Oklahoma's Drag Queen Principal Hires Same Pedophile at 3 Elementary Schools in 2 Districts
Oklahoma Predator Prevention Nabs Western Heights' Hao Jiang
In this update on Oklahoma’s Drag Queen School District:
Oklahoma Predator Prevention (OPP) busts John Glenn Elementary’s Hao Jiang knowingly grooming minor online.
Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD) takes case, immediately finds evidence of other pornographic online conversations.
OPP’s Interactions with Hao Jiang: Asked boy for nude photos, offered bribes and planned hookup.
Who is Hao Jiang?
Drag Queen principal hires Jiang at 3 consecutive schools in 2 districts.
What exactly is Jiang’s job at John Glenn ES? WHPS repeatedly misuses Instructional Coaching position to make questionable hires.
OK Superintendent Ryan Walters seeks to strengthen educator’s code of conduct.
Oklahoma’s Western Heights Public Schools (WHPS), a chronically failing, urban district in Southwest Oklahoma City, once again faces a scandal for hiring practices that endanger the safety and well-being of children. Since August, this publication has revealed how Shane Murnan, a known drag queen with a prior child porn charge and mysterious evasion of an aggravated DUI, became the principal at John Glenn Elementary School.

Murnan’s alter ego, Shantel Mandalay, actively recruited school staff to work with Pre-K to 4th grade children on the drag queen’s Facebook page. (Murnan has since created a second, private page).
Despite a national outcry for Murnan’s removal, the district’s packed September school board meeting was dominated by a coordinated group of progressive teachers and LGBT advocacy groups donning matching t-shirts in support of the drag queen principal. School board members sat silently as a concerned constituent was belittled by the crowd during her public comments.
Subsequent articles revealed the district’s hiring and overpayment of other drag queens and the progressively likeminded over more qualified candidates, from the classroom to district-level leadership. Nepotistic contracting of public funds among this growing group was knowingly sanctioned by the district’s school board whose members consistently refuse to respond to this publication’s questions (see all previous reporting on the Drag Queen Public School District).
Oklahoma Predator Prevention (OPP) Busts John Glenn Elementary’s Hao Jiang Knowingly Grooming Minor Online
And now, Hao Jiang, a 40-year-old Chinese immigrant who has worked side-by-side with Murnan at three elementary schools, has been outed as an online child predator by Oklahoma Predator Prevention (OPP). OPP works to protect the state’s children from sexual abuse and kidnapping by intercepting online predators and collecting evidence that is then turned over to law enforcement for investigation and prosecution.
On December 17th, OPP concluded 12 weeks of interaction between Jiang and what Jiang believed to be a 15-year-old named Josh. Their confrontation of Jiang concerning his conduct was live-streamed on multiple platforms from the front porch of a home owned by Jiang in Southwest Oklahoma City (link to watch OPP video).
Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD) Takes Case, Immediately Finds Evidence of Other Pornographic Online Conversations
During the OPP broadcast, several Oklahoma City Police officers arrived, gathered information concerning Jiang’s activities from OPP representatives and began collecting evidence directly from Jiang. The police incident report suggests Jiang’s cell phone, now in the hands of OKCPD investigators, may contain evidence of a number of crimes against minors. The report reads, in part:
TWENTIES, SODEMIZING ANOTHER MALE.” - OKCPD incident report #2023-0091991-1
Jiang signed a search waiver for his phone and turned it over to OKCPD. This publication can confirm the pornographic photos from the phone described within the police report were part of a different set of communications that did not involve OPP or the decoy “Josh”. At this time, it is unknown exactly what other concerning material Jiang’s phone contains. The OKCPD has assigned the case to its Sex Crimes Unit for further investigation.
OPP’s Interactions with Hao Jiang: Asked Boy for Nude Photos, Offered Bribes and Planned Hookup.
From October 1st until December 17th of this year, OPP collected the communications of Hao Jiang with what Jiang believed was a 15-year-old boy whose mother worked nights as a nurse. Jiang, going by the name Kiki (or Keke), solicited contact with the boy on Taimi, a “dating app for transgender and non-binary people”.
Jiang initiated contact with “Josh” who quickly informed Jiang he was 15 years old. Early in these communications, Jiang sent the boy what appears to be a dated photo of himself dressed as a woman in makeup and a wig.
Jiang (40) claimed to be 28, then later 26, further explaining that he is not trans, but “fem and CD”, which Jiang described as feminine and cross-dressing.
