that one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex”. HB 1775 also prohibits mandatory “gender or sexual diversity training or counseling” or “orientation or requirement that presents any form of race or sex stereotyping or a bias on the basis of race or sex” on Oklahoma college campuses.
If You Don’t Get Your Way, Sick Your Employees on Them
Not one to be deterred when public sentiment prevails, in 2021, Paycom upped its efforts to become Oklahoma’s most progressive, major employer by crossing from the mental health focus of Richison’s Green Shoe Foundation to directly interfering with the values of individual families through employee contributions to services that effectively replace the role of family for the “LGBTQ+” and “transitioning-age youth” in Oklahoma.
In June of 2021, Paycom issued a press release celebrating a $20,000 donation to two, Oklahoma City based non-profits:
Founded by Sara Cunningham, this non-profit openly seeks to replace parents who hold different values about sexuality than their offspring and is specifically focused on traditional Christian families and their faith as non-affirming.
Cunningham would prefer to alter Christianity, labeling a commonly referred to yet non-existent scripture calling for believers to ‘love the sinner, and hate the sin’ as “condescending and dehumanizing”. If Cunningham, who proports to be an “ordained minister” was the bible studying, lifelong Christian she portrays herself to be, she would be aware that phrase is not contained within the Christian Bible, though other scriptures do support the expressed theology.
By Free Mom Hugs’ standards, no longer is it acceptable to agree to disagree, hold families together despite differing opinions and love each other without complete and total celebration of every alternate lifestyle choice. If your mom adheres to her lifelong faith and refuses to affirm your sexuality or identity, no worries. This non-profit will give you all the ‘Mom Hugs’ you need with no requirement that you respect anyone else’s right to their own beliefs.
Cunningham will even stand in for your mom at your wedding, if your mother isn’t completely onboard with every decision you’ve ever made. Heck, she’ll even officiate the ceremony, though she was ordained without any formal theological training by rainbow wearing Pastor Neill Spurgin Coffman of Expressions Today Ministry, Inc and The Abbey Church. Expressions Today Ministries’ website now forwards to Evolve Church of OKC, “a fully affirming, non-denominational congregation located near the area of OKC affectionately known as The Gayborhood”. The majority of Evolve Church’s website is devoted to disproving the Christian Bible’s teachings about sexuality.
After performing your ceremony, Cunningham will promptly use the photos to promote herself all over social media. Cunningham has parleyed an occupation, a donation collecting non-profit organization and book deal out of being the mother of a gay son. She’s also hooked up with Hollywood in her efforts to transform Christianity in adherence to progressive principles.
Jamie Lee Curtis’ judgmental lecture to parents, whose beliefs and struggles she knows nothing about, for “rejecting their children for their sexual orientation”, culminates with her all-knowing statement “no one has searched God or the word of God more than the gay Christian or their mother.” Yet Free Mom Hugs, whose purpose largely involves grandstanding and virtue signaling, has the support of both Hollywood and team Paycom.
It wasn’t enough for this homeless shelter to house any homeless youth in need. They had to specialize as a “low-barrier, identity-affirming space in Oklahoma City where unhoused transition-age youth find the shelter and support they need to pursue the life they want”, because it’s always responsible and safe to allow teenagers to live however they want to at any given moment. Sisu serves only those 15-24 years of age, so if you won’t let your teenager take sterilizing hormones in order to ‘transition’, he, she or ‘they’ can “come as they are and be accepted and welcomed with open arms - no matter their gender identity, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religious affiliation”.
Judging by Sisu’s website pictures, the allowed politics of the place represent a much narrower range of openness than the spectrum of gender identities they embrace. And Paycom’s employees are “Paycom Proud” to support them.
Chad Richison was raised in Tuttle, Oklahoma, a place steeped in farmland and family values where he attended Sunday school. He was a high school wrestler and his sister, just a year younger, was a leader in the FFA. How this born and bred Oklahoma boy got so out of step with Oklahoma values is a mystery, but he now leads a Super PAC deceitfully named Defend Oklahoma Values. Perhaps Tears for Fears had a point, but failed to be specific. It seems Every Billionaire Wants to Rule the World.
