Why is Delaware Dark Money Digging into Oklahoma Education? Newest Hofmeister Helper Fund
How to Steal a State: Midterm Minute - November 3, 2022
Within this brief Midterm Minute:
The newest Hofmeister dark money is all about Oklahoma education, yet hails from Delaware. Leadership Action Fund: The latest, shady Hofmeister helper.
Hofmeister will work for the Beltway, not the Heartland: Joe Biden’s basement campaign team in Delaware is behind her misleading messaging.
If it’s broke, don’t fix it. We know what they’re fighting against, but what are they fighting FOR?
Fearful messages always fly when the education establishment feels funding slipping away.
The unspoken message from public ed: Keep sending the money, forget Oklahoma’s children trapped in failing schools.
The newest Hofmeister dark money is all about Oklahoma education, yet hails from Delaware. Leadership Action Fund: The newest, shady Hofmeister helper.
A new dark money group is flooding Oklahoma mailboxes with late attacks on Governor Kevin Stitt (R) and the legislature’s proposed solutions for the state’s failing public education system. Before giving their inaccurate, doomsday dialogue any credence, voters should know the voices behind these messages hail from Delaware, not Oklahoma. The Washington beltway has many strategies for working in the shadows as they dig into state-level elections, but this may be the darkest of the dark money.
Formed on June 22, 2022, Leadership Action Fund, Inc. is a Delaware entity created through The Corporation Trust Company, a massive operation in a small, non-descript Delaware building that began as a tax shelter operation for companies wishing to appear to be based in Delaware. This corporation curtain company is an arm of the global juggernaut Wolters Kluwer.

The Corporation Trust Company now shields unscrupulous political efforts by serving as their registered agents, negating the need to tie anyone’s actual name to the lies they wish to promote. Corporation Trust Company is a well-known address front (1209 Orange St. or 1209 N Orange St. in Wilmington, Delaware) for over 350,000 businesses and other entities.

As previously reported, Sooner State Leadership Fund, another dark money, Hofmeister helping entity claimed locally by known political operator Trebor Worthen, is also a Corporation Trust Company creation. Worthen has crafted a niche occupation by bashing and boxing out actual conservatives from his Republican party through a string of firm name changes and job hops.

Worthen was directly connected to Hofmeister’s 2014, dark money OPSE scandal within the affidavit of probable cause bringing felony charges against Hofmeister and four others, including education union heads.
Hofmeister will work for the Beltway, not the Heartland: Joe Biden’s basement campaign team in Delaware is behind Her misleading messaging
As previously reported, Hofmeister’s campaign puppet masters are the same manipulators who hid Joe Biden away from the campaign trail to conceal his cognitive decline, positioned him as a unifying peacemaker and somehow made him the POTUS. How much has Hofmeister’s campaign paid Biden’s consultants to date?
4C Partners - $165,560
Jones Mandel - $52,725
ALG Polling (aka Impact Research) - $164,500
Voters should know, Leadership Action Fund and its messaging are likely the fabrication of this group of Biden/Hofmeister consultants. In addition to Biden’s team, Hofmeister’s campaign has dropped another $148,906 to DC-based Fireside Campaigns, which describes itself as “a majority queer-owned progressive digital, data, and communications consulting firm operating in the political space”.
It’s pretty clear that Hofmeister’s true push is about a much broader, progressive agenda, not a feigned concern for the education system she spent eight years piloting into the ground.
If it’s broke, don’t fix it. We know what they’re fighting against, but what are they fighting FOR?
Clearly, the voices behind the anti-voucher mailers of Leadership Action Fund would rather not see parents given an options for their child’s education, even if their neighborhood school has been underperforming for years.
Fearful Messages Always Fly When the Education Establishment Feels Funding Slipping Away
Leadership Action Fund’s panicked and speculative claims about the potential evils of a voucher system are loaded with lies, false estimates, and downright humorous hypocrisy, never considering the parent perspective or accurately describing the options parents might have under such an arrangement. These mailers are chock full of illogical arguments against making any needed changes to public education:
The rural school deception - On one-hand, these hit-mailers claim rural parents have no options under a voucher program, then they claim vouchers will decimate rural schools. How could rural public schools be crushed if no students can leave them? The truth is that rural parents could flee a failing public school under the proposed voucher system by using their student’s public dollars to homeschool, co-op with other parents or virtually educate their children. That scares the education establishment, so the hit campaigns never say it out loud.
Quality of public education would suffer - Given the current state of public education in Oklahoma, how could allowing children to move to a better option hurt anyone but the education establishment? Oklahoma Council Of Public Affairs (OCPA) just published a thorough recap of the state’s education quality decline under Hofmeister’s management of the OSDE and the real impact on children. These mailers never mention any of those stats.
Big DC Super-PACs - The claim from Leadership Action Fund that “Big Washington DC Super PACs are PAYING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to lobby for Stitt’s voucher program” is where the comedy truly lies. Leadership Action Fund is a Delaware based entity, much less transparent than a PAC, spending thousands to fight Stitt’s voucher program. Is this the pot calling the kettle less black?
The unspoken message from public ed: Keep sending the money, forget Oklahoma’s children trapped in failing schools.
Thus far, the dark money attacking a needed shake-up in the failing Oklahoma public education system has offered no alternate solutions beyond keeping unprecedented amounts of taxpayer money flowing to a system at the bottom of the national rankings. According to the Oklahoma Policy Institute, “Spending (annual) for all education agencies makes up 44 percent of the state budget, or $4.6 billion.” Public education is by far the largest expense taxpayers shoulder, yet the system’s quality is ranked 49th in the nation. Inexplicably, those behind Leadership Action Fund like things just as they are in the state’s public schools. Is this really about education?
Leadership Action Fund claims vouchers would “defund local schools”. Perhaps it’s time to defund the OSDE, where the toxic union of politics and education reside, and get back to local control of public education where parents are more likely to have influence. Vote wisely, Oklahoma.
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Really enjoy your writings. Very researched and well thought out. Keep up the good work, and maybe others will see what is really going on in Oklahoma and elsewhere.