Jiang offered the boy his old PS4 gaming system, a new PS5 system, food, movies and a trip to Tulsa during texts and calls, linking the gifts to the continuation of the relationship. According to Jiang, “It’s not for free :)”.
Jiang began pressing the boy for pictures of himself, slowly suggesting more risqué options and sending a photo of his own lower half in women’s clothing.
The conversations repeatedly happen during working school hours, with Jiang once stating he was working lunch duty with his 2nd graders, or as Jiang was delivering Grub Hub orders in the evenings. On October 17th, Jiang invited the boy, by both text and phone conversation, to come to his parent-teacher conference night, suggesting the boy lie and say he was Jiang’s cousin.
Jiang and the boy discuss dating and the boy’s other sexual experiences with men. Jiang eventually sent a more realistic picture of himself.
He begins referring to the boy as “bf” (boyfriend), “baby” and “babe”, eventually pressing the boy to send him nude pictures during shower time.
On December 17th, Jiang arranged to meet the boy at a Target store in Midwest City, offering a meal and movie tickets for a “date”. When the child would not send a picture of himself in the video game section of the Target, Jiang suspected a sting and headed home, where OPP soon met him with cameras rolling.
Who is Hao Jiang?
Jiang told both OPP and police he was a teacher in China where it is illegal to be gay and he came to the US on a student visa in 2014 to attend the State University of New York (SUNY) in Potsdam. His LinkedIn resume indicates he was working on a master’s in education at SUNY (2014-2015) though he does not appear to have earned that degree and no other information about any lower degree or institution of learning in China is listed.

Then in 2015, Jiang claims to have come to Oklahoma to accept a teaching position though records indicate he did not find work within a public school until the following year. Jiang brought his parents who speak only Mandarin Chinese to Oklahoma. On December 17th, OPP utilized Google’s translation app to help Jiang’s mother understand why they were confronting her son about his online communications and allow her to ask questions.

It is suspected Jiang actually chose Oklahoma due to a relationship, as he married Kristopher K. Frost (42) of Newalla, Oklahoma, in October of 2015, shortly after entering the state. Frost was not present at the home during OPP’s live-stream and only Jiang is listed on the home’s title.

In January of 2017, Jiang registered to vote as a Democrat in Oklahoma which suggests he had already become a US citizen, a legal requirement for voter registration. It is unknown if or how Jiang could’ve gained his citizenship in such a short time, as naturalization by marriage typically requires the applicant to “be a permanent resident for at least three years and have been living in marital union with your U.S. citizen-spouse during that time.” Jiang and Frost had been legally married for less than 15 months when Jiang registered to vote.
Drag Queen Principal Hires Jiang at 3 Consecutive Schools in 2 Districts
Jiang operated as a classroom teacher for years within multiple OKCPS elementary schools though questions remain about his education, experience and certification through the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). His promotion and longevity appear to be directly tied to his relationship with Shane Murnan (Shantel Mandalay).
In 2016, Jiang was hired as a teacher at Stand Watie Elementary (OKCPS - school since renamed Esperanza ES), a grossly underperforming, economically disadvantaged school serving primarily Hispanic, English language learners.
OSDE records, then under former State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister (R then D), suggest Jiang held none of the needed certifications for the position during his first year and was then emergency certified during his second year with OKCPS. That certification expired in June of 2018.
According to a former co-worker, Jiang met Murnan, then an Instructional (RTI) Coach at Hillcrest Elementary (OKCPS), at a 2018 teacher training. At Murnan’s recommendation, Jiang was hired to work alongside Murnan at Hillcrest ES. It appears Jiang worked half that school year without any valid certification and was then, in January of 2019, granted three, subject-specific certifications through an alternative path designed for those working as paraprofessionals (teaching assistants). Jiang was not working as a paraprofessional, and it is unknown why he did not seek traditional teacher certification.
Five years’ worth of narratives on Jiang’s classroom fundraising page through the Donors Choose website indicate he was working as a classroom teacher.
According to the former OKCPS co-worker, “Hao Jiang taught for a year with us at Hillcrest. He was awful. Shane (Murnan) recommended him because they met during a summer training. Shane described him as having a crush on Shane. We were able to get rid of him (Jiang) at Hillcrest because he was not a career teacher yet.”
Jiang then followed Murnan (new Assistant Principal) to Prairie Queen Elementary (OKCPS). Jiang gained the elevated title of Instructional (RTI) Coach, a role designed to increase student performance by allowing the most effective teachers to mentor and coach younger and less successful teachers.
