Oklahoma Drag Queen with Previous Child Porn Charge Remains Elementary Principal: 2nd Queen Pays Boyfriend with Covid Ed Funds
Dragging Down a District: LGBT Nepotism in Hiring, Salaries and Contracting with Public Funds
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters Says No Drag Queens Running Schools Yet Shantel Mandalay is Still on Duty
In late August, this publication revealed a drag performer and drag queen story hour advocate was hired by Western Heights Public Schools (WHPS) in Oklahoma City to be the head principal of John Glenn Elementary School, an economically disadvantaged school serving predominantly Hispanic students.
Link to original article, dated August 29, 2023:
Dr. Shane Murnan, also known as drag queen Shantel Mandalay, appears to be covered in legal Teflon, avoiding conviction on both a child porn charge and more recent stop for aggravated DUI.

The story was covered nationally as Americans expressed outrage over public school children being placed at ever increasing risk of harm. (Links to coverage: DailyCaller; TheBlaze; AmericanThinker; NewYorkPost; WesternJournal; MSN; Breitbart; Newsweek; LifeSiteNews; NotTheBee; AmericanGreatness; Fox; ChristianPost; CandaceOwens; ToddStarnes; JesseWaters)
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters was both clear and public in stating a drag queen principal would not be tolerated in Oklahoma (link to video).
Within an official statement (Sept. 26th), the OSDE announced several actions being taken about the situation, including:
The reopening of an investigation into the district’s accreditation status.
A new investigation into district superintendent Brayden Savage’s hiring practices and failure to act within the law to protect students.
A review of Dr. Murnan’s teaching certificate.
The release states, “Oklahoma law provides for dismissal due to commission of an act of moral turpitude.” The message to WHPS was clear. The district released a statement of support for Dr. Murnan that confirmed their knowledge of his lifestyle and previous child porn charge prior to his hiring. There appears to be a serious disagreement as to what constitutes moral turpitude within the context of PK-12 education.

Unofficially, Dr. Murnan was suspended, then rumored to be on paid leave through the end of the school year and lastly reported by inside sources to have received a welcome back party during late September as he returned to active duty at John Glenn ES. Outside LGBT advocacy groups and teachers donning t-shirts in support of the drag queen principal flooded a September school board meeting, as covered in person by Turning Point USA and Chaya Raichik, founder of LibsofTikTok.
While parents of John Glenn ES students have consistently been kept in the dark about Dr. Murnan’s employment status, his teaching and principal’s certificates show as current within OSDE records.
Western Heights annual application for accreditation, submitted to the OSDE on October 23rd, continues to list Shane Murnan as the main contact for John Glenn ES.
The district has doubled down in its progressive protectionism despite current data clearly showing how badly students are faring. At this point, it would be difficult to be worse than Western Heights.
Western Heights is Past the Ideological Tipping Point: Wokification of Public Ed is Also About Self-Promotion and Personal Profiteering
Why would any school district so openly defy its oversight agency, from whence nearly all of its funding flows, over a drag queen with a previous child porn charge who was caught driving in the heart of Oklahoma City with a blood alcohol level of .23 and publicly flaunts photos making it difficult to disprove moral turpitude? Whistleblowers reveal a district leadership and culture that has purged itself of any ideological dissention and encouraged personal profiteering over student achievement and safety.
Arrogance Abounds: Meet the Superintendent’s “Cabinet”
Western Heights is a small, urban district with a large and growing administrative staff. According to staff members, Superintendent Brayden Savage lived as a lesbian between two heterosexual marriages and is highly committed to the LGBT agenda within public education. Using language traditionally reserved for the advisors of US presidents and state governors, Superintendent Savage has linguistically crowned her district-level staffers as her “cabinet”.
Since taking the district’s reins earlier this year, Savage has reportedly surrounded herself with highly paid personal friends and ideologues, primarily from other failing districts.
A thorough review of 2023-24 salaries at WHPS shows 29 district level positions, with 19 of those roles each costing the district over $100,000 annually in total compensation. This does not include school principals or school office staff members. The district serves just 2,858 students. In all, district-level staff compensation is costing WHPS more than $1,000 per student this school year. Similarly sized districts in the state such as Weatherford Public Schools have a fraction of the district staff and spend far less with measurably better results for students (Annual spending per student: Weatherford PS $8,864; Western Heights PS $13,073)
In This District’s Failing, Top-Heavy Culture, It Pays to be LGBT
WHPS observably favors those identifying as non-heteronormative within district hiring practices. LGBT staff members are increasingly chosen for administrative positions and are paid more than their straight counterparts, often despite less actual experience in the field.
A whistleblower revealed Shane Murnan was hired as head principal at John Glenn ES over Elizabeth Rambo, a qualified applicant already working as vice principal at the school. The source states Rambo “was never considered”, and Murnan was hired because “he is a member of their drag queen group”.