Who Else Has Money Backing Lankford Through ‘Defend Oklahoma Values’?
Once Richison made his establishing 2021 donation to Defend Oklahoma Values, several notable Oklahomans and a powerful Native tribe quickly jumped onboard with contributions in support of Senator Lankford. Most interestingly, all but one of Defend Oklahoma Values’ 2021 contributors also gave, directly or through family members, to the campaigns of both Joy Hofmeister (D) and Gentner Drummond (R).
7/20/21 – Chad Richison (Paycom founder) – donated $50,000 to Defend Oklahoma Values. Chad and Charis Richison also donated the maximum to both the Hofmeister and Drummond campaigns.
In addition, multiple Paycom connected individuals also contributed to both the Hofmeister and Drummond campaigns, including:
Shannon and Robert Rowe (sister and brother-in-law of Paycom founder Chad Richison)
7/27/21 - David Rainbolt (BancFirst) – donated $15,000 to Defend Oklahoma Values. David Rainbolt’s father, H.E. “Gene” Rainbolt is the millionaire Chairman of BancFirst, former contributor to the Joy Hofmeister Defense Fund (Season 3 of How to Steal a State) and criminal justice reform advocate from Norman, Oklahoma, who recruited David Boren as president of the University of Oklahoma. Boren enacted liberal policies, spent money they didn’t have and left the university’s two campuses with debt of nearly $1.6 billion and a sexual harassment scandal. David Rainbolt’s sister, Leslie Rainbolt-Forbes, was Chair of the OU Board of Regents. With the Rainbolt’s, it’s all in the family, and David’s support of a conservative like Lankford should raise many an eyebrow. Rainbolt’s contribution to Defend Oklahoma Values was his largest to any federal entity or candidate thus far during this election cycle. David Rainbolt, his wife Kim Rainbolt, and H.E. Rainbolt each gave the maximum to Gentner Drummond’s campaign. H.E. Rainbolt also gave the maximum to Hofmeister’s campaign.
8/20/21 - J. Larry Nichols (Devon Energy co-founder) – donated $25,000 to Defend Oklahoma Values. Larry Nichols co-founded Devon Energy with his father John and retired as board chair in 2012. Larry is also a Washington insider, as former law clerk to Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justice Tom Clark of SCOTUS, and Special Assistant to Assistant Attorney General William Rehnquist at the US DOJ. Nichols has been named among the 50 most powerful Oklahomans. Nichols makes political contributions under several names, including Larry Nichols, J. Larry Nichols and Larry J. Nichols. He contributed the maximum to Hofmeister’s 2018 re-election campaign, when she was still espousing to be a Republican, but is currently the only 2021 contributor to Defend Oklahoma Values who has not yet contributed directly to the current campaigns of Hofmeister (now D) or Drummond (R). Nichols appears to be the ideological outlier within this Super PAC, and judging by his abundant and consistently conservative federal contributions, may be supporting Lankford based on a sincere belief in Lankford’s publicly stated positions.
9/24/21 & 12/30/21 – The Cherokee Nation - donated $100K total to Defend Oklahoma Values. Multiple tribal nations have donated maximum allowable amounts directly to Hofmeister’s campaign.
In addition, and as discussed above, numerous representatives from the Cherokee and Chickasaw tribes, as well as the gaming industry, have made common contributions to both the Hofmeister and Drummond campaigns:
It seems this ‘Dream Team of Three’ will have multiple Steal Team coaches to answer to once sworn in next January, leaving the best interests of the taxpayers in the red dust. Given Hofmeister’s loudly whispered pro-choice, pro-CRT and pro-teachers’ union stances since declaring her defection from the Republican party and candidacy for governor, and Drummond’s interests as Oklahoma’s cannabis industry financier through BlueSky Bank and tribal alignment against Stitt, there’s no surprise in either garnering the support of Paycom’s Richison, the left-leaning Rainbolt’s or the tribal nations. The question then remains, why would this group of funders support Lankford, who publicly holds all of the expected conservative endorsements?
