If you want to get away with molesting children, stealing from the tax payers, filing false charges, use your own private police force as a weapon to silence critics then all you need to do is contact and become friends with the people part of the Bartlesville Hall of Shame. The Bartlesville Community Foundation is a who’s who of ultra elitists who have a laundry list of child endangerment and molestation charges. They are protected by the Bartlesville Police Department and District Attorneys Office. If you want to molest children, groom them into the perfect victims who will never speak up, all you have to do is join the Legacy Families of Bartlesville. https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/ This hall of fame is more like a hall of shame, have a look at the names and then match the names to the players in the drag and transexual debate in Bartlesville. Kane as in Jess Kane is a special hall of shame https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/kane-family/ , Doenges as in Brad and child endangerment convict Kimberly Doenges are shamers, https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/19-2/ Scotty Ambler partners with Donna Keffer who rent space in Price Tower that says in November the Arts Center has turned the financial corner then 3 months later gives away a building for no property transfer taxes, and the six million dollar assessment escapes all city taxes. The Adams family is where KEVIN ADAMS https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/adams-family/ the New York City attorney came back to represent Nelson who appears to be a Yankee who has no connection to Bartlesville, but was charged with emailing Mike Bailey years before the drag show controversy. The Price family is listed as a shamer whose name the Price Tower is named for https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/price-family/ . Haskell family https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/haskell-family-2017/ and Ambler https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/kane-family/ as in Scotty Ambler became shamers the same year, Haskell sold properties to the Blanchard’s and are always defending them, Scott Ambler rents space in Price Tower and is listed as part of Copper Tree alongside noncompliant child molester Mike Moran and Dale Takio who escaped criminal charges after a whistleblower wound up dead. The Curd family as in Jim Curd the turd https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/curd-family-2018/ who voted in the deal to allow drag shows and tranny strip shows to groom children is listed. The Potter family that owns Bartlesville Radio station that removes articles and hides the misdeeds of their children from the public using the radio station and news media as a weapon on behalf of the elites, the Potters are shamers https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/potter-family-2019/ Judge Russell Vaclaw who is at the heart of nearly every dispute and after he makes many rulings in the cases he then recuses himself to make it appear like he is acting judicially reasonably in the cases, but the damage is already done when he only recuses himself after he makes rulings big surprise Valcaw is also a shameful family https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/vaclaw-family-2021/ big shock here the Gorman on the YMCA with Kane, Doenges (convicted child endangerment), Potter accused of sexual assault, has Gorman accused of lewd activities with children https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/gorman-family/ David King who is law partners with Jess Kane is also listed a shamer https://bartlesvillecf.org/legacy-hall-of-fame/king-family-2022/ All roads lead back to the law firm that represents everyone, one single law firm represents, the City of Bartlesville, the Price Tower, the Doenges family, all the legacy families, it controls the Bartlesville Development Authority, and essentially controls ever tax dollar collected by the town. It they decides who gets what money from the people living in Bartlesville and it decides what is right or wrong, it controls the Police Department and the Courts. They look past the child neglect, endangerment, molestation, grooming as long as the victims are just the poor and the nobodies in town, as long as your connected to the elites you can do whatever you want in Bartlesville. Why isn’t the FBI involved in tearing down the corruption in Bartlesville?


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“The Bartlesville City Council voted 3-2 Monday to approve a year-long agreement to permit drag shows as long as they are indoors or on private property.”


Brad Doenges Kimberly Doenges convicted of child endangerment, transferred the Price Tower to CYNTHIA BLANCHARD for $10! This means the Price Tower and its land are now “private property” meaning Drag Shows and Pride events can happen in public in the downtown but on private land. Brad Doenges wife Kimberly Doenges was arrested and convicted of multiple counts of Child Endangerment!


Soon Heath Potter, the dentist accused of molesting children in his “special chair” will join the YMCA board, as they use the YMCA to clear the names of those who endanger children.


BLANCHARD now owner of the price tower, just two years ago claimed to have secretly moved 10 employees to Bartlesville, and would have 10-50 more within two years, claiming offices around the world, “Brazil, Europe, Grand Cayman, Kansas City, New York, Houston, Orlando, Oklahoma City"

Why does it matter? Private Land the Price Tower can now host Pride Events and Drag Shows and have Transexual grooming practices on private land, through the deal brokered by Jess Kane, who happens to sit on a board with Kimberly Doenges (convicted of child endangerment) at the YMCA; https://cdn.arrests.org/Oklahoma/Tulsa/mugshots/20131019026.jpg BLANCHARD is the lynchpin to the molestation of children in Bartlesville. According to Federal lawsuits and even secret court filings in Washington County, she is connected to Russell Albert Medlin, a convicted pedophile, who live with Blanchard in Las Vegas, Medlin in prison in Indonesia for paid sex with minor children, he flew from UAE (Arab Country) where Blanchard claims to have contracts, to Indonesia before a INTERPOL red notice was issued Medlin involvement in Bitclub Bitcoin Ponzi scheme prosecuted by US Attorneys. https://coconuts.co/jakarta/news/russ-medlin-bitcoin-scammer-and-pedophile-wanted-by-the-fbi-arrested-in-jakarta/

