Public Ed Provides Decades of Access and Protection for Reported Pedophile
'Beloved' Coach/Teacher Accused of Molesting Generations of Boys
Positions of Power Protect a Pedophile
In Wetumka, Oklahoma, a town of around 1,400 residents within rural Hughes County, a pedophile has been abusing adolescent boys for decades. Brent McGee’s positions of trust as a teacher, coach, athletic director and head of alternative education within public schools have provided him unrestricted access to vulnerable boys while his superintendent wife, Donna McGee, was positioned to prevent any internal investigations into his conduct. McGee’s longtime role as mayor/councilman in Wetumka put him in charge of the local police force, making his arrest for crimes against children unlikely to ever occur. Thanks to the actions of one brave man, that’s all about to end.
What True Bravery Looks Like
A man named Casey Yochum (49) is taking a stand for both himself and perhaps dozens of other current and former adolescent boys who may have fallen victim to sexual abuse by Brent McGee. Since 2020, Yochum has been working to put McGee behind bars. Despite an audiotaped confession from McGee concerning the molestation he perpetrated upon Yochum as a youth attending Noble Public Schools, this pedophile currently remains free to harm other boys as the list of his identified victims grows.
In an interview with this publication, Yochum shared his experience as a boy growing up without a father and described how McGee, then a teacher and coach in Noble, took him under his wing, earned both his and his mother’s trust, and molested him for years. Yochum painfully describes a lifelong pattern of confusion, friendship, manipulation and contact with McGee that resulted in suppression of the trauma until more recently, when the memories could no longer be pushed down.
After entering counseling, Yochum, a former Army combat medic and fireman, took action. On November 28th, 2020, Yochum secretly recorded a conversation between himself and McGee in which McGee admitted in detail to abusing him as a child.
Confession Reveals a Pedophile’s Pattern of Grooming and Abuse
The V1SUT Vantage has obtained a copy of the recorded conversation between Yochum and his abuser Brent McGee. In the recording, Yochum confronts McGee who admits to the abuse and continues his attempts to manipulate his now adult victim with rationalizations, guilt, flattery and soft blaming. It’s a rare and disturbing peek into the mind and tactics of a serial child predator.
The recording leaves no doubt that McGee sexually abused Yochum, though his admissions are layered with flattery crafted to rationalize the abuse:
Yochum - “You know you molested me and you’ve never said I’m sorry, you never have given me any remorse…Everybody still looks at him. Yeah, that’s Brent. Everyone knows about Brent…You know what Brent was doing the whole time. He had this buddy he got to hang out with him all the time. They were traveling and everybody thought it was no big deal Casey slept in the clam the whole time. No big deal. It’s just the clam. It was just the clam and it wasn’t just me…I couldn’t tell anybody. How do you tell somebody that? Yeah, I’ve been sleeping in my coach’s bed, he jacks me off and I jack him off for money. That’s how I make up my payments.”
Brent McGee responds - “The first time I met you, you were always a stud in sports. I tell everybody you’re the best guy, best athlete I ever coached. And did it go too far? Yes. Too far. Am I sorry? Yes. Did I get caught up in it?...I just wanted to know everything about you…You could get what you wanted out of me because I was so crazy about what an athlete you were, what you did and who you were. I don’t know how that, how that all transpired really but hell, crazy, crazy was buying a car on a credit card. I would call it crazy. That was crazy.”
Casey responds - “And I had to pay for it”.
McGee - “I was supposed to be the adult. Casey, I apologize. It was not right. It was something you know, I wasn’t trying to, to hurt you…obviously I was your coach, but it went from, I would just do this, crazy, playing and carrying on and then, and then oh here’s the money, here’s this.”
The “clam” that Yochum mentioned above was McGee’s bed at the time of the abuse, which Yochum describes as a big round bed entirely covered in brown fur with a half shell coming over the top, a mirror on each side and a small TV and VCR all within reach when laying on your back.
McGee further admits guilt stating - “I love you…I made a bad mistake…You were so much more than I was...I would say infatuation is that what it was? I don’t know.”