Why The Steal Team is Courting Senator Lankford
How to Steal a State began with an introduction that outlined the process by which a small group of power-hungry players look for weak or unscrupulous candidates they can mold to their will.
“When stealing a state, it takes those of means who must find a willing puppet to parade as a leader and do their bidding. This person must be attracted to the position through the temptation of power and importance, present themselves publicly as a believable pillar of virtue, and then be tested for a required and non-negotiable willingness to betray the laws they will pledge to follow and to deceive the people they will vow to serve.”
While Senator Lankford fits the bill among those seeking power and position, it is not straight deviance and a willingness to overtly break the rules for personal gain that makes him incredibly useful to The Steal Team. Unlike Joy Hofmeister, who provably and illegally coordinated a dark money entity to gain office in 2014, or Gentner Drummond, whose BlueSky Bank will deal in cannabis dollars despite federal law, Lankford is not so directly immoral in his actions.
However, Lankford has an Achilles’ heel that has regularly been exploited by those seeking the destruction of the nation for their own gain. Ironically, Lankford likely sees his exploitable qualities as strengths, making him even more attractive to the elites. Where Lankford’s ego meets his insistence on decorum lies a seam of weakness that makes him short-sighted, frequently dismissive of his constituents’ best interests, vulnerable to corruption and attractive to those seeking to influence him.
Mr. Falls Creek and the Ego of Etiquette
With his energy producing state enjoying the nation’s long awaited independence from foreign sources, a booming economy, a reduction in the addiction rates, illegal immigration and drug trafficking that had heavily affected the area for decades and some protections from a growing anti-Christian threat to religious freedoms, 2019 was a very optimistic time in Oklahoma. Oklahomans, 65.3% of whom voted for Donald Trump in 2016, had every reason to assume their newest senator would be fully onboard with the policies of the current administration that had quickly placed Oklahoma back on the right track. With a masters in divinity and having served as the director of Falls Creek summer camp, a Baptist icon and right of passage for generations of Oklahoma’s Christian teenagers, Senator Lankford had a religious pedigree that made many assume his political stances on major issues would align with their own.
R.A. Young Tabernacle at Falls Creek Camp for Christian youth
However, Trump’s direct manner of communicating offended Lankford’s delicate, Southern Baptist sensibilities, putting Lankford on the opposite side of many issues despite the wishes of his constituents. According to Lankford, it isn’t your character, beliefs, commitment to the people, or convictions that make you someone he can work with in Washington, it’s how you say things.
In his own words during a December 2019 appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation, Lankford shows how quickly and deeply his faith had been converted to the DC-defined denomination along with fellow member Senator Chris Coons (D) from Delaware, his co-leader of a regular prayer breakfast for senators. When time permits, The V1SUT Vantage highly recommends readers view the interview in its entirety, as it may be the ultimate example of how Washington uses false faith as a public cover for their disdain of the populous and its unrefined, traditional beliefs. Lankford appears completely unaware of how his arrogance about his faith and superior standards of speech and conduct are being used by the left.
In the interview, host Margaret Brennan shamefully leads Lankford to express criticism of Trump and Lankford dutifully follows, stating:
"I don't think that President Trump as a person is a role model for a lot of different youth. That's just me personally. I don't like the way that he tweets, some of the things that he says, his word choices at times are not my word choices. He comes across with more New York City swagger than I do from the Midwest and definitely not the way that I'm raising my kids."
“It’s also been a grand challenge to be able to say for a person of faith, for a person who believes that there is a right way to go on things, I wish he (Trump) was more of a role model.”
"For people of faith, it's a bit of a conundrum at times that I look at some of the moral decisions that he's (Trump) made and go, I disagree with that"
Repeatedly, Lankford states his responsibilities being to his faith and family, as well as to doing the right thing, but never once mentions his obligation as an elected official to serve Oklahomans and their will. Coons praises Lankford for opposing Trump’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed into the US on a given year. With immigration having placed a disproportionate strain on Southern states like Oklahoma for years, Lankford is largely out of step with his voters and never mentions them as a consideration in his stance.
