Obviously redux, given 9 months have passed and Stitt survived his reelection bid ... barely. You know, the election half of Oklahoma conservatives didn't take seriously, since he was supposed to win easily.

The abortion question was the elephant in the room, just as it was nation-wide, and nothing heats up the dusty ovaries of 30-something blue-haired fatties faster than threatening their "reproductive rights". Hofmeister played it masterfully, with her "decision best left to a woman and her doctor", kind of an off-handed way of saying "do what you want, girl". Stitt ... well, pushed two anti-abortion bills in the 2022 legislative session that both fell flat on their face, ruled unconstitutional by the OSC. Oof! Oh well, at least the man had the backbone and conviction to take a stand. Oklahoma is better off for him having won, being a man of some apparent principal, as opposed to a stealthy, manipulative grifter trading heavily on the attractive, middle-aged matron motif, as the fierce lioness who was out there fighting hard for your kids as state superintendent, and wanted to bring her fierce lioness-ness to the state house. Yeah, right. She wanted to bring her grifting, wealth-status building machine to the statehouse. Enough Oklahomans still in their right minds did their duty and made sure that didn't happen. Thank God for that.

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Well said. The V1SUT Vantage may have found a new contributor. In fact, your comment may be more timely than you assumed. At least one former Joy-PAC very recently showed some activity. They never go away. Just lay low and reinvent themselves for the next race.

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Just finding you and following you. Thank you for your detailed information.

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Thanks for reading. Big day tomorrow!

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