As the judge finally said, this guy has no business around any kid - much less marginalized kids. What in the world was Western Heights thinking? This sort of thing has to stop. Sexualizing children at a pre-pubescent age is not appropriate and dangerously unhealthy. Let's not make our kids life any harder or more confusing by adding perverts like this to their list of things they have to contend with while growing up.

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Agreed. We need an army of advocates for innocence to match the army of activists who project their adult issues on children. And J'm not sure they teach healthy child development to teachers anymore.

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And the LGBT supporting teachers will defend this predator at all costs. They wore their I stand with Murnan shirts to school

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You hit on something significant. School administrators no longer have authority over teachers.

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Good observation. Public ed has moved away from serving the needs of children and now vehemently backs the desires of the adults within the system.

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