ICE officers under Trump administration (2017) arrest 70 criminal, illegal aliens from seven countries in Oklahoma/Texas 3-day sting operation.
Lankford even criticizes his and the constituents of others like Coons for providing criticism to their posts concerning policy on social media, completely forgetting that he answers to the voters who should, as engaged citizens, provide feedback when their elected officials forget they exist and always seem to know better. If the voters can’t talk like Lankford, he’ll put his hands over his ears until they learn to be nice.
Coons, who also claims to have studied and practiced divinity prior to holding office, is currently championing legislation to ensure women can travel across state lines to seek an abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision. That’s okay with Lankford, Defend Oklahoma Values’ purported ‘pro-life’ champion, since Coons doesn’t put out mean tweets or raise his voice.
Coons brags and Lankford smiles about their bipartisan work together on “tax, trade, immigration and guns” including the co-sponsoring of bills. Like a compassionate kidnapping victim with a heavy case of Stockholm syndrome, Lankford is blissfully and ignorantly, yet always civilly, negotiating with terrorists as the establishment uses him to show how unreasonable the few truthful fighters in DC are being. Just as The Steal Team is spending big to affix labels like ‘embattled’ and ‘unreasonable’ to Governor Kevin Stitt in support of Joy Hofmeister’s campaign, Lankford is being positioned as the model and reasonable Republican in order to discredit those attempting to serve the people with fidelity.
Faith in What and Pray to Who?
Who else regularly attends the senate prayer breakfast group and whose faith does Coons admire? According to Coons, Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), both of whom voted in favor of late term abortion and legalized infanticide, are prayer breakfast regulars. Within the Face the Nation interview, Coons commends Pete Buttigieg (D) for being open with his faith, describes Elizabeth Warren as a Sunday school teacher and Joe Biden’s faith as “deep”. If the faith Coons is referring to doesn’t jive with faith as you experience it, you’re onto something.
Around minute 22 of the interview, Coons seamlessly does something incredible with Lankford sitting submissively by his side:
Coons defines this unusual “faith” held by his Democrat colleagues as being “strongly motivated by a passion for the marginalized and oppressed, those who are at the edges of our society, and for justice, and for making changes in how our society is structured that would actually make a more inclusive and tolerant and just society.”
Silly us. We thought faith was about God. No wonder Oklahoma’s manipulanthropists are interested in Senator Lankford.
Do the Politically Correct Thing
Lankford continually seeks to rise above each conflict through compromise and speeches about conduct, and thus tends to retract his strongest positions, take only small or symbolic actions toward addressing major issues or never actually enter the fight at all. Repeatedly, in the moment he is most needed as a defender of his constituents, Lankford does a 180 based on misplaced civility, a one-way respect for the process as it should be, or political correctness. Lankford seems to see himself as above the impoliteness, which makes him playdough in the hands of the DC demons. Lankford is committed to opposing ideological psychopaths only by the intellectual Queensberry Rules. There’s never going to be anything for the establishment to fear from Lankford, leaving Oklahomans with no defense and making Lankford the worst wingman a voter ever had.
Now the fight has become a fight for the state and the nation, and Lankford remains outside the ring like an observant member of the gentry who could never, under any circumstances, be called upon to violate his personal standards of etiquette. Lankford is the crisply dressed captain ordering the crew to swab the deck as the ship is quickly sinking.
He seems unable to think when he’s busy “doingthe right thing the right way”, the catch phrase in his latest campaign ad, which implies it’s possible to do the right thing the wrong way or the wrong thing the right way. A safe assumption is that Lankford sees his way as the right way and civility as required, even when facing an enemy bent on destruction. Once he’s finished doing the right thing on any given issue, things have a habit of getting much worse. Big funders seek those qualities in a politician.
With respect to the best interests of Oklahomans, Lankford has nicey-niced himself into an alliance with the establishment which seems to have helped him forget who he actually works for. For the time being, his campaign messaging and periodic appearances on Fox News have delayed the awakening of his constituents to the conflict between Lankford’s espoused values and regular abandonment of their best interests.
