Project Veritas Exposes Hofmeister's Public Education Lies - Tulsa PS is Out of Control
How to Steal a State: Midterm Minute - October 13, 2022
Within this brief Midterm Minute:
Project Veritas makes a liar out of Hofmeister’s Rancher Craig (aka Superintendent McVay).
Law? What law? Tulsa Public Schools hires a known teacher-indoctrinator, despite their current sanctions for violating HB 1775.
Is strategic hiring in schools the way around HB 1775? And who’s doing the hiring?
Hey parents! You were right. They are indoctrinating your kids. And you’re paying handsomely for school administrators to cover it up.
Is TPS misusing federal funds through administrative pay and job codes? Auditor Cindy Byrd warned of this practice in Hofmeister’s OSDE.
Ryan Walters calls for action. Will Hofmeister step up or again step left?
Project Veritas makes a liar out of Hofmeister’s Rancher Craig (aka Superintendent McVay)
Remember recently retired El Reno Superintendent Steven Craig McVay who was the disguised star of Hofmeister’s campaign ads from Season 6 of How to Steal a State? When not secretly playing Rancher Craig, McVay was busy chastising Ryan Walters (R), State Secretary of Education and candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, for sending a letter to the state’s textbook contractors informing them of their expected adherence to Oklahoma’s new law under HB 1775. Strangely, enforcement of the law seems to be a consistent trigger for the education establishment, and McVay rebuffed the idea that any radical ideology has or ever could make its way into Oklahoma classrooms.
While attentive parents have known better for quite some time, Project Veritas may have permanently silenced lying ‘Craig’ by exposing a school-hopping, name-changing and infamous teacher and radicalizer. You may remember teacher Tyler Wynn from last April, when Libs of Tik Tok reposted his vulgar attempt to replace the religious parents of his students (warning - the video linked below contains vulgarity). At the time, Wynn was an 8th grade English teacher within Owasso Public Schools.
Among Wynn’s many public and self-posted rantings at the time, he proudly claimed, “I swear to Satan, it’s the bravest thing I’ve ever done”. Wynn also stated his “wife could hex you” which is confusing because he was recently honey-potted by a man. Apparently, his “they/them” pronouns give him lots of options.
Instead of terminating Wynn and demanding Hofmeister’s OSDE revoke his teaching credentials, Owasso Public Schools allowed him to resign, put him on paid leave for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year and left him free to teach elsewhere in Oklahoma.
Come on, man! What district would hire someone known to hold such radical views and such disrespect for parents? Nearby Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) would, and they did. And with less than two months tenure on the TPS team, Wynn is back in the news having learned nothing from his Owasso experience, proclaiming himself an “anarchist” and wanting to “burn down the entire system”.
Much like former teacher and convicted pedophile Alberto Morejon from Season 4, who led the teacher walkout of 2018 through social media, refused to go home even after the unions had declared the protest closed, and was soon arrested for sexting and forced oral sodomy related to a child, the unabashed anarchists often seek to work with 12-year-olds.

Of added concern, Tyler Wynn, in August of 2020, just prior to moving to Oklahoma from his home state of Missouri, legally changed his last name from Parks to Wynn, a highly unusual move for a 29-year-old male.
It’s difficult to imagine what could’ve been said at Wynn’s job interview with TPS, which adjoins the Owasso district, that resulted in him being offered another middle school teaching position. I really liked your work at Owasso. Those satanic tattoos will be great in the classroom! Do you still hate Christian parents? I notice your teaching credentials are under a different last name…good for you for making a fresh start. You’re just what we’re looking for, if you can fly under the radar this time.
Parents have a right to know how a hiring decision this bad was made and how public education is selecting the people who spend all day with their children.
Who’s Doing the Hiring at TPS?
In this case, Nicolette Dennis, the principal of Will Rogers College Middle and High School is responsible for hiring Wynn, despite his known ideologies and passion for bringing his radical beliefs to the classroom. According to her LinkedIn resume, Dennis has been the principal at Will Rogers College Middle and High School since 2014.
And what was Dennis’ response upon learning of teacher Tyler Wynn’s radical rantings, anarchist aspirations and desire to “burn down the entire system”? She quickly called her teaching staff together to beg them not to expose any similar activity to the public, including her own comments and directives. So much for transparency.
Kudos to the brave teacher who recorded Principal Dennis, despite her subversive directives. That one act is proof that a silenced group of dedicated and frustrated teachers remain committed to transparency in public education.