A Pedophile’s Personal M.O.

The recorded conversation also outlines McGee’s modus operandi for grooming parents and vulnerable children, a pattern that repeats itself nearly perfectly in conjunction with multiple, additional victims who have recently disclosed abuse by McGee to law enforcement but are not yet ready to have their names disclosed within the media.
McGee Often Prays on Vulnerable Boys with No Father Figure and No Financial Resources
Overwhelmingly, the boys McGee identified for grooming lacked a father figure. For those that had family ties, McGee groomed caregivers to believe he was helping his target advance athletically or made attempts to separate the family from their son, positioning himself and his wife as the better option. Within the audio recording with Yochum, McGee describes a boy currently staying in their home by saying, “His Dad got killed in a motorcycle wreck. His mom, she got four kids and don’t care of none of them”.
Yochum shared that McGee targeted him during junior high, knowing his father was not in the picture and his mother was coming out of an abusive relationship. McGee even described himself sharing the same birthday as Yochum’s absent father as proof that God had brought him into the boy’s life.
According to Yochum, “When you’re raised in a bad household and your coach is praising you…Everyone wants to be praised…especially as a kid with no money.”

The McGee’s have no biological children of their own and have regularly taken other people’s children, always male, into their home. On social media, the McGee’s heavily promote their activities with the boys they house to garner false trust and praise throughout their community
McGee Gives His Victims a Unique Code Name for Expected Sexual Acts
Yochum explained McGee’s use of a specific word, in Yochum’s case “pablo”, used to communicate that his victims owed him a sexual act. According to Yochum, “Brent held me out of soccer games, he used to always call it a ‘pablo’. If I hadn’t been over to his house, he’d be like ‘Where you been, Pablo?’ If you had a certain word with him, mine was Pablo, that’s how I knew I owed something… Things that you needed would be things that he could come up with and give you for a price.” Other words like ‘escuela’ for schooling an opponent were worked in to provide cover for the manipulative moniker placed upon Yochum.
McGee acknowledged the tactic within the recorded conversation with Yochum:
Yochum - “I’ve felt a lot of bitterness towards you because no one knew. No one knew. No one knew what pablo was. It was an ongoing joke that I had to pay up a pablo here, pay up a pablo there. In front of people it was just like, Sup pablo?”
McGee - “Everything you’ve got, not, not money, I’m talkin about everything you got, awards and everything it was not because…It was because you were Casey Yochum. A stud…Everyone knows Casey Yochum, heck you were player of the year. But did you make me look good? Well, hell yes...They said how’d you do in soccer, well you heard of Casey Yochum? And I look back now and yeah…I wish it would’ve never happened. I enjoyed the time we had growing up, you growing up, I was growing up as a young person myself, I was immature. But all that other pablo, all that stuff. At the time, I guess like I said, I guess I was infatuated. Was it a gay act, was it a bi-sexual act, was it just crazy? I couldn’t answer you that.
Beyond code words, victims disclose that McGee provided alcohol and frequently quizzed them about sexual details involving their girlfriends. Multiple victims describe falling asleep with McGee rubbing their shoulders and awakening to him handling their genitals. McGee pushed masturbation as a common and collective activity, even reportedly providing pornography and masturbating within the same bed as his victims. McGee described gratifying each other through masturbation as something guys regularly did and linked the act to something his victims needed that he would provide.
McGee referred to his victims as ‘stud’ even into adulthood, a practice that now repulses Yochum. “Trauma bond is real. Trauma bond as an adult, he still called me stud. Being called a stud by your soccer coach (as an adult) is disgusting.”
McGee Knows What His Victims Need, Providing Cars, Clothes, Money and Jobs
A critical part of Brent McGee’s grooming process involved buying his economically disadvantaged victims things they needed but could not afford. He would then hold those purchases over their heads as an indebtedness that could only be paid through sexual contact. McGee bought clothes, shoes and even cars for his victims.
