OSBI Confirms: Washington County Judge, DA, Clerk and PD Hiding Alphabet Mafia Crime
August 21, 2023
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In this article from The V1SUT Vantage:
Washington County Court Hides Crime of LGBT Activist Prior to OSBI Review
OSBI Confirms Court and DA Concealed Records in Unusual, Likely Illegal Move
After Playing Hide-and-Seek with Public Info, Wash Co’s Legal System Dug a Hole and Buried Their Sins
Favors for Like-Minded Friends: Why Would DA Drake, Judge Franks, Clerk Spitzer and Attorney Sanders Arrange Special Treatment for Andrew Ames?
DA Drake is Fake: Longtime Tulsa Democrat is Sheep in Republican Wolf’s Clothing
Fake Drake’s Policy on Crime: Do as I Post Publicly, Not as I Do Behind the Scenes
Kyra K. Franks: Another Wash Co Judge with Conflicts Puts Ideology Over Law
Activist Gatekeeping: Court Clerk Jill Spitzer Forgot Who Owns Public Information
Attorney Kristi K Sanders Just Paying it Forward for Special Treatment She Received with Her Pesky DUI
Bartlesville Police’s Part in This Cover-Up: Fail to Respond to Request for Public Records
Across America, the quality of life for all has been eroded as activist courts and district attorneys now regularly disregard law in favor of equity. Bartlesville, Oklahoma is no exception. In fact, this district court appears to have adopted the DC Deep State’s pattern of distorting law and misusing power to reward their friends and punish their ideological opposition.
This publication recently exposed the dangerous overlaps within the area’s systems tasked with both the care of foster children and victims of child sexual abuse. Common players and conflicts of interest among three non-profits involved with LGBT advocacy (Oklahomans for Equality/OKEQ), ‘inclusive’ foster parent recruitment (The Village Fosters) and the forensic examination of victimized children (Ray of Hope) raised serious concerns about child safety, use of taxpayer funds and the integrity of the area’s criminal justice system.
If you’re short on reading time, the photo below largely sums up the previous article. The only woman in the photo (center) is Rhonda Hudson, the executive director of Ray of Hope. Hudson oversees the collection of evidence in child sexual abuse cases through forensic interviewing and medical examinations. That evidence is used by the local DA to criminally charge child sex offenders, or not.

Can residents trust that Hudson would put down the flavored vodka and leave the OKEQ drag event to doggedly pursue justice within a child sex abuse case that involved a perpetrator outside of heterosexuality?
Putting conjecture aside, there is now solid evidence showing Washington County officials are concealing activist criminal activity from the public.
Washington Court Hides Crime of LGBT Activist Prior to OSBI Review
Within the same article, it was revealed that one individual connected with the three non-profit organizations mentioned had requested the expungement of some publicly unknown crime through the Washington County District Court, possibly for the purpose of becoming a foster parent.

Andrew (Drew) Ames is the brother of Ben Ames, Community Outreach Coordinator for Ray of Hope and First Families and Reunification Advocate for The Village Fosters-Bartlesville, an ‘inclusive’ foster parenting recruitment organization. Andrew (Drew) Ames’s spouse Amos Radlinger is a Ray of Hope Committee volunteer. Both Ben Ames and his brother Andrew (Drew) Ames are connected by participation or position with Ray of Hope, OKEQ and The Village Fosters either personally or through their spouses.

