He's a Woman: OK Trans Teacher/Coach Arrested for Sexually Abusing Student - School & Media Hide Perp's Real Gender
Parents Deceived About Coach's Biological Sex
Lawton, OK - On March 13, 2024, an arrest warrant was issued for Nicko Deocampo Miranda (43), computer teacher and girls volleyball coach at Eisenhower High School in Lawton, Oklahoma. The charge of felony sexual battery involves one of Miranda’s female students. The media, both local and national, promptly and inaccurately reported on the story.
ABC affiliate KSWO (channel 7) in Lawton reported Miranda “turned himself in after being accused of an inappropriate relationship with one of his students”. The Lawton Constitution stated, “A felony warrant has been filed for the man’s arrest.” MicroSoft News (MSN) echoed local reporting adding, “His bond is set for $100,000 and he faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.”
While reports concerning multiple sleepovers at the coach’s residence and months of sexually explicit text messages between the coach and student were accurately pulled from court documents, a major error occurred in every legacy media account of this story. Miranda is a woman.
Oklahoma Governor’s 2023 Order Flushes Out Gender Deception: Females Go to Women’s Jail
On March 14, 2024, Nicko Deocampo Miranda was booked into the Comanche County Detention Center in Southwest Oklahoma. Miranda was held within the women’s section of the facility because she is a biological female.
In 2023, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R), with former college swimmer and women’s advocate Riley Gaines by his side, signed an executive order dubbed the “Women’s Bill of Rights”.
The order defines people in Oklahoma as male or female based upon their biological sex (“one’s reproductive system”) at birth. According to Governor Stitt at the signing:
“No men are going to go into women’s prisons in the state of Oklahoma. No men in women’s domestic shelters. No men in women’s locker rooms. No men in women’s bathrooms. No men in women’s sports.”
Miranda, though known only as a male at Eisenhower HS, was held as a female inmate. It’s unclear what will be more surprising to the parents of Eisenhower High School students, Miranda’s arrest or the news that Miranda is not a man.
School District Aware of Coach’s Sex: Parents Deceived
As progressive school districts and national education organizations fight to conceal student gender swapping and teacher misconduct from parents under the guise of privacy and/or personnel issues, Miranda’s case begs some important new questions. Should parents be informed if their child’s teacher or coach appears as and claims to be of the opposite biological sex during work hours? Does the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), as the state-level, oversight agency for all of public education, have a right to know if teachers are cross-dressing at school?
Even in a state like Oklahoma where gender markers cannot be legally changed and nonbinary is not an option on birth certificates, Nicko Miranda was able to teach and coach as the opposite gender for nearly two years, unbeknownst to parents.

This publication reached out to Lawton Schools Superintendent Kevin Hime to ask who at the district knew Miranda was a female, why parents were allowed to believe Miranda was a man, and whether the OSDE was notified Miranda would be teaching and coaching as a male.

We also asked Hime if state law requiring public education staff and students to utilize the bathroom and locker room facilities aligned with their biological sex was followed by Miranda and enforced by her superiors. Hime has not responded.
Lawton High School has many administrators. Given hiring requirements, those involved in bringing Miranda on board had to have known her biological sex. It is unknown how many other administrators became aware of Miranda’s biological status as a female after the hiring process and knowingly kept parents in the dark.

At least three other public agencies were aware, at least on paper, of Miranda’s biological sex. According to the OSDE website:
“Background checks are a necessary component for Oklahoma educators, district personnel and school support staff. These background checks are based on fingerprint checks processed through the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).”
The background check process for teachers requires the applicant to indicate his/her biological sex and involves the school district, OSDE, OSBI and FBI. All agencies involved were made aware Miranda was a female through this process. It is unknown if any of these agencies were also informed by Lawton Public Schools that Miranda would present herself as male while teaching and coaching.
Miranda currently holds emergency and adjunct certifications to teach computer science and industrial arts to middle and high school students through the OSDE. Those certifications are set to expire at the end of June.
Convincing Performance: Playing Male Teacher and Trusted Coach Up Until Her Arrest

Both personally and professionally, Miranda was presented to the Lawton community, students and parents as a family man.

According to Miranda’s social media, she describes herself as a “Lolo (grandfather), Dad, Husband, Coach, Teacher”, private volleyball coach and advocate for greater public education funding.

Her then spouse posted a celebration of her husband’s hiring as a new teacher and coach by the Lawton Public School Board during the summer of 2022 stating, “You’re going to do great things and change so many lives.”

