I missed from 10:15 on, I had to be a caregiver. I posted vaguely about my friend’s issue during the show. She has 2 special needs daughters, in Broken Arrow school. Last Spring she caught one of her daughters parading around her room almost naked asking male person on computer what shirt she should wear. Of course by the time she got to computer after asking what are you doing! The guy disappeared off computer. She reported it to the teacher and told the teacher she did not want her to bring that home ever again. Well that took sometime to stop as the teachers forgot. Last year at the State Fair she had some guy following her and her daughters around till she became so uncomfortable she left. She is dealing with major other issues still on going, so she told her attorney about it, he told her she did NOT need to report it to law enforcement it probably someone over seas on the computer. This year on return to school she has learned that the computer was sent to Broken Arrow but she can not talk to anyone about the computer. She has pulled her children from school and now maybe facing truancy in near future because no one at school is protecting her daughters, one is non verbal she really fears for her, and the other appears to be being groomed via a Science is Cool app. When my friend contacts the FBI they hear her name and the call is disconnected. Attorneys are no help they tell her she needs counseling. My friend is a Navy Veteran and she is also a Respiratory Therapist who is resigning her job to stay and protect her children. There are other issues around this and no one in Wagoner, Broken Arrow, Tulsa , Cherokee, or Lighthorse will help her, yesterday she tried to talk to Marshall’s they transferred her to FBI who again hung up on her. Please can someone point us to some help.

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Thanks for watching and reading. Your friend's experience is concerning. Does she even know if the dangerous man who contacted her daughter's school-issued computer was coming through a school-related platform or through some outside social media platform her daughter had accessed using the device? Did the man have any connection to the school? Did her daughter say she knew the man? It seems clear this was a predatory contact making it critical to understand just how and through what medium he made contact with the girl. Parenting special needs children is so difficult in this age of communication by devices.

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First understand the child has zero ability to load any apps on anything they are put on by the school and the school says there are restrictions on all students. This app is Science is Cool. Mom has several reports with different up address linked to that app. She does not know who it is but several got up set when she started disconnecting her WiFi at home and many people are upset she is taking them out of school. She is on her way to attempt to talk to BA in person as not calls happen. She has her tape recorder in tow also.

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That makes sense. There are so many tech subcontractors providing educational content to districts nationwide. With so much of it happening through devices, there is much room for predators to prowl. I would suggest checking district school board meeting minutes for that year. All contracted services must be approved by the local board of ed annually. Anything that happens under public funds is subject to an Open Records Request so if it's not in meeting minutes, ask for it. The district, by law, must provide all information about that vendor and contract, if requested. Also, email the family's elected, local school board member to set up a call or meeting. They are there to serve and represent parents. They hire and fire superintendents, not serve them. Sometimes they need a reminder of their role.

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Quite honestly you would think that would work, yet with the other major issues swirling around her whole case, this is just a small part of the *uckery taking place, factions tied to current issues (https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/broken-arrow-woman-claims-law-enforcement-repeatedly-ignores-protective-orders) seem to be linked to those in the classroom and the school, as she is still waiting on the very busy Principal to call her back after several weeks. As stated in first post mother had a hard time getting the “teacher” to keep the computer at school. She has contacted Kevin McDugle about her other injustices with law enforcement judges and the such, but he just offered her a job. The other injustice issues is what halts any and all help she should have, and if I had not seen it for myself I would not believe the total corruption in Wagoner county and Broken Arrow. And McGirt makes it worse. Will tell her to try again, finding the channel of help is too hard to find, hopefully one day we will find hers.

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