Kansas Fails to Prosecute, Puts OK's K-12 Students and Adopted Child in Hands of Child Sex Abuser
Rural KS DA, Sheriff, Media and State AG Hiding Evidence of OK Teacher's Previous Arrest
On July 17, 2024, V1SUT exposed a tragic story involving a Moore Public Schools (OK) elementary teacher and adoptive father who was arrested aboard a 2024 spring break cruise for molesting a male child.
Previous reporting and indictment document:
Solan Genesis Harrison (36) took his own life in the wake of his arrest and indictment. Harrison, a 6th grade social studies teacher and safety patrol leader at Broadmoore Elementary School, and his husband Ryan Marcus (McManigal) Harrison (30) adopted a very young, male child after moving to Oklahoma from Texas. The article identifies a number of red flags concerning Harrison that were ignored by public education and the state’s adoption pipeline.
And now, new evidence shows prosecutors in Kansas could’ve prevented Harrison from adopting or obtaining teacher’s certifications through the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). Kansas’ failure provided Harrison with access to two-years worth of 6th graders in Moore, Oklahoma, and it seems everyone involved is now busy covering their tracks.
Indicted Moore Teacher Arrested (2010) in Rural Kansas for Child Sex Crimes but Never Prosecuted
According to an April 2010 review of local arrests in Labette County, Kansas, as reported by the Parsons Sun newspaper, Harrison was arrested at the age of 22 on two counts of sodomizing a child, two counts of taking indecent liberties with a child and two counts of furnishing alcohol to a minor. He was allowed a significantly reduced bond amount by the Labette County District Court (11th Judicial District) and released pending prosecution.
Screenshot from the Parsons Sun (April 2010):
Kansas court records confirm Harrison was not prosecuted for any of the crimes against children for which he was arrested in 2010. In fact, the entire case was scrubbed from public record leaving only traffic tickets and indebtedness cases within Harrison’s court record.

No school or adoption institution could ever have known about Harrison’s history of child molestation. His national background check showed no felonies or child sex crimes.
KS Rural Corruption Covers Its Tracks After Making OK Children UnSafe: Local County Attorney, Local Sheriff, Local Newspaper & KS AG Hide Harrison’s Previous Crimes
Then County Attorney Hillary McKinney Doesn’t Want to Talk
Rural Labette County, Harrison’s place of origin and the setting for his 2010 arrest, is in far Southeastern Kansas. Prosecution of Harrison at that time would’ve fallen to Hillary McKinney, (reported previous last names also Pack and Haas) then Labette County Attorney.

V1SUT reached out to McKinney, who is now a Deputy County Attorney in Sweetwater County, WY (Rock Springs office) to ask why Harrison was not prosecuted for child sex crimes and why his case has vanished from public record. McKinney did not respond.
Labette County Sheriff Darren Eichinger Hiding Harrison’s Arrest Report Outside of State Law
Beginning on July 26, 2024, V1SUT has requested police records, including the report directly associated with Harrison’s arrest, from the Labette County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO).

Despite direct communication with three LCSO employees, including Sheriff Darren Eichinger, over a period of weeks and a verbal commitment that the lawful request under the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) would be fulfilled, no records were provided.
Stunning Display of Rural Elitism & Corruption: Sheriff Tips Off Local Paper to Take Down Public Reports of Harrison’s Arrest
After this outlet provided the LCSO with a screenshot of the online newspaper report containing details of Harrison’s 2010 arrest to aid in the location of our requested records, the Parsons Sun erased the article from their archives and the link is no longer valid.
Luckily, our screen shot from the Parsons Sun remains and is worth posting again:
The Parsons Sun, operated for 36 years by editor Ray Nolting, also deleted a second article about a church sponsored, youth event for Thanksgiving held in Harrison’s hometown of Dennis, Kansas. The article mentioned both Solan Harrison (then 25) and his later spouse Ryan McManigal (then 19) as being involved with the event. The article was previously found at this link.
In a stunning example of local elitism, corruption and protectionism, the Labette County’s local paper has effectively scrubbed its archives of any mention of Solan Harrison. According to social media, Harrison’s family of origin has been and continues to be heavily involved in church and social services for youth and vulnerable populations in the area.
Kansas AG Kobach Fails to Intervene as County Hides Public Records
Given the sheriff’s unlawful rejection of state law concerning public records, in August, V1SUT filed a complaint with the office of Kansas Attorney General Kris W. Kobach (R). There has been no reply or communication from Kobach or his staff.
In a growing trend involving dereliction of duty, local district and county attorneys are failing to prosecute child sex crimes. The consequences are life-altering for many. In this case, a large school district had no way to know it was placing a predator in an elementary school classroom, a family took a vacation and their child was molested, an adopted child was placed in harm’s way and may still be at risk, and no one is being held accountable.
Across this country, those who fail their constituents in district and county attorneys’ offices increasingly conspire with other officials, agencies and local courts to hide the evidence. Background checks now mean little in the fight to protect children. Something must change.
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Outrageous and disgusting
Homosexuals can do whatever they want and if you dare expose them, you're a homophobe and a bigot!!
This is the environment of terror they have created.