Not the only Blanchard connection to pedophiles, Blanchard had Joby Weeks listed on her public investment scheme paperwork. Weeks is founding father of Liberland, a fake country where there are no age of consent laws, allowing sex with children. https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/bitclub Blanchard, her husband Anthem Blanchard and another associate Josh Gunter all are Liberland Diplomatic Passport holders, claiming diplomatic immunity. https://behindmlm.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/russ-medlin-interpol-red-notice.jpg


Support the warriors of Christ who seek to expose the truth. Stop the public and political corruption! Once they see you figured out who they are, that they can’t manipulate you anymore, once they see your not going to play their games anymore, then it gets a little dicey, maybe even a little dangerous, that’s when they will try to bait you into reactive abuse. That’s when they will ramp up their projection and accuse you of the very horrible terrible acts they themselves are committing. That’s when they will try to dim your light, that is when they will use their evil dark wicked ways to drag you into their darkness. They will do whatever they can to keep you on the hook and keep you bonded to them in trauma.

The building escapes all transfer taxes and no property taxes are paid, but wait there is still more, the PTAC that supposedly owned the building that was donated to a nonprofit from ConocoPhillips gives the building to Blanchard, the Bartlesville Art Association (BAA) that is over 70 years old, has its rent jacked from $1,100 per month to $5,800 per month,


who does the rent hike Dale Takio, a man who was charged with a multi-million dollar racketeering plot in Florida, charges against him were dropped after a whistleblower wound up dead. Michael Moran, currently a non-compliant sex offender from Florida, https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=82379 GUILTY of aggravated sexual assault on a child.

Wait Donna Coffer said the price tower was flush with cash and had turned the financial corner back just three months prior, but all of a sudden the tower is transferred for $10 to Blanchard, just weeks before Jess Kane shows his hand in the deal struck that drag shows and tranny strip shows can go on private land. Coincidence?

We tried to get copies of the transcript in this bizarre case with CYNTHIA BLANCHARD (who used to be Cynthia French from Dewey High) sworn testimony of Blanchard and Jessica Pitts partner Bill Lewis who was involved in murdering a citizen along side Jessica Pitts, is now being hidden from the public. Jill Spitzer Court Clerk, said we had to come back Friday to request the transcripts. What would you know as soon as we come to request the transcripts in Washington County Case CF-2021-00304 the judge has been changed to Judge Franks (formerly Williams) Nelson’s New York City attorney ADAMS has been removed, the case is set for expungement, and we are told the transcripts are protected will not be released because the case is set for expungement. The attorney listed seeking the expungement is Zoe Guellet one of Will Drake’s assistant district attorneys. As soon as the Court knows the transcripts are wanted by the news media, they find a way to hide the truth. Obviously the transcripts we sought will reveal more fraud and nefarious dealings, the case which says the Nelson man was acquitted, meaning the case is over has a new judge and removed attorneys and is set for expungement. What are they trying to hide with this case? Reports in the Bartlesville Radio, which have since been removed from their website said Nelson emailed the City Manager, Mike Bailey that were critical of the Blanchards and talked about the Ponzi scheme involving the child molesters and pedophiles. Nelson was even charged with crimes for emailing the City Manager Mike L. Bailey, those charges were later dismissed. Now the transcripts are being expunged and the case is set to forever disappear and Jill Spitzer will not provide public documents regarding the case. Nelson’s attorney is missing from the case file, this Nelson guy has disconnected phone numbers. Blanchard’s are lying to everyone saying Nelson was convicted and died in prison, the facts show Nelson was acquitted by a jury in Washington County Court. What is that Court doing? Even when they lose a jury trial they play games to prevent the truth from being seen by the public. What else are they hiding? Seems Bartlesville Radio knows, because they removed all their articles from the internet concerning the case, the Enterprise Examiner never once reported on the Blanchard case against Nelson. The case shows Nelson was represented by Mark Kane, for a couple of days and then replaced by a Tulsa Attorney and then replaced by a New York City attorney KEVIN ADAMS that has offices in Tulsa as well. https://www.oscn.net/dockets/GetCaseInformation.aspx?db=washington&number=CF-2021-00304&cmid=278581 What is being hidden in the Washington County Court? Another case involving Nelson and Blanchard was presided over by Judge Russ Vaclaw who is also a special family in Bartlesville, that case was later dismissed, after the law firm of Jess Kane entered an appearance for the Blanchard’s. This shows Jess Kane represents the City of bartlesville and represents CYNTHIA BLANCHARD who had BRAD DOENGES wife of Kimberly (convicted for child endangerment) transfer the Price tower to BLANCHARD for $10 just weeks before making a deal to have drag shows on private property.

