Couldn't agree more to Boycott Bartlesville. Once you really uncover what is happening, you will find the City Council is actually using tax dollars to promote restaurants called Love 66, code named F66 the code of sexual and gender orientation. https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F60-F69/F66-/F66 Jim Turd is giving Cynthia Blanchard $100k for the restaurants.

Cynthia Blanchard and her "husband" Anthem H. Blanchard recently cost the City of Bartlesville a million dollars prosecuting a whistleblower who turned them in for WIRE FRAUD, whats more is Cynthia Blanchard is connected with Bitclub Scammer Russell Medlin a convicted child predator, they both lived together in Las Vegas according to Federal Court records. Joby Weeks is the founder of "Liberland" a country that Cynthia Blanchard, Anthem Blanchard and a man named Joshua Gunter are all "diplomats" holding "diplomatic passports" and diplomatic immunity, what a crock. Mike Bailey and Jess Kane who recognize Liberland and its forward thinking on no age limits for sexual relations and its handing out of diplomatic passports to allow child predators to have diplomatic immunity is sickening. Cynthia Blanchard testified that she is related to Josh Gunter, but not by blood and not by marriage. Joby Weeks the founder of Liberland, is the board member to the Blanchard's ponzi scheme company, prosecuted by US Attorneys, though Joby Weeks is now a convicted Federal Felon, and Russ Medlin is awaiting extradition back to the US, because he is jailed in Indonesia for paid sex with minor children. Chad Koehn an investment advisor to the Blanchard's was suspended and barred from his profession and is an accused pedophile according to Federal Court Records! Now the Price Tower has been given to Cynthia Blanchard for $10 to allow Drag Shows on the lawn, and new Tranny Tuesday strip shows are being offered in the Price Tower. Dale Takio is reported to have beatup the BAA (Bartlesville Art Association) raising their rent from $1,100/month to $5,800/month, more than twice the general rate in Bartlesville. Cynthia Blanchard then offered to donate back half the rent (which was doubled) as a donation, as she is coached by a pro-Transgender attorney who specializes in non-profit funding. IRS Fraud? Dale Takio is Managing Director, Executive Vice Principal and minority owner at Copper Tree, Inc. Currently, he is the special cyber projects and business development advisor for HeraSoft. He also is the chief of business development at Taktik Enterprises, inc., located in Florida. https://www.examiner-enterprise.com/story/news/2023/03/25/price-tower-sold-the-for-the-debt-10-and-a-promise/70033098007/ But Dale Takio has a lengthy criminal history including Racketeering Charges in Florida, where another business partner in the Price Tower saga is located Michael Moran, another convicted pedophile: https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=82379

Jessica Pitts and Billy M. Lewis to BPD officers are being charged in the murder of a citizen, both are connected with cases where PPO are sought improperly and are approved by Judges who have other agendas. Bartlesville should be avoided at all costs, no tourist should go to Bartlesville, you should consider BOYCOTTING any Company who does business in Bartlesville. PriceTower partner to Cynthia Blanchard, the infamous Russ Medlin the child molester: https://cryptopotato.com/fbi-wanted-bitcoin-scammer-and-alleged-child-molester-russ-medlin-arrested-in-jakarta/

The guy who transferred the Price Tower to Cynthia Blanchard so drag shows could be held on private land is Brad Doenges the car sales man, what is interesting is his wife sits on a board at the YMCA with Judge Jared Sigler, Jess Kane, another Kane, but the newspapers in Bartlesville hid the CHILD ENDANGERMENT charges against Kimberly Doenges https://oklahoma.arrests.org/Arrests/Kimberly_Doenges_14217815/

What sort of group in charge of children has a woman convicted of Child Endangerment charges sitting on the board for a children's center, with at least two other people accused of child molestation? What a Cess pool of corruption, child molesters, pedophiles, corrupt courts, who would risk a visit to Bartlesville? I agree Boycott Bartlesville. No wonder Conoco Phillips is laying off 400 more people from Bartlesville, no one wants to be associated with the extreme corruption.

