Ideological Infiltration Sets Stage for Smalltown Transformation: Brainwashing BHS
Trans-Tyranny: Bartlesville - Part 3 - February 13, 2023
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In this segment of Trans-Tyranny: Bartlesville:
How Did Bartlesville Find Itself in a Battle Over Public Obscenity and the Protection of Children?
This Didn’t Happen Overnight: Why the Push of Sex Activism is Disorienting for Many Residents
Sexuality Fests Begin in Bartlesville: Smalltown Sleepwalking
Which Local Institutions Determine Community Standards?
The Power of Pressured Participation: Understanding the Illogical Tactics of Sex Activism
Bartlesville Public Schools Enter the Cult of Perverse Ideology
OKEQ-Bartlesville Uses Cover of National Organizations: Begins as PFLAG and Enters Bartlesville High School as GSA
PFLAG at School: Teaching So-Called ‘Safety’ within an Anything Goes Lifestyle
We Love You Just as You Are, But Here’s How to Change Everything About Your Physical Self
LGBT Push to Replace Families of Students Erodes Trust Between Parents and Schools
Bartlesville GSA Digs into Sexual Preferences of Minor Students
Incenting Ideological Conformity: Scholarships for Not Being Straight or Heteronormative
Perverting the Purpose of Public Education
Invalidating the Logic Behind Gender Ideology in Schools: The Flip Test
What Research Actually Shows About Pushing Children Down this Gender and Sex Theory Cattle Chute
Who Sits On, Who Owns and Who Influences the Bartlesville School Board? Phillips 66 & ConocoPhillips
Big Bartlesville Bucks Break Left: Phillips 66 and ConocoPhillips are Major Supporters of LGBT Activism
OKEQ-Bartlesville Protective Order Pushers Tied to Phillips 66 & ConocoPhillips
Conflicted Bartlesville School Board: Riding the Line Between State Law and Fictitious Federal Interpretation Creates Room for Entrenched Sex Activists
September 19th, 2022: BPS Take-Your-Pick Policy Night
From Afterschool to the Classroom: Sex Activism Now Mainstreamed at BHS
Activism Atrophy: Declining Education Outcomes for Bartlesville High School Students
Where There’s Smoke: Know More About What’s Happening in Your Schools? Please Share
How Did Bartlesville Find Itself in a Battle Over Public Obscenity and the Protection of Children?
Just how did a small community in Oklahoma find itself in a heated debate about whether this (photo below) is inappropriate in its town square, in broad daylight, in the presence of children?
Even Facebook, a platform known for labeling conservative viewpoints as “disinformation”, found the above image from a September 2022 drag performance at Bartlesville’s Unity Square to be too obscene to post publicly due to Facebook’s community standards. Yet somehow, the citizens of Bartlesville who seek to protect their community’s standards by limiting adult-oriented performances in public spaces are being attacked as hateful.
This Didn’t Happen Overnight: Why the Push of Sex Activism is Disorienting for Many Residents
This battle is disorienting for local citizens who assumed their generationally agreed upon community standards were set in stone. Historically, when Bartlesville residents have gathered in public spaces during festivals, concerts and the other public events that bind, define and entertain the community, the focus has been on their common interests, defining values and wholesome fun, not adult sexual preferences.
Bartlesville’s annual Sunfest features food and music, local arts and crafts, outdoor activities for all ages, and a car show for auto enthusiasts. The community celebrated the 40th anniversary of Sunfest in June of 2022.
Bartlesville may be the region’s capitol of classical music due to its OK Mozart International Festival (now OKM Music Festival), which has grown through several generations to host a number of local events throughout each year featuring a range of musical genres.
Each December, the town’s Festival of the Nativity encourages residents from a variety of denominations to share and display nativity scenes from all over the globe and features the heavenly sounds of a Messiah Singalong. With nearly 500 nativities on display, Bartlesville’s faith traditional is evident.