Ben Ames and his spouse, Robert Reeves, currently foster-parent two male children in their home. Both children are in state custody through OKDHS.
In September of 2022, under Title 22 O.S. Section 18 (11), Andrew (Drew) Ames asked the court to forever hide at least one criminal misdemeanor or more serious crime that had been pled down to that level. The process for granting an expungement of a criminal conviction involves a review by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) which was pending, yet the criminal activity Ames requested to hide was prematurely removed from public view by Washington County Court.
Expungement requests are made within the district court of the arresting agency and are typically related to convicted felonies which can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to obtain employment. It is rare to request the expungement of a misdemeanor offense. The only misdemeanor offenses for which OKDHS foster applications are automatically denied are sex-related crimes.
Ames’ expungement case was assigned to Special Judge Kyra K. Franks (formerly Williams) who more typically handles family and juvenile deprived (OKDHS Child Welfare) cases in Washington County District Court.
And now, since the previous article by this publication, both the expungement request and the crime have vanished from public view. After being called out for their unethical favoritism of their non-heterosexual and activist friends, the Washington County District Court and DA doubled down with their unscrupulous campaign to UNprotect children. Fortunately, The V1SUT Vantage kept the receipts.
OSBI Confirms Local Court and DA Concealed Records in Highly Unusual and Likely Illegal Move
The concealment of Ames’ crime/s prior to expungement is so unusually that it necessitated a direct conversation with the OSBI to ascertain how it had been accomplished and who was involved. Shannon Desherow, assistant general counsel for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI), confirmed the rarity of the move to conceal records on a pending expungement and provided a clear explanation as to who is responsible. It wasn’t the OSBI.
In a phone interview, Desherow was asked how a crime could be concealed prior to an OSBI review of an expungement request:
“The OSBI would never request that. If the county (court) made the decision to do that, that would be a county court clerk perogative but I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.”
The OSBI attorney further goes on to explain that the only legal mechanism that would allow a district court to hide the details but not the existence of someone’s crime outside of an OSBI reviewed expungement is a 991(c):
“That (991(c)) is just the type of expungement after you’ve completed a deferred sentence. What that does is it seals the case from public view on OSCN (Oklahoma’s online public court records) but it doesn’t get rid of an arrest record…We (OSBI) are not parties to those expungements. We will update our records when someone gives us a 991(c) order but we don’t erase any of our records.”
Per OSBI public guidance: “A Section 991(c) expungement allows a person who received a deferred sentence to expunge their plea, and have the disposition of their case updated to show the case has been dismissed. The disposition will say, “pled not guilty, case dismissed”. However, a 991(c) expungement will not expunge (remove) the arrest record.” Yet Ames’ crime was entirely removed pending OSBI review. Something stinks inside the Washington County Court.
When asked if a 991(c) expungement could be accomplished without the OSBI’s knowledge, Desherow shared the following:
“By statute, we’re (the OSBI) suppose to be served and notified for every expungement.”
When asked who would be responsible for executing a 991(c), Desherow was clear:
“It would be at the discretion of the judge, the DA and the defense attorney to file a motion to make that happen. OSBI is not involved in a 991(c) process.”
Even if the Washington County District Court and DA executed a 991(c) expungement on Ames’ behalf, there should still be information in the public system about the arrest and crime. It appears that, outside of the law, this activist court played complete whiteout on Ames’ behalf.
After Playing Hide-and-Seek With Public Information, Washington County’s Activist Legal System Dug a Hole and Buried Their Sins
Up until August, Ames’ request to the court to erase whatever crime he previously committed looked like this in the system:
The public could see the request to expunge but the related crime was suspiciously hidden and the court clerk had failed to update the case with required information about a hearing that took place on January 6, 2023.
After the article dropped revealing the effort to conceal Ames’ criminal past, a specific group within the district court of Washington County made fast work of completely hiding the entire matter. The request itself, along with the criminal case, have been completely erased from www.oscn.net.
And now, the only remaining, publicly viewable case related to Ames’ in Washington County involves his marriage certificate:
Was Ames’ crime something that would prevent him from fostering or working with children? Was there a victim involved? Does this concealment of wrongdoing now put residents at risk? The public, and perhaps the OKDHS background check process, may never know. How many other crimes within Washington County have been improperly hidden from the public due to special treatment for some?
Favors for Like-Minded Friends: Why Would DA Drake, Judge Franks, Clerk Spitzer and Attorney Sanders Arrange Special Treatment for Andrew Ames?
It appears Judge Kyra K. Franks (Williams), DA William Drake, Andrew Ames’ attorney Kristi Sanders and court clerk Jill Spitzer collaborated to prematurely, and now completely, conceal Ames’ criminal record. Who are these primarily elected officials and what ideological motives could lead them to play favorites with the district’s justice system?
DA Drake is Fake - Longtime Tulsa Democrat is Sheep in Republican Wolf’s Clothing
This publication previously reported on Drake’s lack of a resume, with employment as an assistant DA at the Washington County DA’s office since 2006 being his only real job. What most voters may not know is Drake, for his first 11 years in the Bartlesville office, was still registered as the Tulsa Democrat he inwardly remains.
In 2017, with Drake’s political aspirations growing and his superior’s retirement approaching, both Drake and his wife simultaneously flipped political parties. In Bartlesville, a Republican label would provide the best opportunity to be elected as the district’s DA. This soft-on-crime, two-tiered-justice-system sheep carries only the wolf’s covering.