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Can you help me find the evidence about Blanchard?

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If you would please email the publication at connect@v1sut.com, we'll help you find whatever it is you're looking for. Thanks for reading.

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Sure thing Blanchard is selling off the artifacts and art located in the Price Tower. Looks like they are moving their satanic ritual child sex abuse to Texas. Blanchard took control of the tower claiming to Brad Doegness she will put $20 million into the tower. Later it was reported she had $10 million in financing already setup and not to worry about it. Now reports of child abuse and recently as of yesterday Cynthia Blanchard is selling off the Price Tower artifacts as if the transfer of the tower included all the art and furniture as well. Interesting cause there is a transcript of a court case where Cynthia Blanchard testified in court under oath making wild claims:


SWORN Testimony of Cynthia D. Blanchard on February 7th 2023 in open court. Q = question and A = answer; various attorneys are questioning Cynthia D. Blanchard regarding her involvement with HeraSoft and Dale Takio both who are involved in the Price Tower theft. Now Cynthia Blanchard claims she is CEO of Copper Tree Management and owner of Green Copper Holdings Company. The newspapers claim the companies were founded back in 2022, but this testimony is from 2023! More lies by Cynthia Blanchard?

Q. So when you're asked all of these questions of how does this company work, how does HeraSoft work, how does Anthem Vault work, Anthem Gold work, how does all these different companies work, when you're asked that question and your answer is, I don't know; you have to ask elsewhere --

A. Uh-huh.

Q. -- are you saying that to be facetious?

A.”No. I was never involved in the legal department, the accounting department … I was never involved with those departments.”

Whats this about Dale Takio who is also involved in the Price Tower and in the selling off of the artifacts which make the Price Tower what it is:

Q. (By Mr. Adams) Referencing the statement about the -- the dead whistle-blower. There's an individual that's on your HeraSoft board by the name of Dale Takio, and he's a special cyber projects and business development adviser. Do you know who I'm speaking of?

A. He is not on the board. I do know who you're speaking about.

Q. All right. So -- but he works for your company. He's a special cyber projects and business development adviser?

A. No, he does not work for our company anymore. And he never did. He was a consultant.

Q. Ma'am, do you list him on your -- has he -- is he now or has he ever been listed on your website as -- under team, meet our leadership team, on the HeraSoft website?

A. I can't answer that. You'd have to ask marketing.

Q. Ma'am, do you know much about the people that you have involved with your company?

A. He's not involved with our company. He's an adviser, but -- I'm sorry, you're asking the wrong person.

Q. And this is a company that HeraSoft, we're speaking to, that you are the co-founder/president of HeraSoft?

A. I am not the president.

Q. Have you ever been listed on your website --

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. When did you stop becoming the -- being the president?

A. Months ago.

Q. How many companies do you guys have?

A. We have active now, I believe, four. They're subsidiaries, just like Amazon. There's a lot of subsidiaries in corporations.

Q. In the last ten years, how many companies have you guys had?

A. About four there in -- five. Hold on. I don't want to -- six counting the LLC that the old courthouse is under.

Q. And so you're telling -- are you telling us that you know nothing about your husband that you live with and the company that you used to be involved with getting sued for over a hundred thousand dollars in Texas around-about the time that you persuaded Bartlesville to give you guys some economic incentive money?

A. This had to do with my husband. I am familiar with it, but I am not familiar with it enough to answer your questions. So I don't want to say anything that I don't have a knowledge base on.

Q. Okay. But you -- you will admit that you have knowledge of it?

A. I did have knowledge of it, but it wasn't to me, it wasn't about me, and it was something I think was settled. But you can ask my husband.

Q. Now, do you -- you would agree with me, ma'am -- or would you agree with me that if a community had decided to give a business tax-payer money -- which is what you received, right, economic incentive is tax-payer money, that -- that city or that community may want to know that the people that they just gave this money to have got these pending lawsuits out there? Don't you agree that that's at least relevant for them to know that information?

