Only OU Women Softball hits more home runs that V1SUT Vantage. Very important story. If records are incomplete and/or unavailable then parents cannot protect their children. Oklahoma's Industrial Education Complex and media are complicit in hiding truth, allowing evil, and destroying the innocence of children. Thank you for standing in the gap.

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Keep on exposing them!!

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As a former student of HIS, It is shameful to use this awful person to push a transphobic agenda. The gender and sex of a teacher has no effect on their ability to teach. Although, I will NOT defend his acts, and none of my fellow classmates did. He is a deplorable person and should be punished for his crime, but using them as a excuse to spread hateful rhetoric is dangerous.

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Your comments, favorable or critical, are very welcome here. By comparing observations, we will be better informed about how to make schools safe for kids. Be assured, this publication truthfully reports about a wide range of child sex offenders within schools...male, female, heterosexual, homosexual, young, old... the list goes on. No group has this destructive market cornered, and we will never withhold the facts concerning anyone targeting children. Our Harmful Coaches series (https://v1sut.substack.com/t/harmful-coaching) is evidence of that. Each child predator grooms and lives behind a curtain of lies about who they are. In the case of Miranda, Lawton parents, and perhaps students and other staff, were misled about a number of things. Your perspective as one of Miranda's former students is very valuable to this conversation. Would you be willing to speak by phone or email? We don't have to agree about whether a human can actually change their gender or when discussing these matters does or doesn't become phobic, but we can discuss how students were led into the path of this pedophile. Isn't that what really matters here? I can already see that we agree on a great deal, such as the deplorable nature of teachers who abuse the students entrusted to their care. Typically, where there is one such abuser within a school, there is a culture of hiring and tolerating others. No one knows that better than students within that system, particularly at the high school level. Your observations would be incredibly helpful. Our email is connect@v1sut.com, and we always fully respect and protect requests for anonymity. Thank you for commenting.

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