With the DA’s seat in their sights, Drake and his wife Aubrey flipped political parties, grabbed a beer, slapped on some high-end imitations of ranch-wear and posed with a few equally contrived cowboys to convince local voters they were conservative Republicans.

Drake ran unopposed in 2022 for the DA’s seat, arguably the most powerful position in the district. Now Drake is hiding activist crimes and remaining silent as grown men in women’s clothing grab their genitals in the presence of children in Unity Square. As previously reported, Drake’s only campaign expenses were to Ray of Hope:
Will Drake - The new district attorney has been relatively quiet since taking office, including about the violations of local obscenity law during OKEQ’s September 2022 pride event and public activism among his staff. Being assistant DA in the same office alongside Ashley Kane (wife of city attorney Jess Kane) appears to be the only job Drake has ever had, making his election more of an expected upgrade. Drake ran unopposed for the county’s DA position in 2022, self-funding his campaign with just $200. Beyond banking fees, Drake’s only campaign expense was buying tickets to the Ray of Hope fundraiser, Hops for Hope, for $88.12. In closing out his campaign, DA Drake donated the remaining $56.88 to Ray of Hope.
The Drakes and the Ames brothers attend the same Ray of Hope fundraisers and run in the same social circles.
Fake Drake’s Policy on Crime: Do as I Post Publicly, Not as I Do Behind the Scenes
In a true slap of elitist irony, duplicity and hypocrisy, Drake placed a ‘tough on crime’ post claiming to vehemently support keeping criminal records public and then proceeded to assist in erasing the crime/s of his progressive friend.

Much of Bartlesville remains unaware that their new DA is a longtime, progressive Tulsa Democrat.
Kyra K. Franks: Another Wash Co Judge with Conflicts Puts Ideology Over Law
As the primary judge assigned to juvenile deprived (OKDHS) cases, Judge Kyra Franks (Williams) is largely responsible for the safety of state custody children in her district. Unfortunately for those children, Franks put her stamp of approval on the unorthodox process that has completely hidden Ames’ criminal record and is no stranger to bestowing special treatment and ignoring conflicts of interests.
In 2022, the State Supreme Court took up the Ogle v. Franks case. Within the case, which involves both Judges Franks (Willliams) and Vaclaw of Washington County, it was revealed the district court allowed serious and shifting conflicts of interest in legal representation to continue unabated.
The Ogle v. Franks case also confirms these two judges have worked closely together for years and have covered each other’s dockets when one is away. Knowing the close working relationship between Judges Vaclaw and Franks, it is hard to image no one recognized a conflict of interest when Franks’ divorce case was assigned to Vaclaw in 2015.
Perhaps by design, things were going Frank’s way until, more than eight months into the case, representation for her soon-to-be-ex woke up and demanded a change. Only then did Vaclaw recuse his court from the case.
This publication has written at length about how Judge Russell C. Vaclaw, despite significant ties to the local OKEQ chapter, a falsified police report by an OKEQ board member as evidence, and the lack of any relationship between the petitioners and the defendant, granted a protective (PPO) and gag order on behalf of the two highest ranking board members of the LGBT advocacy group. The order silenced street preacher Richard Penkoski, the most vocal opposition to OKEQ’s drag shows in the presence of children.