A. You would have to ask the City.

What shady dealings are the City Council now involved in, they gave C Blanchard $36,000 for a restaurant she opened for 60 days, they gave her another $86,000 for a steak house that never opened. Now under pressure she has reopened the bar but with no food. Dale Copeland and Jim Curd are the culprits handing out our tax money and encouraging the liquidation of the Cities most valued assets. Who is gettin this money? Will Drake is the District Attorney, he has a responsibility to prosecute these criminals this is public corruption!

Certainly the Ritual Sex Abuse of children has returned to Bartlesville and the Price Tower is now the beacon of this ritual sex abuse according to multiple reports. Blanchard the owner is selling off the communities art collection, how was this collection transferred to her along with the physical building? Who is investigating the child abuse? Who is investigating the selling of the artifacts that make up the museum? How is the art now part of the museum. Blanchard testified in a court trials that $100,000 is a small amount of money to a corporation such as hers, she testified that $19,000 is a small amount of money. Now Blanchard is selling the old county court house that was supposed to be the global headquarters for Herasoft the international cyber security company Blanchard was the president of, before she left to run the price tower! What happened to the 50 jobs she was brining to Bartlesville or the $1,000,000 approved by the City Council as economic incentives for the 50 jobs Blanchard promised the City as part of making Bville the next Silicon Valley. Now with about 1 year control of the price tower she is selling off the furniture of Wright, selling off Goff artifacts, selling off everything from inside the Price Tower. WHAT IS HAPPENING? How does this Blanchard woman get to tell lie after lie to the community? How does she get to lie in courts under sworn testimony and now lie about selling off our communities history? WILL DRAKE NEEDS TO PROSECUTE THIS CRIMINAL.

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Interesting. Do you also have a link to the testimony?

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I don't have all the links but have found some links, they just bring up more questions the more people I talk to. Why is the Washington County District Attorney's office protecting the Blanchard's? Shouldn't Will Drake be prosecuting the City Officials and Cynthia and Anthem Blanchard by now?


OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY 420 South Johnstone, Room 222

“is that this case started because Mr. Nelson contacted the City Manager of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, as soon as he found out that the Blanchards were here starting a business and said do you have any idea of who started a business here in Bartlesville, these are horrible, terrible people, the Blanchards, they're Ponzi scheme scam artists, they're terrible people, this is who they are. So that's what this case is about, is him following these people around sending messages to people, such as the manager -- or the City Manager of Bartlesville, and attempting to disparage the Blanchards to other people.”

The Nelson guy apparently sent an email to the City Manager, Mike Bailey, asking for information about the City Attorney and providing evidence about Cynthia and Anthem Blanchard. Bailey had links to a lawsuit filed by American Express Business card against Anthem Vault Inc. and Cynthia Blanchard is the person listed as the person to be served the lawsuit, but Mike Bailey admits he never bothered to investigate any of the claims against the Blanchards. How much tax payer funds could have been saved if Mike Bailey had simply clicked the links in the email as he was asked by attorneys under examination? Is Bartlesville out millions of dollars for the inept actions of Mike Bailey?


The result of sending an email to Bartlesville City Manager Michael Bailey, is why Zoe Gullett said to Judge Linda Thomas, that is the reason a case was brought against Nelson. According to Jay Mitchell and others connected to Bartlesville, Nelson was exonerated, he was found not guilty. That didn’t stop the harassment of Nelson, there is a Federal Court case in Kansas that Nelson was also simultaneously involved in, the transcript talks about the Federal Case in Kansas. That case seems to have abruptly settled right after Nelson was exonerated of what attorneys call a witch hunt against him for what Mike Bailey the City Manager of Bartlesville testified claiming that Nelson made an assault on the Blanchard’s character the way they operate businesses.