The crown jewel of Bartlesville is Price Tower, the only fully realized skyscraper by famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Price Tower is clustered at the town’s very heart along with a community center and the Unity Square outdoor space.
Sexuality Fests Begin in Bartlesville
Prior to 2018, and the establishment of the local branch of a Tulsa-based organization called Oklahomans for Equity (OKEQ) in 2014, no group in Bartlesville had ever held a public event based on adult sexual preference. There’d been no Heterosexual Festival or Straight Pride event, as that would be both inappropriate and preposterous. And while Bartlesville, like other towns, has its share of adult-entertainment spots, both straight and gay, those businesses are for adults only and do not take place in public spaces.
For the vast majority of Bartlesville citizens, the sexual part of life is and has always been valued as personal, intimate, and to be kept private, not paraded about or spotlighted in front of children. OKEQ-Bartlesville’s 2018 pride event marked a turning point for the town, though few recognized how sharp a turn it would become. This was an entirely new and distorted use of the word pride, unfamiliar to most.
What changed that made a place like this ripe for sexuality festivals? It turns out a great deal had changed, slowly and methodically, beginning several years before 2018.
Smalltown Sleepwalking
As this battle over public indecency unfolds, Bartlesville citizens are coming to realize they have largely been sleepwalking through small-town life while a wave of activism centered around alternative sexualities has seeped into their public, policymaking, and culture-setting institutions over a period of years, quietly setting the stage for this very public crescendo of conflict.
As we watch the new Scarlet A of ‘hate’ publicly affixed to even the mildest of conservative voices, it’s important to remember that those voices didn’t start this ideological conflict. They were just living their lives keeping their private parts private.
Which Local Institutions Determine Community Standards?
In places like Bartlesville, churches and public schools are the community collectives, largely responsible for setting the tone for what is and isn’t socially acceptable, public behavior. Policy-making bodies, such as city councils, enshrine those standards within municipal statutes and policies, and local law enforcement, along with the area’s court system, handle those who step outside of those parameters. When those entrusted and publicly paid to perform with fidelity throughout this process fail to do their parts, the local media steps in to shine a light on both the elected and the hired. At least that’s how it has traditionally worked.
Bartlesville is a textbook example of what happens when those roles and institutions are redirected from within to serve a very different agenda. In this and the next few installments of Trans-Tyranny: Bartlesville, we’ll inspect to see just how well each link in this chain supporting community standards held up as OKEQ-Bartlesville sought influence and infiltration throughout this community.
Read carefully. This is about much more that Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Many will be surprised to learn that the tentacles of change are reaching into their small-town schools, churches and governing bodies from a national octopus. And the octopus has met little resistance.
The Power of Pressured Participation: Understanding the Illogical Tactics of Sex Activism
Before we open the doors to Bartlesville High School, readers will need to be aware that the pressure for institutions to participate in things that make no sense and are good for no one is real and heavily propagated by groups like OKEQ. This pressure overwhelms and values nothing from the past representing a better time or way, seeing only an unacceptable attack on its perverse dogma. Generational wisdom is erased, replaced by cult-like thinking that bends whole communities to its will. Data revealing the very real damage this wave brings is discredited without facts, replaced by visceral emotion.
In towns across America, this pressure is observable, as if thinking people have no choice in the matter. The focus turns on everyone, including heterosexuals and traditional families, to support this movement. Non-supporters are haters and there is no room for indifference or a none-of-my-business attitude. It’s not enough to just say you support them, you must be an ally and prove it through participation.
Straight fathers begrudgingly attend drag shows with their straight wives and children because Facebook said so. Rainbow flags soar in front of businesses wholly unrelated to human sexuality. School administrators willingly allow adults to explore personal sexual preferences with other people’s children. Courts and police protect the un-innocent, even allowing those being obscene in the presence of children to hide behind aliases and masks of heavy makeup. Law is second to social contagion and broad public policies are subjugated to sexual identities.
Up is down, justifiable concern is hatred, things that keep people safe endanger well-being, and protecting innocence is unacceptable and no longer necessary.