According to the former co-worker, “His position (Instructional Coach) would definitely be a promotion he (Jiang) was unqualified for.” According to WHPS’ own listing for the position, which is described as part of the school’s “leadership team”, Jiang would not be a qualified candidate.
This publication previously revealed Murnan recruited multiple Prairie Queen ES staff members from The Boom, a gay nightclub and theatre where Murnan has worked in drag for many years (link to article: see section titled “How a Drag Bar Took Over an Oklahoma Elementary School”).
As Murnan jumped districts, moving from Assistant Principal at Prairie Queen ES (OKCPS) to Head Principal at John Glenn ES (WHPS), Jiang was again by his side in 2023. With admitted knowledge of Murnan’s 2003 child porn charge, the WHPS school board officially hired Murnan on June 12, 2023.
“You (Murnan) should be nowhere around young children.” - Special District Judge Phillip Corley (Payne County, Oklahoma - 2003)
At their very next meeting (June 29th), the WHPS board approved Jiang’s hire to John Glenn ES as an “RTI (Instructional) Coach” on Murnan’s recommendation.
What Exactly is Jiang’s Job at John Glenn ES? WHPS Repeatedly Misuses Instructional Coaching Position to Make Questionable Hires
In his conversations with 15-year-old “Josh”, Jiang claimed he was an assistant principal. When confronted, he denied being a teacher, then stated he was an instructional coach and explained he sometimes helps his principal (Murnan) with principal duties.
The district’s most recent accreditation report (October 2023) lists Jiang as a self-contained, 2nd grade classroom teacher. WHPS Superintendent Brayden Savage was required to complete an online certification process in order to declare the information to be accurate and submit the report to the OSDE as required annually.
While the report identifies both Kily Keeling and Gina Redwine as Instructional Coaches at John Glenn ES, Jiang is not listed as fulfilling that “non-instructional” role for which the WHPS school board specifically hired him.
Response to Intervention (RTI) instructional coaching salaries are paid through federal entitlement grants (taxpayer dollars). Title I schools and districts, those serving low-income families, have significant flexibility as to how they can use these funds, and Western Heights appears to be an example of how just such funding, when misused, can put children at serious risk of harm.
If Jiang is an instructional coach in pay only, who are John Glenn ES’ actual instructional coaches? Kily Keeling is the alternatively certified teacher who publicly used the official WHPS logo to encourage gay advocacy groups to swarm the district’s school board meeting in support of Murnan by claiming, “Our principal, Dr. Murnan is being targeted by Ryan Walters (current State Superintendent). WE NEED YOUR HELP!”
Also a current instructional coach at John Glenn ES, Gina L. Redwine is currently serving a deferred sentence until 2030 for multiple felonies (2016) related to Medicaid fraud perpetrated through her former business, Motivational Counseling Services LLC.
It is unclear how Redwine was able to obtain certification through the OSDE in 2022.
Perhaps not all grant money is good grant money, and the instructional coaching model has become a way for Western Heights leadership to hire not the best and the brightest educators, but ideological allies who may present a risk to children. After all, Principal Muran was an instructional coach when he first hired Jiang in 2018. Murnan continues to be employed by WHPS.
OK Superintendent Ryan Walters Seeks to Strengthen Educator’s Code of Conduct
Since September, State Superintendent Ryan Walters has been highly public in opposing Murnan’s continued employment, most recently proposing a “rule that would update the teacher code of conduct to include sexual activity in public targeted towards kids to be inappropriate for those that work with our youngest students.”
Last week, the Oklahoma State Board of Education proposed the following addition to the OSDE’s Standards of Performance and Conduct for Teachers:
(e) A teacher may be dismissed, refused employment, or not reemployed after a finding that such person has, either in the presence of a minor or in a manner available to a minor online, engaged in sexual acts, acts that appeal to the prurient interest in sex as found by the average person applying contemporary community standards, or acts that excessively promote sexuality in light of the educational value of the material and in light of the youngest age of any student with access to said material
Given Jiang’s outing by OPP, the new language appears timely. Within the last 24 hours, The V1SUT Vantage has received additional information about direct risks to WHPS students and will be working to verify and report those developments as soon as possible.
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GREAT work OPP! Thank you for keeping our kids safe!
Go after the person that writes these articles because that person's are the main culprits that are the ones molesting kids! This site is complete bullshit just like the people that own this site. With out proof and documentation on shit then you have no rite to speak your fucking mind!