All this happened in 2021. The Price Tower was transferred to Blanchard just days after Nelson was acquitted. Several people have reached out to Nelson, some spoke to his attorney Kevin Adams of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Now all the phone lines to Nelson are dead. One person received a phone call from a FBI agent that they said sounded just like Cynthia Blanchard, claiming she was Ingrid Sotello a FBI agent. The Blanchard’s claim erroneously Nelson was convicted and died in prison. Zoe Gullett was the last attorney listed on the case where Nelson was exonerated, Zoe Gullet sought to have the entire case sealed by a court order, was she was burying the sins of the District Attorneys office or the sins of Mike Bailey, or Jess Kane or David King? Nelson is supposedly a Federal whistleblower, evidence has emerged the Bartlesville Police Department secured a search warrant for Nelson’s cell phones, searching for evidence of defamation. Information produced at trial demonstrate the BPD obtained Nelson’s whistleblower filings and shared them with the Blanchard’s. Obviously whistleblowers are not a thing in Bartlesville, Mike Bailey testified he as CEO of the City is not the right person to make a determination about whistleblowers. The police detective Bill Lewis testified saying he doesn’t have jurisdiction over international money laundering or Ponzi schemes. Detective Lewis was caught off guard by evidence in his own search warrant proving Nelson reported financial market manipulations of the Hercules and Anthem Gold Crypto tokens back in 2018, evidence the pump and dump was run from Bartlesville Oklahoma. Reports have surfaced that Nelson has died of a drug overdose exactly the same way the whistleblower in the Dale Takio racketeering case died of a drug overdose, two days after Takio’s arrest coincidence? Doubtful.

Wonder what that email to City Manager Mike Bailey said about the Blanchard’s, an email that jurors say was seeking contact with the City Attorney, Jess Kane concerning Cynthia and Anthem Blanchard. Jess Kane and David King are law partners, their law firm represents the City of Bartlesville, the BDA (Development Authority) AND represents Cynthia and Anthem Blanchard. Why did Mike Bailey feel it necessary to criminally charge a guy for sending an email that was critical of the Blanchard’s business practices? Can we get copies of that email? Now the case is sealed by District Attorney Zoe Gullett and Nelson is apparently deceased, what information was Jess Kane, David King and Mike Bailey seeking to hide from the public?

See pages 61 - 65 of the preliminary hearing transcript:


Q. If those allegations were true, would you characterize that email that was sent to the City as in the nature of a whistle blower complaint?

A. I'm not sure I would be in the best position to make that determination. That email contained allegations that, if true, would be very alarming.

A. They would be relevant to the economic development which, again, was not -- I was not involved in ‘that at all.

Q. Did you request anyone to investigate any of the allegations contained in that email?

A. No, sir.

Q. If those allegations were true, that would certainly have a negative impact on the City of Bartlesville, and would you agree, in your role as City Manager?

A. It could; but, again, in my role of City Manager my only connection to this was primarily through economic development which we contract with the Bartlesville Development Authority. So they perhaps did due diligence. They typically do, and I would rely on their expertise for that.

Q. Now, the email directed to you on August 25th, 2021, saying something about lawyers in Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, and Boston concerning Hera Soft, did that email annoy you personally in any way?

A. I receive a lot of emails like that, so it didn't even really make my radar.

Q. Did you feel abused by that email?

A. No, sir.

Q. Did you feel in any way emotionally, mentally, or physically threatened by that email?

A. NO Sir.

Q. Did you think that it was designed to harass you in any way?

A. NO, Sir.

Other Testimony by Michael Lee Bailey, City Manager stated:

A. Yes, sir, I have seen this.

Q. You have read and examined that full email?

A. Yes. I didn't spend a lot of time on it, but I am familiar with it and have read it.

Q. Okay. Would you agree that it makes certain claims and allegations against a business that was opening in Bartlesville?

A. Yes. Sir.

Q. Did you investigate any of those claims --

A. No, sir.

Q. -- or allegations?

A. I was not involved in the decision about the economic development.

Q. If those allegations were true, would you characterize that email that was sent to the City as in the nature of a whistle blower complaint?