Bartlesville Public Schools Enter the Cult of Perverse Ideology
Advocacy for alternative sexualities quietly gained a foothold within Bartlesville’s publicly funded schools in 2015 through a newly formed student group called the Bartlesville High School GSA. Formerly known nationally as the Gay Straight Alliance, GSA nationally rebranded in 2016 as the Genders & Sexualities Alliance. The Bartlesville chapter met at the public high school, using its address of 1700 Hillcrest Drive, yet they claim to be a “community organization”.
The V1SUT Vantage has not been able to locate the group on Bartlesville Public Schools’ (BPS) official listings of student organizations operating at BHS, current or past, despite the presence of several other community involvement organizations, such as Interact (service club) and Environmental Club (recycling club), on that list. No non-profit is registered with the State of Oklahoma to represent this community organization.
The national network of GSA groups in over 4,000 high schools and middle schools claim to be completely student led. In actuality, a large team of adults at the national level prepare and push gender ideology ‘resources’ to local middle and high school chapters. Additionally, there are a great many OKEQ-Bartlesville adult fingerprints all over the Bartlesville GSA chapter.
OKEQ-Bartlesville Uses Cover of National Organizations: Begins as PFLAG and Enters Bartlesville High School as GSA
Bartlesville High School GSA was one of OKEQ-Bartlesville’s first efforts. OKEQ-Bartlesville first formed, during 2014, as the local chapter of Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). PFLAG is another national effort focused on transforming schools.
PFLAG is highly funded and flowing with resources for students through their online academy.
PFLAG at School: Teaching So-Called ‘Safety’ within an Anything Goes Lifestyle
PFLAG’s section on LGBTQ Sex Ed within their Youth & Schools modules provides a recorded presentation on Health, Rights, and Pleasure produced by a group called Global Advisory Board (GAB) for Sexual Health and Wellbeing. They advocate a “pleasure approach” to teaching kids about gay sex which includes pornographic depictions, a common exposure technique used by pedophiles within the grooming process.

This publication could not justify the inclusion of images from PFLAG’s recommended sex ed websites for youth due to the graphic nature of the content. The list itself is enough to inform parents that OKEQ-Bartlesville and its founding national organization have no place in schools.
We Love You Just as You Are, But Here’s How to Change Everything About Your Physical Self
PFLAG’s LGBTQ+ Glossary outlines the made-up language sex activists insist all of society adopt when discussing their sexual preferences. This adds a false air of legitimacy in the eyes of minors who are conditioned to seeing legitimate vocabulary lists. Recently invented words like allosexual, bioessentialism, culturally queer, grayromantic and misogynoir are listed with their newly created meanings.
Strangely, OKEQ, PFLAG and the GSA claim to love these children “just as they are” then push words and concepts like binding, hormone blockers, and gender-affirming surgery that seek to dramatically, and often irreversibly, change their physical appearance.
LGBT Push to Replace Families of Students Erodes Trust Between Parents and Schools
Even more troubling among PFLAG and similar groups is their expressed desire to replace the families of confused children should that family recognize the sex activist ideology as inappropriate and mentally derailing. These types of clubs contribute to the erosion of trust between schools and parents, as much of what is discussed in these clubs, and even their child’s participation, can be concealed from parents.
Why would any public school district agree to the formation of a student group like GSA, which is predicated upon exploring the sexual preferences of children? Supposedly, the national GSA network is about ensuring LGBT students feel safe at school. Remember, up is down within sex activism, and keeping children ‘safe’ means ignoring all signs that schools are exposing kids to perverse and adult sexuality.
Bartlesville GSA Digs into Sexual Preferences of Minor BHS Students
The Bartlesville GSA wasted no time digging into the national resources from GSA’s website to fully immerse participating BHS students in the ‘gender & sexuality spectrum’.
We know because, in 2015, the Bartlesville GSA began posting pictures of BHS students holding signs stating their newly found and named genders and sexual identities. And they learned it all at school.