This publication can confirm the McGee’s purchased vehicles for multiple boys over the years. The McGee’s also employed many of Brent’s victims at Wetumka’s only fast-food restaurant, a Dairy Queen that has been in the McGee family for over 40 years. Paying boys to help teach swimming lessons at the family’s home was another way McGee brought the poorest boys under his control as both their perpetrator and employer.
Yochum states, “He buys these kids vehicles. He gets them to think that he loves them. What are you supposed to do when you love somebody, is what McGee’s thinking or he makes you think, well I did this because I loved you. He did this because he’s a sick f***ing pedophile”.
Within the recorded conversation between Yochum and McGee, Yochum confirms that his first abusive contact with McGee involved Yochum’s need for dental work:
Yochum - “And after I dove on asphalt when the first time it happened was when you were going to be able to get me a discount to some, to get my teeth fixed and I’d pay up a pablo for $15 or $20 buck and that was either I jacked you off or have you jack me off. And it elevated and it went deeper and deeper every year. And I hid it, I hid it so good…You know exactly what we were talking about.”
McGee - “Yeah, yeah.”
Yochum - “Because that’s true and you know it.”
From early on, McGee faced indebtedness issues related to his heavy spending for the purpose of ensnaring his victims. His wages were garnished from 2002 until 2012 by the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
A source in Wetumka informs that the town allowed utility bills at both the couple’s home and Dairy Queen to go delinquent on multiple occasions. It appears supporting Brent McGee’s decades of predation upon boys has placed a continued and serious strain on the couple’s finances, despite Donna McGee having one the most lucrative jobs in the area and the couple owning the local Dairy Queen.
McGee Garners Sympathy and Uses Talk of God and Prayer to Silence His Victims
When faced with his crimes, McGee turns the sympathy table on his victims by talking about his medical issues or other problems:
McGee to Yochum (recorded) - “I’m asking you for forgiveness, I’m asking God for forgiveness. And you know, who knows how long I’ve have to live, you know I might flatline…it’s not funny, when you wake up and you done pissed yourself, your shorts are wet cause you don’t know… and they say we gotta change you.. and there’s nine people around you… I’m like hell, I about died”.
The McGee’s attend Wetumka First United Methodist Church. McGee confuses his young victims by claiming to be a religious man and saying he prays for them.

Within his recorded conversation with Yochum, God, prayer and forgiveness are used to ensure Yochum’s continued silence.
McGee - “Do you think I deserve I should be punished for it?… I’m asking you for your forgiveness. Cause I’ve asked God for forgiveness. But there’s something not right. Something wasn’t, something wasn’t clickin right in my head.”
Yochum - “Did you ask God for forgiveness?”
McGee - “Yes, and I guarantee you I will again tonight. Specially the fact that I’m gonna pray for you for what I did.”
The FBI, McGirt Fallout, a Dangerously Silent School Board and McGee’s Fake Exit From WPS
Though beyond Oklahoma’s statute of limitations that sets a maximum victim age of 45 for reporting child sexual abuse, Yochum (then 46) took McGee’s recorded confession to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the belief that the US Supreme Court’s McGirt v Oklahoma decision effectively nullified any limitations if a crime occurred on tribal land. On August 9th, 2022, four FBI agents visited Wetumka Public Schools (WPS) to interview McGee. McGee’s wife Donna (WPS superintendent) and Principal Darrell Reid were also present at the meeting to learn about McGee’s crimes and confession.
As a result of the FBI visit, McGee stepped down from his positions at WPS, though no official statement was ever made by the district. School board minutes fail to mention the allegations against him, his status as an employee of the district or any actions taken to ensure the safety of WPS students. Parents were never notified.

The V1SUT Vantage reached out to Donnie Williamson, WPS School Board member/clerk and owner of Williamson-Spradlin Funeral Home, with questions about the board’s knowledge of and any actions taken concerning the allegations against McGee. Williamson has not responded.
