Has Dairy Queen made any comments/statements and wouldn’t there be some sort of violation in the franchisee agreement? I’m surprised they haven’t shut down the business or made for change of ownership.

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Good point. We can ask DQ for comment on that. Thanks for bringing that up.

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Yes. The boys attorney needs to request to have an unbiased judge. McGee will walk free because of his connections. You can see James Jackson's case (also former mayor Wetumka) his case went different. Because he wasn't raised in Wetumka and the town wanted him out.

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It appears rural elitism has massive privileges including protection within the criminal justice system. Good suggestion.

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I would think they would want complete transparency. This is not about who he is. It's about protecting our children in the hands of educators we are supposed to trust 7 or 8 hours 5 days a week. There is no transparency in that school or any of the city or county offices. They will and have covered their own because they think no one is looking or no one will take action. It's really sad that the rural American system is that corrupt. But it's like this everywhere in small town USA.

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The area in and around Hughes County is particularly swampy. Judicial district 22 needs an overhaul.

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I think the case should be held outside of Hughes county, as stated in this report the judge herself is known with mcgees..so that tells you he will get a lesser charge...wow...poverty my ass

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Thank you for reading. Indeed. A change of venue may be needed. Related to poverty, as a couple, they were making approximately $200K/year from WPS until his release. Their teacher's retirement is based on the average of last 3 years salary.

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Totally sickening. So much crookedness. They all make me sick. He will probably get off Scott free. Our justice system is a laugh. That phone should have already been confiscated and the home and school should have been searched the day he was arrested. The sheriff dept was just corrupt. They knew what they were doing. The whole bunch makes me sick!! I am irate!

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Thank you for reading and please share the article with those as concerned about this issue as yourself. Justice is becoming more and more elusive in our rural courts. To clarify, McGee's phone was taken at his arrest but it is of a model that cannot be cracked without the passcode. Few can defy a court for months and still remain out on bond. Rural elitism is real and it doesn't protect children abused within public schools.

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