Within the district’s only high school, insiders report the site’s two top administrators, Kandy Hunt and Jenifer Kleyn, publicly identify as lesbians and were chosen by Savage and her cabinet over other more qualified applications.
A staff member reports Daniel De Souza, a well-respected candidate with six years’ experience as a vice principal at WHHS, applied for the head principal position and was not interviewed or considered when Hunt was hired earlier this year. De Souza, like many other qualified educators, has since left the district.

Kleyn and Hunt are reported by multiple sources to have a chaotic personal relationship that frequently leads to breakdowns in professionalism. One source reports frequent quarreling between the two women with screaming of things like “what the f*** did you do” through closed doors within the HS offices.

On June 12th, WHPS announced the hiring of four school site administrators including Murnan, Hunt, Kleyn and Stacie Fryer, head principal at Council Grove Elementary. According to OSDE total compensation data for 2022-23, Fryer is paid significantly less than her newly hired, LGBT peers. In fact, Murnan, Hunt and Kleyn are the highest paid principals in the district, earning 13-30% more than other principals regardless of experience or tenure within the district. Each receives total compensation of over $120K annually despite Murnan and Hunt being first-year, head principals and Kleyn being an assistant principal.
Murnan, Hunt and Kleyn each previously worked within adjoining Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS), a similarly underperforming, urban district serving predominantly Hispanic students. Per 2022-23 data for OKCPS, only 13% of students are proficient in reading and only 11% in math.
Being female or ethnically diverse holds no weight at WHPS. An alternative sexuality and experience within a district increasingly failing students appear to be needed for advancement and the highest compensation. Per one source at the district, “They’re lining the pockets of their friends at the expense of the students.”
Drag Queen #3: Whistleblowers Reveal Who’s Really Running Western Heights and Profiteering from His Position
Superintendent Savage is reported to frequently be off campus, designating much of her authority to Dr. Chris Culver, Executive Director of Secondary Education & Communication for the district. According to one source, “Culver is trying to make room to bring in more OKCPS (Oklahoma City Public Schools) staff who are LGBT. Culver runs the district. Savage is in over her head.”

Culver previously and unsuccessfully served as WHPS’s School Transformation and Turnaround Officer (2018-19) just prior to the state intervening in the district due to fiscal mismanagement and academic failure. Despite holding 13 positions within education over just 9 years and having no experience within secondary schools (JH and HS), Culver was promoted to head of secondary schools at a total annual compensation of over $130K. Given Oklahoma’s average annual household income of $55,826, Culver’s salary is considerable.
This publication previously reported about Dr. Culver, the district’s Drag Queen #3, and his outside connections through the drag lifestyle to Principal Murnan and Paul Stafford, another drag queen hired by Murnan to work as a Kindergarten classroom aide at John Glenn ES.

More recent reporting to the OSDE confirms Paul Stafford (Carmen Deveraux) is now working directly with K,1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, an arrangement not seen at any of the district’s other elementary schools.
From previous reporting:
Outside of being a district level administrator at Western Heights, Culver works for USofA, the group that puts on drag queen and gay pageants across the country. Principal Murnan (Shantel Mandalay) is an active and regular participant in USofA events, as is John Glenn ES Kindergarten class aide Paul Stafford (Carmen Deveraux). Dr. Culver knew these men on the gay pageant circuit long before their hiring at Western Heights.
A source confirms Dr. Culver is also an occasional cross-dresser for both performances and the judging of drag pageants.
Dr. Culver’s longtime significant other, Dr. Kelly B. Forbes who refers to himself as Kelly Keliente Forbes, is also connected to this group of drag queen pageant regulars:
Culver’s partner Dr. Kelly “Keliente” Forbes, like Culver, is a longtime public education insider within the Oklahoma City metro area and a participant in gay pageantry as a former (2011) Mr. Gay Oklahoma.
In fact, Dr. Culver, his partner Dr. Forbes and Dr. Murnan go way back, with Murnan’s Mandalay Productions promoting Forbes performances at gay bars following his 2011 crowning as Mr. Gay Oklahoma as “XXX Sexsational”.