Incenting Ideological Conformity: Scholarships for Not Being Straight or Heteronormative
How do we know OKEQ-Bartlesville was heavily involved in the high school’s GSA club? The evidence is everywhere. Members of the OKEQ-Bartlesville board organized GSA student events and trips to pride events, like Tulsa Pride.

Members of OKEQ-Bartlesville arranged for and presented PFLAG scholarships to GSA students beginning in 2015.

You’ll recognize all three of the above OKEQ board members from their anti-bullying and opposition silencing work with Washington County’s Judge Russell C. Vaclaw (previous reporting).
Perverting the Purpose of Public Education
According to the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s website, the purpose of public education in the state, under the responsibility of the Oklahoma State Board of Education is pretty simple:
The State Board of Education is the governing board of the public school system of the state of Oklahoma. Members are charged with pursuing and implementing reforms that will boost student performance and ultimately help to create the kind of educated, highly skilled workforce that will bring more and better jobs to the state.
What does creating an “educated, highly skilled workforce” have to do with adults discussing sexual preferences and gender fluidity with children? Is someone going to say, “Wow, I really need to get my quarterly taxes submitted. Quick, find me a lesbian”? When the pipes in your house burst, do you scramble to locate a non-binary person?
It takes minimal stretching to tie any afterschool activity that promotes physical fitness, leadership, programming, chess, language or vocational learning to the OSDE’s mission, but the GSA and other groups smack of adult sexual politics and activism, not education to promote future, gainful occupations for students. Why are schools allowing this to be associated with their districts and to be happening on school property?
Invalidating the Logic Behind Gender Ideology in Schools: The Flip Test
Still not convinced the exclusion of clubs like the GSA from your schools is needed, wise, non-discriminatory, and in the interest of student safety, given the actual, intended role of public education? Flip the narrative.
Imagine that a heterosexual, male, high school debate teacher proposed an afterschool club where he planned to explore the sexual preferences of freshman girls. It would all be about safety, of course. He would personally explore the sexual identities of these 14-year-old girls to help them learn how to keep themselves safe from the other students at the high school.
If the hair on the back of your neck just stood up, you have healthy, normal protective instincts about children and would immediately question the motives of such a teacher. As an administrator, you would not only reject such a proposed club, but would quickly go to work speaking with the students this teacher had been traveling with to debate competitions to ensure their safety. Why would it be any different for a proposed GSA club instigated by OKEQ-Bartlesville?
By the way, Bartlesville learned the hard way about that not-so-fictitious debate teacher. It appears he was giving kids drugs in an attempt to sexually violate them. Judge Russell C Vaclaw is currently presiding over his criminal felony case. Perhaps BHS will award him with an afterschool club.
What Research Actually Shows About Pushing Children Down this Gender and Sex Theory Cattle Chute
To fully understand what the introduction of gender ideology does to youth, it’s necessary to take a brief trip back to before the mental health industry was torn from actual research and completely highjacked by the emotionally-based dogma of the sex activists. The late 1990’s found solid mental health researchers fighting to preserve evidence-based treatment for children related to sexuality as the first trickling of the gender ideology wave began to overtake the discipline.
The study below, from late 1999, replicates previous findings and does a thorough job within its conclusions of summarizing other research in this area. These collective findings refute much of what is used today to pull at the heartstrings and fears of policy makers and administrators, throwing school doors open to those who have no business being there.
The study can also be found on, the NIH’s National Library of Medicine site. It’s conclusions and aggregation of the conclusions of similar studies are startling:
“Findings support recent evidence suggesting that gay, lesbian, and bisexual young people are at increased risk of mental health problems, with these associations being particularly evident for measures of suicidal behavior and multiple disorder.”
“Bagley and Tremblay1 in a study of 82 homosexual or bisexual men aged 18 to 27 years and 668 heterosexual men found that rates of suicidal behaviors were nearly 14 times higher among the gay or bisexual subjects.”