Just months after becoming a teacher and coach, Miranda is reported to have moved out of the couple’s home to her own residence where the sexual abuse of at least one student is reported to have taken place. Miranda then filed for a “DIVORCE WITHOUT MINOR CHILDREN” which was granted in June of 2023.
According to case documents, on February 7, 2024, the mother of a Lawton HS student reported her daughter’s GPS location showed she was spending considerable time, including overnight stays, at Miranda’s residence. The investigation uncovered several months of sexually explicit messages between Miranda (43) and the student (18), who Miranda identified within the communications as her girlfriend.
A statement by the school district at the time of Miranda’s arrest refers to Miranda only as an employee and does not include any gender identifying pronouns:
“Upon notification of an allegation, the employee was immediately placed on administrative leave. Law enforcement and all proper authorities were notified and an investigation was conducted. The employee is no longer with the district. Safety is at the forefront of our priorities and we take every report seriously.”
The district’s commitment to “safety” appears to include hiring those with significant behavioral health challenges. Pre-2000, scientists and researchers regularly published findings recognizing the behavioral risks associated with the use of cross-sex hormones in the treatment of gender dysphoria. To quote just one (Psychoneuroendocrinology, ScienceDirect, 1995):
“The administration of androgens to females was clearly associated with an increase in aggression proneness, sexual arousability and spatial ability performance.”
Miranda’s case illustrates the danger for students when school districts secretly prioritize compassion for adults with mental illness over the God-given right and responsibility of parents to assess risks associated with those who interact with their children. The district’s board meeting minutes suggest any discussion about Miranda prior to her hiring either did not occur or happened behind closed doors within executive session and was not noted.
Use of Multiple Names Makes Gender Hoppers Difficult to Track and Background Checks Potentially Incomplete
Miranda’s stated name has morphed throughout her lifetime. As evidenced by a speeding ticket from 2001 (then age 20), Miranda’s birthname is Mistystarr Deocampo Miranda, though a 2002 citation separates her first name as Misty Starr Miranda.

During 2011, both an indebtedness case in Comanche County (OK) and a traffic citation in neighboring Grady County list Misty Starr Miranda as the defendant with a residential address in Jacksonville, Florida. Both cases list Miranda’s confirmed date of birth.
Concerningly, court documents related to the current felony sexual battery case refer to her only as Nicko Miranda, list no known aliases, and do not connect Nicko to Misty (or Mistystarr) or her previous court records.
County voter registration records show Nicko Mistystarr De Ocampo Miranda registered to vote in Comanche County as a Democrat during 2014, further confirming Nicko and Mistystarr are the same person.

Similarly, in 2016, “NICKO MISTYSTARR DE OCAMPO MIRANDA” applied for a marriage license with “MARIETA DEE PERRY” (also known as Asia Miranda, Asia Perry and Asia Clear).

Publicly available, online trackers (above) appear to be doing a better job connecting aliases for offenders than law enforcement or court systems. This raises serious questions about the accuracy of educator background checks that operate within government data sources. This publication has been unable to locate any documents confirming a legal name change related to Miranda, making the tracking of national criminal records for this individual difficult.

Miranda appears to have started living as a man while serving in the U.S. Army during the early 2000’s. Miranda’s multiple LinkedIn profiles as Nicko Miranda state she was a student at Cameron University (2006-2010) and Oklahoma City Community College (2017-2018), and prior to becoming a teacher, worked at Southwest Medical Associates and CACI International.
What Lawton OK Parents Still Need to Know
Miranda, while primarily a high school employee, was allowed to work with elementary and middle school children during summer volleyball camps.
She also provided private volleyball coaching to a number of Lawton Public Schools students. Parents and guardians are encouraged to talk with children who participated in those activities. Additional incidents of abuse related to Miranda should be reported to the Lawton Police Department, the OSDE, and Oklahoma’s Child Abuse Hotline.
Beware of Public Ed Staff Receiving Internal Awards: Trophies, Titles and Top Salaries for Making Kids Unsafe
In an ongoing trend among progressive, public education districts and administrators, Lawton Public Schools named “Mr. Miranda”, now an accused sex offender, as Rookie Teacher of the Year during her first year of teaching (2022-23).
This publication previously highlighted the practice of awarding and promoting gender-confused staff members and like-minded co-workers within Western Heights Public Schools as we revealed Shane Murnan, a known drag queen, was serving as principal at John Glenn ES. Murnan faced child pornography charges early in his career, hired a number of co-workers from a local drag-bar to work within the elementary school, and was released from employment at the district following our extensive reporting.
On June 23, 2022, at the very school board meeting where Miranda was hired by Lawton Public Schools, Superintendent Kevin Hime and his wife Stephanie Hime were recognized for receiving top awards from the state’s increasingly progressive association for public school administrators.
The Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration (CCOSA) is a highly political organization whose online list of “LEGISLATIVE GOALS AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES 2023-24” includes a heavy focus on education funding and educator pay but never once mentions parents.

Kevin and Stephanie Hime were named CCOSA’s 2022 Superintendent of the Year and Administrator of the Year respectively. Currently, Kevin Hime’s annual compensation package totals $290,351, and Stephanie Hime, up until last year, made $121,426 annually from Lawton Public Schools. The median household income in Oklahoma is just over $61,000. Only 18% of Lawton students test as proficient in math with only 22% having proficiency in English and science.
The OSDE and State Board of Education are currently seeking the passage of new rules through the state legislature that would, in part, strengthen the agency’s ability to hold districts accountable for hiring practices that endanger children and to revoke educator certifications for acts of moral turpitude.
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Only OU Women Softball hits more home runs that V1SUT Vantage. Very important story. If records are incomplete and/or unavailable then parents cannot protect their children. Oklahoma's Industrial Education Complex and media are complicit in hiding truth, allowing evil, and destroying the innocence of children. Thank you for standing in the gap.
Keep on exposing them!!