Following the FBI visit to WPS, an inside source reports Wetumka High School (WHS) Principal Darrell F. Reid gathered the school’s faculty, non-specifically informed that Brent McGee had been accused of some things and instructed that no one should approach Superintendent Donna McGee about the matter. Reid likened the situation to when his OKDHS employed wife had been unfaithful to him with a minor, further explaining how he (Reid) got back at the young man on the football field. Court records show that Principal Reid’s now ex-wife Ruth Ann Reid pleaded guilty to an amended charge of sexual battery in 2003 and remains a registered sex offender.

Reid further told staff to come to him with concerns about McGee and instructed them not to discuss the matter elsewhere. Such a directive would involve subversion of the state’s mandated reporter law which requires anyone who suspects a minor is being abused to contact the state’s child abuse hotline. No school policy can subvert that law or direct such reports exclusively through a gatekeeper. The source confirms that Reid did not discuss any plans or need to identify any other WPS students who may have been victimized by Brent McGee.
Disturbingly, just months later, during the Spring of 2023, Principal Reid tagged McGee in a Facebook group post congratulating all Wetumka HS track coaches on a great season.
In addition, McGee was reported to have been walking the sidelines at a recent Wetumka football game. McGee has observably retained access to WPS students as well as his teaching certifications through the OSDE.
Status of the Current Investigation
As the fallout from the McGirt decision brought clarification throughout 2022, the FBI was forced to put their full investigation concerning McGee temporarily on hold, but Yochum was not backing down. Within a Facebook post and live video, on October 20th, 2022, Yochum publicly disclosed the years of abuse by McGee, shared the audio of McGee confessing to the crimes and invited other victims to speak out.
The post and video (since removed by Facebook) were widely viewed across the area, despite the Wetumka town page blocking the information. Immediately, other victims began to reach out revealing generational abuse at the hands of Brent McGee.
Due to Yochum’s efforts and support of younger victims coming forward, the investigation has been reactivated. Statutes of limitation are no longer an issue, and both the FBI and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) are now actively involved in the growing investigation.
Neither the OSBI nor FBI will release information about ongoing investigations. Expect The V1SUT Vantage to provide updates as new information about the investigation becomes available.
From Noble to Wetumka, 30+ Years of Perpetration
Brent McGee has been a teacher, coach and trusted figure in rural Oklahoma K-12 education for more than thirty years. He began in 1989 as a teacher within Noble Public Schools, a small district and community Southeast of Norman. While at Noble PS, McGee and his now wife Donna (then Donna Duffield) started a successful soccer program for both boys and girls.
This is where Yochum and his mother were groomed by McGee leading to years of sexual abuse for Yochum. A 1998 article in The Oklahoman hints at the lengths McGee went to in gaining parental and community trust. Glowing quotes from Norman North soccer coach Jay Coleman, McGee’s roommate within the house where Yochum was frequently abused, prompt many questions:
"He's a really good coach," said Norman North girls soccer coach Jay Coleman, who helped McGee start the program. "Coaches can coach. But coaching is not just knowing X's and O's, most of it is psychology. He is a superb motivator and wants to win no matter what”.
"I think the kids know he's honest with them. That's the key. They trust him because they know he's honest."
He (Coleman) met McGee in 1989 at a soccer clinic and helped the basketball and baseball coach learn soccer.
He roomed with McGee up until last season when Brent married the former Donna Duffield, who is Noble's girls coach.
"They liked the way I worked with kids and said 'there's a guinea pig,' " McGee said with a laugh.
But it was the way McGee related to kids that made him their choice.
According to another article within The Oklahoman, two years after marrying in 1997, both Brent and Donna McGee resigned from Noble PS. Brent McGee briefly left education for a banking job and headed back toward his hometown of Wetumka. Of his time in Noble, McGee states,"We created quite a little monster down there."
Brent McGee quickly returned to teaching and coaching, this time in Wetumka, with his wife serving as elementary principal (2007) and then becoming his boss as high school principal (2008-2013) and eventually superintendent (2014-present). The couple’s home became the scene of much of the sexual abuse recently disclosed by current and former WPS students.