A. I'm not sure I would be in the best position to make that determination.

Q. That email contained allegations that, if true, would be very alarming.

A. They would be relevant to the economic development which, again, was not -- I was not involved in ‘that at all.

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It is important for all citizens to know the activist judges in Washington County and the district attorneys office have no interest in discovery of the truth. Having sat upon a jury I can tell you every single objection by the district attorney was sustained and every objection by the defense was overruled. It was like the fix was in and the defendant was already guilty they were just going through the motions and expected us on the jury to act like sheep and do as we were told. I am ashamed to live in Washington County and ashamed of our judicial system which has lost all respect in the eyes of the citizens. There is supposed to be fairness and equality in the justice system above all else. What a shame an organization like Oklahoma Citizens for Equality does everything they can to have as little equality as possible in the justice system. It is shameful the justice system is not about justice at all and is filled with corruption and bribery. I had nightmares after sitting on a jury, I had nightmares that we had a plant on our jury. We had 11 for not guilty from the first vote and one plant that was stuck on our jury by the Judge herself. Washington County justice is not justice it is a fixed and rigged system. Surprised there is not more on Linda Thomas and her corruption on this blog.

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Can we talk or email? Please email to connect@v1sut.com and we'll respond promptly. Many thanks.

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Having sat on a jury in Washington County District Court, did you feel as though you were expected to return a guilty verdict against the defendant?

Did you feel as though the jury instructions given or read to you by the judge implied that the defendant was guilty of the crime or a lesser crime suggested by the prosecutor at the last minute?

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Bartlesville is to Oklahoma as Austin is to Texas. Always has been, and apparently always will be. I would know, I grew up there (1962-1979). It's a crappy little burg with major pretensions of being something 10X as attractive as it is. People there are noticeably less friendly than in most other Oklahoma towns. If you ever get a chance to visit there ... drive around it. It's what I do these days. It is not worth visually triggering a lot of bad memories.

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The pattern of LGBTQ shady practices continues across the US. They constantly pronounce how their beliefs are normal, lawful, and are entitled to protection by the state/federal government. If any of that were true, the need to hide facts and break the law wouldn't arise. These people want to normalize pedophilia. They want to groom young children for transgender surgery. They are evil and should have no place in our society.

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So well said.

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Washington County will be bankrupt soon. The elitist will turn on one another as the indictments roll out and it's all going to spill out in the streets for even the most ignorant believer of Washington County Judiciary to digest.

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Right? It worked. Crime erased and he got a child. Confirmed.

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The only solution for the Battle for Bartlesville is to change the racial and ethnic makeup of the City and County. The only solution to do this is to find common ground across everyone. Bartlesville is the perfect sanctuary city for the mass migration of immigrants flooding over the Texas border. Most of the immigrants coming in are Roman Catholics with strict Catholic ideology, they can help save the churches going out of business all over Bartlesville. Their strong family values can be a positive influence to the City. Oklahomans for Equality supports and encourages immigration and supports migrants and refugees, they have even set up a welcome center for immigrants and refugees. We propose a campaign to bring 20 to 25 thousand immigrants to Bartlesville and Washington County as a whole over the next 3 years. By delivering just two buses per week beginning in February of 2024, with the support of Oklahomans for Equality, we can bring bus loads of 80-90 immigrants per bus, at a rate of two bus trips per week, it will take just 350 bus trips to transport 25,000+ immigrants, refugees and migrants from the Texas border. By starting in Dallas the trip is just 3.5 hours, we estimate a cost of $25 per immigrant per trip. This will unite the Community around a common purpose to provide, food, shelter, education, to these new immigrants and help them obtain documentation if needed. This will provide work for attorneys and work for the non-profits. Oklahomans for Equality supports this mission, and so will those who want to promote family values. Immigrants are also very tolerant of the life style choices of others, so both sides can come together in the name of Christ and help provide a welcoming home to these 25,000 to 30,000 new residents. There is plenty of work and plenty of vacant homes, and commercial buildings that can be transformed into housing and schools. Spanish is an excellent second language for many children to learn in the Bartlesville School district. This plan helps bring the Warriors for Christ together with the Oklahoman's for Equality both groups can work hand in hand to provide for these new struggling Americans. We have already solicited some organizations and benefactors who would like to facilitate 50 or so initial bus trips, which will also alleviate our neighbors to the South, namely Texas, by taking their refugees and immigrants. It is a win win for everyone! Bartlesville and Washington County will have a completely new racial and ethnic make up within less than 3 years under this plan. We will discover what unites us instead of what divides us, humanity unites us as one under Christ helping these new immigrants, refugees and migrants find their way and make their permanent home Bartlesville Oklahoma. Our YMCA board can work like the Tulsa YWCA does: https://www.ywcatulsa.org/immigrant-and-refugee-services/refugee-and-asylee-services/