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Anyone can contact me about Cynthia Blanchard, I witnessed her testify. She lied constantly and consistently, she was caught in lie after lie after lie. I am ashamed the District Attorney stood in front of us and asked us to convict an innocent man. I am ashamed of the corruption I witnessed first hand in Washington County Court. It is evident there is one type of justice for those in power and another justice for those who are not part of the club. Linda Thomas was the worst judge I have ever seen. She was so biased, her rulings showed everyone on our jury she had made up her mind before the jury was even selected. How did we wind up with such a corrupt biased unfair judge? No wonder she is abusing domestic violence protection orders to attack preachers. Linda Thomas is the definition of darkness and evil. Show the light upon the corruption send running the evil doers. I witnessed the case involving Cynthia Blanchard, some things she said included, $100k was "tiny money" to a company, and that $19,000 was insignificant money to a company.

Blanchard all but admitted to running a Ponzi fraud, and admitted to wire fraud, claiming Nelson the defendant, has no proof of the wire fraud and Ponzi scheme and if Nelson has the proof then he hacked their accounts in order to get the proof. Cynthia Blanchard directly admitted to committing wire fraud and running a Ponzi fraud stealing peoples retirement accounts. Then the district attorney claimed not to know what a Ponzi scheme was at all. It is Disgusting to now realize it was all a ploy to shut up a whistleblower so Blanchard could get the Price Tower in order to have it privatized to run Drag Shows and Transexual strip shows. Dale Techio was spoken about in the trial. Cynthia Blanchard claimed not to know him, then claimed he was not a board member or an employee, for Her Soft, a company Blanchard claimed she was no longer the president of, then she was handed an iPad with a live website, where she herself was listed as President and Dale Techio was listed as the special cyber projects advisor. Now we find out Dale Techio is also part of the Price Tower with a convicted child molester Moran? What else will we find out as time goes on? What of the 50 new jobs Her Software was bringing to Bartlesville?

Why is Jim Curd giving the Blanchard's $100,000 for "reimagined" restaurants if $100k is no big deal and is tiny money to a corporation, that's what Cynthia Blanchard said. Why did Blanchard let Dale Techio raise the rent 5 times on the Bartlesville Art Association, driving them from the Price Tower? If $100,000 and $19,000 are considered tiny figures to Cynthia Blanchard, then why raise the rent 5 x on BAA? Whats the point? Blanchard is in the newspaper saying she was willing to donate back half the rent to the BAA, is this to take some sort of nonprofit tax write-off IRS style fraud?

Cynthia Blanchard is every bit a scam artist, as was evident in the trial. Interesting that the trial transcript cannot be obtained, Nelson's attorney is now missing from the online report and Zoe Guellette the District Attorney who made a fool of herself in front of us is seeking to expunge the Nelson file so that the truth will be forever hidden from the public. The city manager Mike Bailey is so foolish he never looked into the accusations about Cynthia Blanchard, instead Bailey used his power to force the police to arrest a guy that was just trying to help everyone. Imagine if Bailey and the Bartlesville Development Corporation actually cared about Bartlesville and not their own pockets? What if the rest of the in crowd at city hall listened to this Nelson guy more than two years ago? Instead we as a community tried to convict him of a crime, what a horrible waste of our tax money. Cynthia Blanchard and Mike Bailey belong in our jail not some foreign yankee that tried to warn us before we lost our money and time. Linda Thomas was either paid off or is just too corrupt or stupid for the judge seat. If she were to be appointed to any other position in Oklahoma or run for any other position I will spearhead a campaign to stop her evil, dark corruption. We need to stand together against the darkness taking root in Bartlesville. We need to demand these criminals be held accountable, Cynthia Blanchard received the Price Tower for $10? Paid no transfer taxes, pays no property taxes, gets given $100,000 in economic incentives by Jim Curd, at the same time Jess Kane makes a deal drag shows can happen on private land. Certainly all the drag shows will now take place in front of the Price Tower. The new joke in town will become nothing is Wright with Bartlesville, everything is Wrong especially the Price. We all pay the Price when corruption, greed and evil darkness come to town. Who will protect us from crime when the criminals are the police, district attorney and judges? OSBI will they step in and protect us? Who is to protect our children? Certainly not the BPD, the DA's office or the Judges. Bartlesville is quickly going down hill.

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Would appreciate the opportunity to connect. Email: connect@v1sut.com

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Go after the person that writes these articles because that person's are the main culprits that are the ones molesting kids! This site is complete bullshit just like the people that own this site. With out proof and documentation on shit then you have no rite to speak your fucking mind!

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