“Remafedi et al3 compared 394 GLB high school students with 336 heterosexual controls. Their findings showed that the GLB subjects had odds of suicide attempt that were 7.1 times higher than heterosexual controls and odds of suicidal intent that were 3.6 times higher.
Sex activists have consistently and very emotionally laid the blame for high rates of mental health disorders and suicidal tendencies in LGB youth at the feet of a world that bullies them, but research does not support that claim. Even LGB youth whose families and support systems accept and celebrate their alternative sexualities have measurably higher rates of mental illness than their heterosexual peers.
“Specifically, it has been argued that because of a series of social processes that center on homophobic attitudes, GLB youth are exposed to serious personal stresses that increase their likelihood of suicidal behavior.6-8 However, a reappraisal of these claims showed them not to be well founded in evidence.” - David M. Fergusson, PhD; L. John Horwood, MSc; Annette L. Beautrais, PhD
More recent data (2022) shows only an increase in these tendencies. Despite the dramatic rise in the percentage of youth self-identifying as non-heterosexual, the explosion of LGBT examples within media content and greater public acceptance of alternative sexualities, current statistics from LGBT support organizations, such as the Trevor Project, show an even greater and immediate risk of suicide attempt within LGBT young people.
“The Trevor Project estimates that more than 1.8 million LGBTQ youth (13-24) seriously consider suicide each year in the U.S. — and at least one attempts suicide every 45 seconds.”
“The Trevor Project’s 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth.”
Given the very real risk to youth, it’s unclear why any school board, administrator or teacher would encourage the promotion of gender theory and alternative sexualities within schools. This is clearly not about creating safety for children, as PFLAG, GAS and OKEQ claim.
Who Sits On, Who Owns and Who Influences the Bartlesville School Board? Phillips 66 & ConocoPhillips
Before considering how the Bartlesville School Board, the governing body for the community’s public education system, is weighing in with policy around sex activism in schools, it pays to know more about who’s on the board. Of the six, currently active board members, two are lawyers and, like Bartlesville City Attorney Jess Kane (from previous reporting), apt to prioritize avoiding litigation as a driving consideration in drafting policy.
Even more concerning, half the current board works for ConocoPhillips or its spinoff Phillips 66, the two largest employers in Bartlesville (combined 4,050 employees):
Scott Bilger (lawyer) - Managing Counsel at Phillips 66; elected 2010
Andrea Nightingale (IT) - With ConocoPhillips since 2010; elected 2020
Rick Boswell (pilot/business) - Longtime employee of ConocoPhillips; appointed 2010
Kinder Shamhart (lawyer) - Private practice; appointed 2021
As OKEQ-Bartlesville was forming and moving into BHS under the guise of PFLAG and the GSA, Phillips 66 was spending $1.7 million in grant money to fund ‘Innovations Labs’ at BHS and two Bartlesville middle schools. The labs opened in 2015 and 2016, and the Phillips folks continue to gain influence and seats on the local school board.

Big Bartlesville Bucks Break Left: Phillips 66 and ConocoPhillips are Major Supporters of LGBT Activism
The Phillips 66, ConocoPhillips and OKEQ-Bartlesville groups are tightly tied in their efforts to reimagine public obscenity in Bartlesville, so parents should not expect policy in this area to change unless parents reimagine their school board.

Phillips 66 is also a frequent sponsor of OKEQ’s main organization and their Tulsa-based events and services, such as the annual Equality Gala:
In fact, the same couple who appears to hold infiltrated influence within the county’s protective order court, one of whom also stood up and lied to city council members about the nature of the drag performances in Unity Square, is directly tied to both Phillips 66, ConocoPhillips and the diversity programs of those corporations. These two seem to be dug in all around Bartlesville in their quest to force citizens to affirm their lifestyle choices. How much did their ties and pressured activism contribute to the approval of a Genders and Sexualites Alliance (GSA) club within Bartlesville schools?