Here are just a few illustrations of Lankford’s crumbling correctness:
Immigration – Defend Oklahoma Value’s commercial attempts to position Lankford as the answer to border security, but ends up perfectly illustrating Lankford’s muted responses to the most pressing problems. As millions stream across the nation’s southern border, driving drug deaths, trafficking and crime, Lankford responded with a letter which accomplished precisely nothing.
The truth is that Lankford actually championed a major push for amnesty for illegal aliens during 2018. Lankford was quick to partner with Thom Tillis (RINO) of South Carolina, a red flag in itself for Oklahoma voters, to co-author what became known as the SUCCEED Act, which provided a 15-year path to voting rights for approximately two million illegals, including their chain-migration relatives. Lankford deflected the chain migration effect, emphasized the bill as being the right thing to do for children involved and repeatedly said the bill did not offer “amnesty”, except that it did. When Lankford is convinced something is the right thing to do, he appears to feel justified in failing to protect the interests of his constituents. At a press conference, he conveniently and illogically explained away any effect amnesty for millions would have on the job market for those he represents.
And now, the failure of Lankford and his Republican peers in the Senate to stand firm on immigration when they had the chance has left the nation with a true and unending humanitarian crisis at our Southern border that has the cartels in control.
And why did Lankford vote to confirm Garland as AG? While he avoided direct comment, he insinuated in an interview that his only job in the confirmation process was to determine if the candidate was qualified. In other words, he did the right thing.
As a result of Garland’s confirmation, parents who don’t want their children taught about alternate sexualities and genders are now “domesticterrorists”, America has a DC gulag full of January 6th protestors whose rights under the constitution have been trampled and denied, and the corrupted FBI is now the enforcement arm of the ruling party. Did we mention the first ever FBI raid of a former president’s residence? Lankford’s right thing is really kicking Americans in the butt and playing out perfectly for those seeking to control his state.
Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during 2016 visit to Ukraine in support of ongoing war efforts.
Perhaps Lankford is a committed fan and binge-watcher of actor-comedian Zelensky’s Servant of the People Nexflix series, which appears to have brainwashed the world into buying this entirely corrupt figure as a leader while The Pandora Papers unfortunately revealed he was, like a true oligarch, offshoring tens of millions for himself.
In March of this year, after one carefully staged Zoom meeting between Congress and former actor Zelensky, Lankford strapped on his ‘right thing’ cape and was in for billions of US taxpayer dollars:
Lankford’s self-published statement following Zelensky’s address:
“The US has provided javelins, stingers, intelligence information, food, water, and medical supplies to Ukraine already. If it’s within our power to do good, we should do good. The US has access to the MiG-29s jet fighter aircraft and we should not withhold them from Ukraine. We have an opportunity to assist Ukraine protect their nation and their people from Putin’s aggression. We can and we should step up.”
Weapons given to corrupt Ukraine and now sold by an arms dealer in Syria.
Yet, Senator Lankford’s position on Ukraine holds fast as the right thing to do.
In examining each glowing claim presented within Lankford’s most recent campaign ad and Defend Oklahoma Values’ commercial positioning Lankford as a stalwart supporter of the border wall and against amnesty for illegal immigrants, his now defeated primary opponent Jackson Lahmeyer’s (R) campaign website did a thorough job of identifying a corresponding breach of public trust by Lankford concerning each.
Lankford Suffers Under Systemic Cowardism
Americans are used to politicians who claim to defend our rights yet make no observable progress, so the Lankford ads are par for the course. What is most concerning about Lankford is his habit, when under pressure, of cracking in principle under the guise of compromise, understanding or decorum. It is not only how often he cracks that is attracting The Steal Team’s funders, it’s when he cracks that gives him potential for serving their purposes.
Particularly prone to shifting positions when ‘race’ is deployed as an attack strategy against him, Lankford has yet to understand there can be no sensible compromise with those who wish to dominate his constituents and destroy the values they hold dear.