Nothing New for Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa Today has provided ongoing coverage of the questionable decision-making surrounding Tulsa Public Schools and Superintendent Deborah Gist. After just recently being sanctioned for violating HB 1775, Tulsa PS School Board member Dr. Jerry Griffin publicly addressed his concerns about the ongoing politicization and agenda censoring of the Tulsa School Board’s meetings by Superintendent Gist and other board members. It seems Principal Dennis’ strategy of keeping selective topics out of the public eye is a top-down approach for TPS.
In his statement, Griffin blamed this climate of discussion control for the lack of safety measures that might have prevented the shooting death of McClain High School student Terron Yarbrough (17) during a recent football, homecoming event. Yarbrough was a promising TPS student and junior at the science and technology focused magnet school. His loss is a tragedy for the school, the Tulsa community, and most profoundly, the Yarbrough family.

Education decisions in Tulsa do not appear to be made based on robust, open discussions and the best interests of Tulsa’s children. Gist’s professional step down from more prestigious positions in D.C. and Rhode Island was explained as a homecoming, but perhaps her conflict of interest related to George Kaiser’s BOK should be more fully examined.
As of 2019, Gist is married to BOK Financial Senior Vice President Ronnie Jobe. To no avail, constituents have questioned BOKF’s longstanding involvement with TPS bond management in light of Gist’s marriage. This publication has highlighted Gist’s professional journey and manipulanthropist George Kaiser’s (BOK) involvement in the education of Tulsa’s children beginning in Season 1 of How to Steal a State. The elitist loop is unending, control of education is of utmost importance, and Oklahoma families are losing.
More Money to Hofmeister and the Education Establishment Will Never Fix Schools: A Much Bigger Change is Needed
Will Rogers MS/HS Has 9 Administrators
Nicolette Dennis has a great deal of help with her administrative duties, including hiring. Will Rogers is one physical school serving approximately 1,680 students in 6th through 12th grades. However, the school operates under two school codes and is funded as two separate schools. Will Rogers currently lists nine salaried administrators, including Dennis, on its website:
Nicolette Dennis, Principal
Kendra Bramlett, Assistant Principal, High School
Katelyn Kramer, Assistant Principal, High School
Shaun Moseman, Assistant Principal, High School
Yolanda “Ceci” Pollard, Assistant Principal, Middle School
Cindy Largent-Williams, Assistant Principal, Middle School
Phil Park, High School Dean / Lead Dean
Parker Childers, Middle School Dean
Darin Schmidt, Attendance Dean
While the OSDE has yet to publicly post 2022-23 salaries for these individuals, 2021-22 information is telling:
Total annual compensation for all nine of these TPS employees was $891,936. 2022-23 numbers are likely higher, as it appears some were recently promoted into their current positions at Will Rogers.
Nicolette Dennis’ total compensation was $158,831.
The group of nine has a combined 146 years of education experience.
Yet somehow Dennis’ large and highly qualified administrative team hired Tyler Wynn (aka Tyler Parks) despite his very public history at Owasso PS.
Of additional interest concerning these nine administrators based on 2021-22 OSDE personnel records for Tulsa PS:
Two (Darin Schmidt and Katelyn Kramer) were paid last year under federal funds. Perhaps someone should look more closely at those salaries, as State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd, in her audit of EPIC Charter Schools, highlighted concerns about Hofmeister’s OSDE failing to identify when districts were subverting the cap (%) for total administrative salaries by assigning part or all of those salaries to alternate coding (see Season 4 for details).
Darin Schmidt retired in May of 2019 as a longtime principal from another TPS site (Tulsa Memorial HS) but was coded last year as a halftime teacher at Will Rogers HS and a halftime counselor at Will Rogers MS.
It seems lots of money and lots of administrators with lots of education experience do little to block the hiring of provably inappropriate teachers and thus fail to regulate the content in classrooms. And it seems Rancher Craig is a lying pawn within public ed’s propaganda machine, and Ryan Walters was justified in his proactive enforcement of HB 1775.
Walters calls for action. Will Hofmeister step up or again step left?
Ryan Walters (R), State Secretary of Education, was quick to demand Tyler Wynn be fired and stripped of his teaching credentials.
Revoking Wynn’s teaching license would be State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister’s move, as leader of the OSDE. Will she remember she actually works for the parents of Oklahoma’s children? Perhaps temporarily, if her Biden-backers believe it will gain votes. She has far too many masters currently fueling her run for governor for such a move to be a no-brainer.
Keep an eye out for the next series from The V1SUT Vantage, coming soon.
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