Our chapter of Oklahoman's for Equality can work like Tulsa does for refugees, migrants and immigrants: https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/immigrants-in-oklahoma

SSP and TANF are available for these immigrants, migrants and refugees: https://oklahoma.gov/okdhs/library/policy/current/oac-340/chapter-60/program-eligibility-and-procedures.html

Let us make this a reality! We are scheduling our first bus loads now! For just $25 you can sponsor the trip of an immigrant to Bartlesville and help diversify the county and city.

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That hasn't worked anywhere. Old way of thinking. Fail fail fail. You can't see the forest for the trees.

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Mark is a plant. Posted his propaganda then went back and liked many previous articles. No one with that mindset about illegal immigration likes reading truth. Children are being harmed and trafficked by those policies... but maybe that's the point.

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WARNING: Are you considering a trip to Bartlesville Oklahoma?


Your chances of being the victim of Crime is 1 in 33!


With a crime rate of 31 per one thousand residents, Bartlesville has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 33. Within Oklahoma, more than 85% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Bartlesville.

Importantly, when you compare Bartlesville to other communities of similar population, then Bartlesville crime rate (violent and property crimes combined) is quite a bit higher than average. Regardless of how Bartlesville does relative to all communities in America of all sizes, when NeighborhoodScout compared it to communities of similar population size, its crime rate per thousand residents stands out as higher than most.

IMMIGRATION is the KEY to DIVERSITY! More Immigrants, Refugees and Migrants the better the Diversity of the City of Bartlesville and perhaps the lower the crime rate! Now let us turn to take a look at how Bartlesville does for violent crimes specifically, and then how it does for property crimes. This is important because the overall crime rate can be further illuminated by understanding if violent crime or property crimes (or both) are the major contributors to the general rate of crime in Bartlesville.

From our analysis, we discovered that violent crime in Bartlesville occurs at a rate higher than in most communities of all population sizes in America. The chance that a person will become a victim of a violent crime in Bartlesville; such as armed robbery, aggravated assault, rape or murder; is 1 in 312. This equates to a rate of 3 per one thousand inhabitants. Significantly, based on the number of murders reported by the FBI and the number of residents living in the city, NeighborhoodScout's analysis shows that Bartlesville experiences one of the higher murder rates in the nation when compared with cities and towns for all sizes of population, from the largest to the smallest.

In addition, NeighborhoodScout found that a lot of the crime that takes place in Bartlesville is property crime. Property crimes that are tracked for this analysis are burglary, larceny over fifty dollars, motor vehicle theft, and arson. In Bartlesville, your chance of becoming a victim of a property crime is one in 36, which is a rate of 28 per one thousand population.

We believe after a few bus loads of migrants and immigrants to bartlesville then perhaps the City father's who voted in the Drag Shows and Tranny Tuesdays will see that it was better before they started messing with the status quo?

Or maybe the POINT is you want the Tranny Tuesday events and Drag Show indoctrination story times?

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The Point.

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The truth is far worse. The Price Tower our Cities Icon is being exploited to a place to groom young boys and black mail them into wearing girls panties and take anal intercourse. The new owners of the Price Tower are child predators and are protected by the County Judge's and even the police officers. How do we expect justice if the people who are abusing our children are protected by both the police and the courts? Russ Vaclaw, we have known your family for more than 40 years! You should be ashamed! Linda Thomas your supposed to be one of our best attorneys and you should be sticking up for children not protecting the predators! How can our judges continue our current judges are 1,000 times worse than DeLapp that at least was quirky but DeLapp NEVER protected the child predators in our community! Thomas, Vaclaw, Sigler you all are a disgrace. When will the FBI or someone with the power due what is necessary to stop the explointation of more children?

