Thank you for this important report.

Pathetically, all I can add is that I hope that those perverts who are imprisoned find themselves the recipient of someone else's bucket list wishes.

Of course, the fact that this scandal is not taken serioiusly by those we imagined would do so, is an eye-opening but mind-numbing reality.

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The reverse bucket list. Something to hope for. Thanks for reading.

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I've been away for a while, so have not seen your recent work. This is very excellent reporting - astounding, situation, but not surprising. The amount of corruption, malfeasance and abuse in all these government, non-profit "social" programs is gargantuan.

These are ignored and worse, nurtured dens of low life criminals abusers.

Yes there are some who are there to help or to gain experience in the social work field, but as you've pointed out - more times than not, there's a thick layer of scum floating just beneath the glassy surface.

I know good people in this arena (social work/non-profit) and just the fiscal negligence and lack of real oversight they see, proves my point. You have state/district judges, DA's and legislators sitting on boards, who don't care to ask the problematic questions. They know that if they open a can of worms, it becomes their can of worms and is a potential career killer - because they know the people who are commuting these crimes. It's no excuse, when these kids are being ruined and will live lives of pain, despair and anguish.

I'm cross posting this.

Keep up the good work and watch your back. These people fear losing their easy money, just as much as they do being exposed, as a child rapist.

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You described it perfectly. Those good people within the system are equally frustrated with the lack of transparency and are welcome to anonymously whistle-blow to this publication anytime. No doubt many are doing great things for children. This is about what happens when something goes wrong.

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It speaks volumes when you have the FBI hunting down parents who attend school board meetings to put an end to the systemic sexual and moral perversions in our schools, but there is little to no diligent and vigorous CONTINUAL oversight and prosecution, of the groups, companies and people who have unfettered access to the children.

These rapists and groomers need to be rooted out, tried, convicted and then hung in the public square.

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