Yochum and other victims believe Donna McGee was aware of the abuse being perpetrated upon the students she is paid to protect. In a posted video, Yochum states:
“Brent McGee who wants to swoop in and say oh I’m better than your dad, this is what I can do for you, your secrets are good with me, I’m your best friend, look at my wife even, she’s in on it, she knows what my problem is, but she is going to be there for us, and she’s gonna cook us food, she’s gonna clean our house and she’s gonna act like nothing ever happens.”
Donna McGee placed her husband as head of alternative education at WHS, in a separate building apart from any other staff. Brent McGee had constant, unsupervised access to the most at-risk boys in town. His roles as soccer, football, track and Key Club coach involved out-of-town and even overnight trips with some of the same students.
Wetumka Schools are Primed for Pedophiles
WPS students are at-risk, with 91% being economically disadvantaged. The majority of students are American Indian (51%). WPS rides just below the 400-student population level that allows for exemptions in the state’s nepotism laws for schools and their school boards, adding conflicts of interest in hiring that could hinder abuse reporting.
The district’s academic achievement scores, a measure of students’ readiness for the next grade level, have fallen significantly in recent years. Based upon available data from the OSDE, in 2017-18 the district was within the 37th percentile of all districts in the state for academic achievement, falling to the 20th percentile (2021-22) in just three years. Based on 2021-22 testing, only 13% of students are proficient (composite English, math, science).
With few skills and support, WPS kids are prime targets for offenders. Donna McGee’s teaching and administrative certifications are set for review and renewal by the OSDE at the end of this school year.
Boys, Sexual Abuse and the Weight of Silence: McGee’s Victims Join to Seek Justice and Reclaim Their Lives
According to Prevent Child Abuse America, boys are less likely to disclose abuse and “the experience of sexual abuse has more severe and complex consequences for boys than for girls in respect to emotional and behavioral problems (extreme use of alcohol and drugs, aggressive/criminal behavior, poor school performance, truancy, and sexual risk taking)”. Boys may even defend their abusers to prevent the public outing of their victimization.
Yochum agrees, stating, “Males will take this to their grave. They will never speak about this…They will die of alcoholism.”
Yochum does not want McGee’s younger victims to suffer in silence as he did. “It’s hard to speak out as a young man…but I will tell you, the truth will set you free and you will live abundantly instead of holding this in like I have… I don’t want you to go through it, I don’t… I’ve spent my entire adult life recovering from what happened to me at 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 years old.”
Yochum is encouraging everyone in the Wetumka area to consider who might be a silently suffering victim:
“If you know anyone who worked at Wetumka Dairy Queen, he (McGee) purchased clothes or a vehicle, that Brent McGee has spoken highly of. He grooms the parents, he grooms the grandparents, he grooms the kids. He’s been doing this since high school. They make you love them, there’s a trauma bond. You’re the only one. They make you feel special.”
“Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, if you have a son, a grandson, a nephew that you know has stayed the night at McGee’s house, that if your son’s name has come out of McGee’s mouth, you better investigate. I promise you, there’s a reason. If he spoke highly of your kid, there’s a reason.”
Report to Law Enforcement: If you are or were a victim of Brent McGee, you are encouraged to contact the US Attorney’s Office at (918) 684-5100 and tell them you want to inquire about the Brent McGee case. They will route you to the appropriate investigator.
Victim Support: Casey Yochum is coordinating a brotherhood of support for victims as they seek justice. “There’s kids, kids in their 20s, kids in their teens that have been affected by this monster…If we save one child it’s worth it, if we save two children, we’re moving mountains,” states Yochum. Contact him by email:
To report child abuse: If you suspect a child is being abused, you are mandated by Oklahoma law to contact the Statewide 24-hour Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-522-3511.
The V1SUT Vantage will be following this developing story closely. There is much more to convey about the conditions in Wetumka, Oklahoma, that are making children unsafe.
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To the man who had courage to make this public - you are a HERO!!! You have saved many other future children from being victims. I am in my 40s in as a young girl and a teenager was the victim of multiple abuses. I assure you God heals all wounds and I know it takes time but I want to encourage you you keep on keeping on.. Never back down. Praying for you and all these kids affected by this monster.
Thank you for this information. I appreciate your hard work to put this together.