Following publication of the article, Vaclaw recused himself from the case (HAYES ET AL VS PENKOSKI), replacement Judge Linda Thomas extended the PPO against street preacher Richard Penkoski and strengthened the gag order based on his recitation of Biblical scripture and the activist/petitioners’ feelings. The appeal of the case is now before the State Supreme Court, and as stands, threatens the rights of all Oklahomans to speak and worship freely.
Activist Gatekeeping: Court Clerk Jill Spitzer Forgot Who Owns Public Information
The Washington County District Court’s information gatekeeper, Court Clerk Jill Spitzer, appears to reign over a growing pattern of opaqueness and subterfuge. This publication recently revealed how Spitzer was slow-walking information on the State Supreme Court case (HAYES ET AL VS PENKOSKI) that is winding up its arm to give this district court a big, black eye. Her efforts assisted the local LGBT activists by keeping a prominent protester at bay during their upcoming pride festival and drag performances (September 9, 2023).
And now Spitzer appears to have pressed the delete button on Andrew Ames’ crimes long before the OSBI completed their review. Prior to the total elimination of the expungement case from OSCN, Spitzer conveniently failed to update the case concerning a January 2023 hearing. There may have been other hearings and developments related to the request, but despite the people’s legal right to this public information, Spitzer has cleaned the crime scene thoroughly.
Attorney Kristi K Sanders Just Paying it Forward for Special Treatment She Received with Her Pesky DUI
Kristi K. Sanders is Andrew Ames’ attorney. Sanders appears to have brokered an unprecedentedly positive arrangement with Judge Franks and DA Drake to prematurely suppress the worst of Ames’ criminal record.

For Sanders, it pays to be an insider. In 2017, Sanders was arrested in neighboring Osage County and spent two days in jail for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) and driving left of center (swerving into oncoming traffic).
After filing an aggressive, 17-point request for discovery from the state and replacing her own attorney, somehow her charges were dismissed with costs by then DA Rex Duncan under current District Judge Stuart Tate. Don’t bother looking for the public mugshot that should be attached to Sanders’ night of endangering the lives of others. Duncan, Tate and the Osage Court hid that too, along with even Sanders’ date of birth.
Sanders is clearly an advocate for anything non-heterosexual and for drag queens in the town square with children.
She publicly promotes OKEQ’s upcoming pride event and is sure she’ll be making an appearance.

Her public Facebook page angrily omits children from the debate over smutty library books and positions the Chinese spy balloon fiasco as a fortunate opportunity for our national security. Setting logic aside seems to be a pattern.

