AMEN!!!!!! So glad to see the Supreme Court made the right decision. I would hope this serves as a reminder the our rights DO NOT end where these group's feelings begin.

And as to those who were involved in this nonsense against Richard Penkoski, they all need to be striped of their jobs or thrown out of office. That includes those two idiots in black robes, Judge Vaclaw and Judge Thomas who issued this stupid restraining order against him.

Officer Pitts also need to be fired from her job also. What she did was the dumbest, stupidest, most idiotic thing I've ever seen in my life.

And kudos to Penkoski for standing his ground. Bartlesville, you need to do better when it comes to the 1st Amendment if you want people to visit your city for business and tourism.

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Getting back to rulings based on the law would be a big step back in the right direction for the Washington County District Court.

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Jun 11Liked by V1SUT

Well said. Agree

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Jun 11Liked by V1SUT

Great news for Christians. Evil, biased judges exposed and thwarted. Shame on you for the pain an suffering you caused to good people like Mr. Penkoski and his family and community. These judges should be removed.

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Jun 11Liked by V1SUT


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And not enforcing religion into schools ..... that would also be an awesome freedom to uphold.

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