Both Culver and Forbes hold alternative certifications for a superintendent’s position.
Progressive Profiteering: District-Level Drag Queen Quietly Contracts Significant Other Using COVID Funds
Within his first actions in his new position, Dr. Culver went on a spending spree at the next school board meeting which included two contracts for services involving his significant other Forbes. On May 8th, 2023, the WH board, at the recommendation of Dr. Culver, approved two 2023-24 contracts to EduSkills: One for 7.8 days of “technical support” in the amount of $17,160; and another for 20 days of “professional development” in the amount of $55,000.
Dr. Culver’s significant other, Dr. Forbes, is the Lead Consultant for EduSkills, operating as an agent of the company through his own entity, Kelly B’s Consulting LLC (registered Aug 2022).
EduSkills sells bilingual learning software and training for schools and employs just a handful of people yet claims a “nationwide presence” and a team with “over 330 years of combined experience in educational software design and development”. EduSkills, LLC is registered with a UPS drop box store (1833 S Morgan Rd) just one mile west of the Western Heights district as its listed address.
Within his proposal to the board, Culver specifies the larger of the contracts with EduSkills would be paid using the last carryovers from Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. ESSER funds are part of the massive federal payout of taxpayer funds related to the Covid lockdowns. According to an analysis by the Associated Press, in total, “fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion in COVID-19 relief funding; another $123 billion was wasted or misspent”.
According to the OSDE and US Department of Education, ESSER funds were intended “to address the direct impact due to COVID-19”. Presumably, Western Heights students of 2023-24 did not begin speaking Spanish as a first language due to Covid. Further, ESSER funds are subject to restrictions within both Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) and the Education General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) that prohibit direct conflicts of interest and sole source contracting with federal funds. The WH school board cannot legally contract out a chunk of the district’s remaining Covid funds to an administrator’s boyfriend in a no-bid process.
“No employee, officer, or agent may participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by a Federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of interest. Such a conflict of interest would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract.”
Given Forbes previously served two years as WHPS’s Dual Language Principal from June of 2018 to July of 2020, it’s difficult to believe the school board was unaware of the nepotistic conflict of interest when approving the expenses to EduSkills. The proposed contract presented to the board by Culver clearly indicates Forbes as the sole provider of the services.
Board meeting minutes do not mention any discussion of Forbes, his role at EduSkills or the fact that he shares a home address with Culver, the administrator recommending the contract. This publication requested comment from all five WHPS board members. None responded.
An insider reports that when directly questioned about the conflict of interest, Superintendent Savage informed staff the trainings were necessary because Forbes needed funds to care for the infirmed relative who raised him.

Forbes’ publicly available social media posts frequently show the couple and Forbes’ elderly relative traveling extensively together. Money and health do not appear to be issues, and public funds are for student benefit.
Forbes’ posts also hint at his beliefs about education. Forbes must provide books about adult sexuality to other people’s children, despite their parents’ wishes, because #youcantbanme:

Dr. Culver appears to be involved with EduSkills alongside Forbes, providing client testimonials on the EduSkills website and regularly hosting the EduSkills podcast Cultural Connections along with Forbes and company founder Dr. J Taylor Tribble.
During November, Culver took time away from his duties at WHPS to attend La Cosecha, the Dual Language conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, alongside Forbes and Tribble of EduSkills.

Culver (WHPS) and Forbes (EduSkills) even presented together at the conference on “ways to create a positive culture”. It is unknown if WHPS, EduSkills or someone else paid for Culver to attend the conference.

In addition, Culver (current president) and Forbes (past president) are executive board members for the Oklahoma Association for Bilingual Education (OABE). WHPS hosted the organization’s 2022 annual conference where Forbes and Culver were again in the spotlight.
Culver also operates his own school climate and culture consulting business called Orange Sparrow, which he registered with the state as a for-profit entity in March of 2023, just weeks before being promoted to his current, district-level position within WHPS:
It is reported Dr. Culver does not practice what he teaches virtually for $50. Insiders report Culver and Savage have a zero-tolerance policy for anyone questioning their ideology or authority. Anyone expressing concern about a staff member, policy, decision or student safety can expect to be called in and informed “they are the new management of the district and will run it their way.” Multiple inside sources who have bravely spoken with this publication under protection of anonymity express concern for student learning and safety as quality educators are being pressured out of the district under the current administration.

Most recently, Culver added a position as adjunct professor to his resume. Between handling communications for USofA gay pageantry, his education consulting business Orange Sparrow, helping his partner’s endeavors through EduSkills/Kelly B’s Consulting, serving as president of non-profit OABE, and his role as adjunct professor at Oklahoma City University, it’s unclear how much time is spent serving Western Heights students. Progressive public education appears to be more about resume-padding, consulting, profiteering and self-promotion than students.
How are students being affected as queens drag down this district, and when will the OSDE and State Board of Education take action? Stay tuned for much more from The V1SUT Vantage.
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Sadly, Forbes speaks regularly to teachers in Guthrie, OK.
This is insane!