Sanders has, at minimum, stretched the boundaries of the law to assist Andrew Ames in promptly concealing his criminal history. Reward allies and punish opposition using the judicial system. Bartlesville, and many other municipalities from DC to LA, are waking up to realize that wokeness and progressive ideology are not really about equity or any actual concern for others. It’s about gaining, consolidating and wielding power to bring those of differing opinions into submission and silence while dutifully concealing the sins of the like-minded.
Bartlesville Police’s Part in Cover-Up: Fail to Respond to Request for Public Records
The Bartlesville Police Department, unlike most other law enforcement groups of its size across the state, has no guidance or process for requesting public information on its website. After speaking directly with a representative of BPD by phone and agreeing upon a process by email, this publication requested all records including police and incident reports involving Andrew Ames. Despite more than two weeks time and a reminder email, at the time of publishing, there had been no response from BPD concerning these public records.
Transparency does not appear to be a strength of Bartlesville law enforcement. A local citizen has informed this publication that city attorney Jess Kane was the decision maker who withheld public information on a previous request to the BPD by that citizen. Is Kane gatekeeping for the BPD outside of the law?
The actions of the Washington County District Court, DA, Court Clerk, the Bartlesville PD and local activists have erased justice. The local elites appear to think they own the justice system and can distort and utilize it as they see fit. Ideology, political affiliation and sexual preferences cannot legally make anyone immune from the consequences of their criminal actions or subvert background check processes designed to protect the most vulnerable among us. Bartlesville and all of America, you get what you don’t run against.
Have information you’d like to share? Comment publicly to this post or email privately to connect@v1sut.com
Couldn't agree more to Boycott Bartlesville. Once you really uncover what is happening, you will find the City Council is actually using tax dollars to promote restaurants called Love 66, code named F66 the code of sexual and gender orientation. https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F60-F69/F66-/F66 Jim Turd is giving Cynthia Blanchard $100k for the restaurants.
Cynthia Blanchard and her "husband" Anthem H. Blanchard recently cost the City of Bartlesville a million dollars prosecuting a whistleblower who turned them in for WIRE FRAUD, whats more is Cynthia Blanchard is connected with Bitclub Scammer Russell Medlin a convicted child predator, they both lived together in Las Vegas according to Federal Court records. Joby Weeks is the founder of "Liberland" a country that Cynthia Blanchard, Anthem Blanchard and a man named Joshua Gunter are all "diplomats" holding "diplomatic passports" and diplomatic immunity, what a crock. Mike Bailey and Jess Kane who recognize Liberland and its forward thinking on no age limits for sexual relations and its handing out of diplomatic passports to allow child predators to have diplomatic immunity is sickening. Cynthia Blanchard testified that she is related to Josh Gunter, but not by blood and not by marriage. Joby Weeks the founder of Liberland, is the board member to the Blanchard's ponzi scheme company, prosecuted by US Attorneys, though Joby Weeks is now a convicted Federal Felon, and Russ Medlin is awaiting extradition back to the US, because he is jailed in Indonesia for paid sex with minor children. Chad Koehn an investment advisor to the Blanchard's was suspended and barred from his profession and is an accused pedophile according to Federal Court Records! Now the Price Tower has been given to Cynthia Blanchard for $10 to allow Drag Shows on the lawn, and new Tranny Tuesday strip shows are being offered in the Price Tower. Dale Takio is reported to have beatup the BAA (Bartlesville Art Association) raising their rent from $1,100/month to $5,800/month, more than twice the general rate in Bartlesville. Cynthia Blanchard then offered to donate back half the rent (which was doubled) as a donation, as she is coached by a pro-Transgender attorney who specializes in non-profit funding. IRS Fraud? Dale Takio is Managing Director, Executive Vice Principal and minority owner at Copper Tree, Inc. Currently, he is the special cyber projects and business development advisor for HeraSoft. He also is the chief of business development at Taktik Enterprises, inc., located in Florida. https://www.examiner-enterprise.com/story/news/2023/03/25/price-tower-sold-the-for-the-debt-10-and-a-promise/70033098007/ But Dale Takio has a lengthy criminal history including Racketeering Charges in Florida, where another business partner in the Price Tower saga is located Michael Moran, another convicted pedophile: https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=82379
Jessica Pitts and Billy M. Lewis to BPD officers are being charged in the murder of a citizen, both are connected with cases where PPO are sought improperly and are approved by Judges who have other agendas. Bartlesville should be avoided at all costs, no tourist should go to Bartlesville, you should consider BOYCOTTING any Company who does business in Bartlesville. PriceTower partner to Cynthia Blanchard, the infamous Russ Medlin the child molester: https://cryptopotato.com/fbi-wanted-bitcoin-scammer-and-alleged-child-molester-russ-medlin-arrested-in-jakarta/
The guy who transferred the Price Tower to Cynthia Blanchard so drag shows could be held on private land is Brad Doenges the car sales man, what is interesting is his wife sits on a board at the YMCA with Judge Jared Sigler, Jess Kane, another Kane, but the newspapers in Bartlesville hid the CHILD ENDANGERMENT charges against Kimberly Doenges https://oklahoma.arrests.org/Arrests/Kimberly_Doenges_14217815/
What sort of group in charge of children has a woman convicted of Child Endangerment charges sitting on the board for a children's center, with at least two other people accused of child molestation? What a Cess pool of corruption, child molesters, pedophiles, corrupt courts, who would risk a visit to Bartlesville? I agree Boycott Bartlesville. No wonder Conoco Phillips is laying off 400 more people from Bartlesville, no one wants to be associated with the extreme corruption.
It is important for all citizens to know the activist judges in Washington County and the district attorneys office have no interest in discovery of the truth. Having sat upon a jury I can tell you every single objection by the district attorney was sustained and every objection by the defense was overruled. It was like the fix was in and the defendant was already guilty they were just going through the motions and expected us on the jury to act like sheep and do as we were told. I am ashamed to live in Washington County and ashamed of our judicial system which has lost all respect in the eyes of the citizens. There is supposed to be fairness and equality in the justice system above all else. What a shame an organization like Oklahoma Citizens for Equality does everything they can to have as little equality as possible in the justice system. It is shameful the justice system is not about justice at all and is filled with corruption and bribery. I had nightmares after sitting on a jury, I had nightmares that we had a plant on our jury. We had 11 for not guilty from the first vote and one plant that was stuck on our jury by the Judge herself. Washington County justice is not justice it is a fixed and rigged system. Surprised there is not more on Linda Thomas and her corruption on this blog.