Lankford has proven that he will back down from the most important of fights on the people’s behalf whenever faced with racial hysteria, even bending over backward to become an ‘ally’ to ridiculousness when called out. When Lankford championed a bill eliminating Columbus Day in favor of Juneteenth, Tucker Carlson called out this tendency like no one else can:
“Lankford’s support of officially replacing Columbus Day with Juneteenth, and unknowingly strapping on the divisive lens of the 1619 Project, was about securing his ride, not improving conditions for North Tulsans. While it appeared to be a politically correct step to recognize another aspect of our collective American experience, he failed to understand the proposal’s underlying effort to simultaneously erase an established part of the nation’s founding through Columbus Day. This wasn’t a proposed addition to history, it was a replacement.
Lankford further tightened his own shock collar of systemic racism, to which his new funders may now be holding the remote, when he turned on a dime in the face of abundant and observable irregularities during the 2020 election and apologized to the black leadership of Tulsa for ever doubting their favored outcome. One would assume that an election either contains provable fraud or does not, but this strategy of silencing all logical voices as racist ensures leaders will dutifully refrain from ever looking for fraud in our elections again. For Lankford, stopping any voter fraud is now analogous with racially motivated voter suppression. No future, common sense leadership for the benefit of all will hence be coming from Senator Lankford. They have him by his “white privilege”, which can conveniently be applied to any issue in order to control his voting, a quality that looks to have secured him The Steal Team’s considerable financial support.
And Lankford is learning some hard lessons related to the Tulsa non-profitocracy’s power through his tap-dance about election integrity and his participation on the Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission, which was originally formed to recognize and memorialize the 100th anniversary of that tragic event, but quickly morphed into a tool for division in the hands of the most progressive. When Lankford momentarily showed common sense by recommending our nation take a closer look at claims of systematic voter fraud within the 2020 federal election, the black leaders of Tulsa loudly asserted those claims had been “debunked” by the media, while offering no evidence of such a process, attacked Lankford in the press, and asked for his resignation from the commission.
To appease the loudest voices, Lankford’s spine went to jello concerning the integrity of our election systems. In his apology to Tulsa’s black community, he stated that he had not realized that his questioning of November 2020 election irregularities would be seen as a direct attack on the voting rights of people of color. Instead of maintaining appropriate concern for the integrity of the voting process for all Americans, Lankford pledged his allegiance to a false flag, which wasn’t the stars and stripes, and silently promised never to question any election that served the purposes of the non-profitocracy and their benefactors again.”
What Election Fraud?
On December 16th, 2020, within a hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Lankford stood up and was making sense about the importance of looking into the numerous and specific reports of fraud within the November 2020 election. He appeared informed, logical and firm in his belief that “there are problems in the system”, bringing to light data about the stunning number of repeat, dead, unregistered and illegal voters who cast ballots in the election, as well as other questionable practices with the potential of being fraudulent.
In the hearing, Lankford details just some of the issues within the 2020 federal election including:
Delayed voting counts in many states
ERIC System fraud retaining 91,000 dead voters and many 2-state voters
In Nevada alone, ballots were cast by:
42,000 repeat voters
1,500 dead voters
19,000 non-residents
8,000 people at non-existent addresses
15,000 people registered to commercial or vacant address
4,000 non-citizens
Lankford was finally and effectively sticking up for Oklahomans and Americans:
And then…. on January 6th, 2021, Lankford folded in a lecture about doing the right thing in the right way. Once again, decorum was not maintained to Lankford’s standards, and Lankford turned on his constituents despite all of the evidence of election fraud he had previously presented.
The people of Oklahoma are hurting, but The Steal Team is well pleased with Lankford’s pre-season performance as their #1 draft pick. Oklahomans will need to prepare for six years of Lindsay Graham (R), Liz Cheney (R) and Mitt Romney(R) level frustration and disappointment as Lankford sails to a second term in November’s election under the thumb of his newest funders. If Oklahoma’s tech tyrant, the tribal nations and Lankford’s other funders through Defend Oklahoma Values get what they’re paying for, Lankford may well be the new Mike Pence (R)… always leading publicly with his faith, never losing his cool and never truly standing up for those he was elected to serve. We’ll talk more about The Steal Team’s other picks in the next episode of How to Steal a State.
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