OKEQ-Bartlesville Protective Order Pushers Tied to Phillips 66 & ConocoPhillips
Morgan Lawrence-Hayes, executive president of OKEQ-Bartlesville, and her spouse Sheena Hayes, the group’s vice president, have been very busy. Sheena Hayes is a mail and dock services worker for ConocoPhillips and is the founder of that company’s Pride Employee Network. She’s the reason they fly the pride flag in front of their headquarters, though sexuality has nothing to do with her actual job or the company’s purpose, to “explore for, develop and produce crude oil and natural gas globally”.

Morgan Lawrence (sometimes Lawrence-Hayes) has been employed by Phillips 66 for over 12 years and is currently a sales analyst at the company.
Like her spouse, she recruited her employer, and her spouse’s employer, to acknowledge and celebrate her sexual status as a lesbian by sponsoring the Bartlesville Pride events. ConocoPhillips also has an employee pride network, yet strangely, no such network based on the heterosexuality of employees.

In the 2020s, within the world of sex activists, it’s simply not enough to go to work, do good work for your employer and get paid for that work so you can support your personal life. You must bring your sexuality to work in a very public way, and your employer must celebrate, affirm and create special support clubs for you because of who you choose to have sexual contact with. And such demands shall bring you power, albeit extortionary, at your place of work. If your employer is big enough, your personal sexual preferences will allow you to yield your employer’s power throughout the community.
These are the same activists who used their connection with a local judge to silence the man who released footage from an obscene drag performance at OKEQ-Bartlesville’s 2022 pride event (previous reporting). The footage proved Lawrence-Hayes to have been untruthful in her public comments to the city council. More information about just how questionable the couple’s protective order request was will be revealed in future parts of this series.
And now we know they each very publicly wield the power of their fictitious minority status with their very large employers, whose representatives happen to hold half of Bartlesville’s current school board seats.
Conflicted Bartlesville School Board: Riding the Line Between State Law and Fictitious Federal Interpretation Creates Room for Entrenched Sex Activists
Like countless other local school boards across Oklahoma, Bartlesville’s board finds itself in a schizophrenic policy-making position. All reason and research require they follow the state’s actual legislation (Senate Bill 615 - passed May 2022) which mandates schools to require students to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on actual gender as assigned at birth or face a potential 5% reduction in state education funding.
However, the Biden administration, in 2022, through the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, issued a “Notice of Interpretation” asserting sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes under Title IX, a significant source of education funding. In summary, Oklahoma has a law, duly proposed and voted on by its legislature and signed by Governor Stitt to protect girls and boys in their respective facilities, while the Biden administration, on its own, decided to erase thousands of years of knowledge about human biology to assert gender identity as something other than an activist invention that endangers children.
The result of these conflicting directives from state and federal funders is gray area that had the Bartlesville school board updating its discrimination policies leaving “sex” as biology,
then expressing that policy on its website to appease the federal government and sex activists by expanding ‘sex’ to include “gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity”.
September 19th, 2022: BPS Take-Your-Pick Policy Night
On September 19th, 2022, the board finalized rules for disciplining those who don’t use the restroom according to their biological sex while simultaneously updating discrimination policies that give way to special protection for gender identity. What happens when schools like Bartlesville try to serve all masters to keep state, federal and private enterprise funds flowing? Chaos and an effective policy of ‘anything goes’.

From Afterschool to the Classroom: Sex Activism Now Mainstreamed at BHS
While the Bartlesville High School GSA club has come and gone and come again, mostly as the club’s required teacher-advisors have left the district, OKEQ’s seven years of influence and big donor representation on the BPS board appear to have allowed sex activism to flow into the classroom. During this school year, concerned parents forwarded information and pictures from a BHS classroom promoting the OKEQ’s pride event to Pastor Rich Penkoski of Warriors for Christ. Additional information revealed an advisory class at the school called ‘LGBTQ Chat’ and promotion of preferred pronouns within a required project.