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The Crime is Anthem and Cynthia Blanchard and the LIES they are telling our community. Anthem Blanchard has sexually molested multiple children. Cynthia Blanchard has video taped the sexual exploits putting young boys in girls panties and suggesting anal penetration is normal. They now use the Price Tower as a sexual playground to attract like minded adults who feel homosexuality is a form of art to be embraced. They control the Police Department and even the county judges. Linda Thomas is seen with Cynthia Blanchard and Anthem Blanchard and Russ Vaclaw are buddies. Dale Copeland our Mayor who supported the Drag shows is buddies with Blanchard and supported transgendered boy scouts. When will the madness stop?

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Hmmmmm 😂 who said? I want facts and proof. Document’s and legal instruments. Affidavits and records before I believe anything. This is a national monument.

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Really? Well Anthem Hayek Blanchard is the adopted sex slave son of the infamous James Ulysses Blanchard III. He is named after the Ayan Rand novella Anthem, supposedly according to him and wikipedia! Now the Price Tower is a beacon of homosexual anal penetrating satanic rituals! How do I know? Well like many before me I have gone to the corrupt and dishonest BPD to report assault. What is the result? The result is the detectives threaten me, tell me the Blanchard's are Billionaires they are bringing the tech industry to Bartlesville. They have so much money that they make Jeffery Epstein look poor! So who the F**** cares what you say happened to you. You gotta have proof like a video, I HAVE! If you have a video then, we will arrest you and you will be executed sentenced to death for possession of a video of anal penetration on a child with a foreign object. Is it a catch22? Certainly, to have the proof necessary by the OSBI or BPD you must have a video and if you have then you are guilty of child porn and will be sentenced to death. Anthem Hayek Blanchard and his wife Cynthia Diane French from Bartlesville area the "daughter" of Carolyn and Lloyd French of Dewey and bartlesville is the evil behind Anthem Hayek Blanchard and protected by the BPD. Actually Cynthia Diane French now Blanchard thanks to James U. Blanchard III, adopted child Anthem Hayek Blanchard she is now Cynthia Diane Blanchard, given the Price Tower the beacon of evil in Bartlesville. https://supforums.com/thread/145686599/politics/ritual-abuse-in-bartlesville-oklahoma.html

"According to a probable cause arrest affidavit filed in Washington County District Court, Hudnall and his minor child approached a Bartlesville police officer May 27 to report that in 2015, the child had been kidnapped, hit in the head and dragged to Bartlesville High School where he was subsequently raped by a cult of 18 individuals — including personnel from the Bartlesville Police Department, Washington County District Attorney’s office and St. John’s Catholic School.

During the May interview with Hudnall and his child, the officer observed Hudnall interrupting the child and “adding more information to the story.” The affidavit states Hudnall told the police officer the incident had been reported in 2015, but “no one would do anything because everyone was involved and that it is a cult.”

Who is in the cult? Kevin Buchanan or maybe it is Kevin Potter, definitely a Kevin! Potter claims all he does is with Christ in the middle. Kevin Potter's wife Dorea is a member of a secret cult of believed christians that have alternative beliefs on sexuality. We have researched the Wycroft ministries group of lesbians.

Kevin Potter is the embodiment of evil. He uses FCC licenses to push his evil through the airwaves! Just look at how often he has Cynthia Dian Blanchard used to be Cynthia French on his FCC licensed airwaves. Kevin Potter and his son have aviation background, interesting considering Anthem Hayek Blanchard has a history of using airlines for drug importation and exportation. The Potter's are directly related to the drug smuggling of Anthem Hayek Blanchard. The drug smuggling extends to human smuggling as is obvious with the great number of secret midnight buses of immigrants to Bartlesville to be used in the Satanic worship of raping single digit prepubescent children! Where does this take place? Oh in the Price Tower! Any adult that is seen going to the Price Tower in Bartlesville Oklahoma USA should be avoided and should be associated in your mind as a degenerate pedophile!

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