What is this advisory class at BHS? Despite the class being specifically listed on a online schedule, no class by this name or containing any similar content matter is listed within Bartlesville High School’s official list of offered courses for the school year. Stated differently, the list of classes sent home to parents did not contain ‘LGBTQ Chat’. What else don’t parents of BHS students know about what happens during their child’s school day?
Activism Atrophy: Declining Education Outcomes for Bartlesville High School Students
Since OKEQ began reaching its tentacles into BHS, sometime during 2015, things haven’t been going as well for students. The last decade of outcomes data for the state’s education system is speckled with convenient holes, making accountability for failure elusive. Dropping state testing, replacing academic standards, and of course, a plandemic made it conveniently justifiable to avoid any year-to-year comparisons related to student academic performance.
However, available data from the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s School Report Card system shows Bartlesville High School’s historically high education indicators to have dropped dramatically in just one year, from the 2017-18 school year to 2018-19.
Bartlesville High School 2017-2018 school year outcomes data:
Bartlesville High School 2018-2019 school year outcomes data:
Bartlesville High student outcome changes from 2017-18 to 2018-19:
Bartlesville High’s academic achievement score plummeted to 47%, below state average. While the scale and data points for this indicator of student preparedness were significantly shifted during this time, Bartlesville High experienced a 27-point drop while the average drop across the state was only 16 points.
The state’s 4-year graduation rate was stable (83%) while Bartlesville High went from six points above the state average (89%) to two points below (81%).
Bartlesville High’s overall grade as a school went from above state average at a ‘B’ to below state average at a ‘C’.
This plunge for BHS students came before Covid insanity. It’s safe to say something significant was making learning more difficult. Schools constantly preach about “culture and climate” in education. Perhaps they should identify what has shifted dramatically in the culture and climate at BHS since 2015.
Where There’s Smoke: Know More About What’s Happening in Your Schools? Please Share
Where the smoke is this thick within a high school, it’s safe to assume the fire may have spread undetected by those outside of the building. The V1SUT Vantage understands that it can be very difficult to speak against sex activism in your own town. If you are a parent, guardian, grandparent or school staff member who knows more about any such activity within Bartlesville or other schools, public or private, and wish to remain anonymous, we ask that you email with your tips and concerns.
Judge Russell Vaclaw is the problem with the Judicial System, he is buddies of Anthem and Cynthia Blanchard and has purposefully looked the otherway to multiple reports of sexual exploitation of children by this odd ball couple Cynthia French who as the married named Blanchard is 45 years older than her husband Anthem Blanchard who goes by Anthem Hayek Blanchard, these two showed up to our town 5 years ago and ever since the town has been worse off. They have brought with them their California values, embraced by Judge Linda Thomas and Judge Russ Vaclaw, in fact Vaclaw is a godfather to Cynthia's family or maybe it is Judge Sigler, they both support whatever Cynthia French does and the transgender grooming her and her 47 year younger husband called Anthem Hayek Blanchard do to little boys in our community they prefer children who are just single digits in age, when the crimes are reported Linda Thomas threatens the parents. Bartlesville Police say do you know these people are billioniares and bringing the tech industry to the community and 500 new jobs, are you sure you want to make a report. If you show us videos of sexual exploitation that has Anthem and Cynthia Blanchard in the videos we will arrest you for possessioin of child porn! BUT wait it is Cynthia and Anthem Blanchard or French or whatever name they are going by that are the child molesters and monsters. Seems if you have money and happen to have the same attorneys as the town the law firm of Robbinett and King (DAVID KING) then no problem you can exploit the children and you can LIE to the citizens and you will even be given our most valuable icon the PRICE TOWER for just $10 then later say you assumed debt, but not pay taxes on it, oh and not even pay the property taxes on the building. As long as your exploiting our children and protected by our City Attorneys who represent every aspect of our city you can do whatever you want to children from poor familys, this is a sun down town after all.